About Blok

Souza Filho Waterproofing

High performance.
Maximum confidence.

Solidity is the key word in any construction.
In civil construction or building a relationship, solidity is a guarantee of trust.

And with almost three decades of history, Souza Filho knows that the value of trust is as important for those who build a building as for those seeking a partnership.

That's how we consolidated our name as a synonym for high-quality waterproofing agents.

We thoroughly study each need of our clients and go to great lengths to present tailor-made solutions. Therefore, in addition to offering
the best products on the market, we are also a reference in technical support.

Now, as a natural evolution of this lasting and successful partnership, we present our new line of waterproofing agents BLOK.


Blok product line.

For any challenge.

BLOK It brings the security that your work deserves, preventing the passage of water and avoiding Trincas on the most different surfaces.

BLOK it is the technology at the service of your construction.
It is the guarantee that the final result will reflect the whole
technical knowledge of everyone involved in your project.

More than preserving the excellence of its construction,
we are always by your side. Ready to answer
to any question. Ready to face any challenge.

With BLOK, you buy waterproofers and gain a trusted partner.

It's easy to know when a building uses Blok products: Not a drop goes away.