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Concrete Release agent Solutions for Wood, Metal, Plastic, Concrete on Concrete and Precast Tracks

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The perfect formula of our products is the perfect formula for your work.

And when it comes to concrete release agents, the BlokFôrma product line is the most recommended by engineers and construction professionals.

Our products are made for every type of challenge: whether wood, plastic, metal or precast formwork, Blok offers easy release agent because it forms a layer between the concrete and the formwork, preventing adhesion between them, facilitating the unmolding and allowing the reuse of the formwork.

In addition, it significantly increases the finish of the unmolded parts. Those who try it don't change.

BlokForma concrete release agent line

release agent for concrete
BlokForma Metals
BlokForma Metals
BlokForma Metais is the solution when it comes to concrete release for metal forms. It facilitates the demoulding and the reuse of forms.
concrete release agent for precast tracks
BlokForma Paste
BlokForma Paste
When it comes to release wax, BlokForma Pasta is the ideal concentrated agent for precast tracks, metal forms and plastic forms.
release agent for concrete
BlokForma Plastics
BlokForma Plastics
BlokForma Plastics is the solution when it comes to concrete release. Forming a layer between the concrete and the form, it prevents adhesion between them.
release agent for concrete
BlokForma Woods
BlokForma Woods
BlokForma Madeiras is the guarantee that your work needs when it comes to concrete release.

BlokForma line applications

BlokForma Madeiras
BlokForma Metais
BlokForma Plásticos
BlokForma Pasta
Wood shape
Metal shape
Plastic shape
Precast track
Concrete on concrete


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