Water Absorption: Understand How Each Material Behaves in Your Work
At every stage of a project, water is a raw material. In the manufacture of concrete, mortars and even in the most varied types of paints and waterproofing agents, this omnipresent element interferes with buildings throughout the entire useful life of the work. However, the interaction that may occur due to rain, soil moisture, or air can bring pathological manifestations of seepage in buildings. To prevent it, it is necessary to understand how water absorption works in civil construction.
The effects of moisture on a poorly waterproofed surface are even irreversible, in extreme cases. Everything will depend on the source of the problem and the material in contact with the water. After all, each one has a different level of absorption.
Are you ready to know the difference between them? Then keep following this article!
Every professional who works with plaster needs to deal with the following problem: How to avoid that the plaster comes into contact with wetness. This is because the relationship between these two items can cause various damages, some of which are impossible to repair.
This type of problem begins in the first stage of commercialization of plaster, since the scale production industries of blocks, plates, drywall and other artifacts must be concerned with every detail of manufacturing.
To protect the plaster parts against the direct incidence of water, it is necessary to resort to the application of acrylic sealants, special inks or water-repellent silicones.
It is worth remembering that these solutions protect superficially. Over the years, the internal parts will suffer due to exposure to moisture.
For this reason, it is also important to protect the plaster in a more complete way. To this end, the Blok developed the Blok Gesso, the only water repellent for plaster, manufactured domestically, which meets international standards for water absorption in plaster.
O concrete it also absorbs water, however, the denser the thickness, the lower the water absorption. However, in low-quality blocks, larger pores can absorb even more water.
Absorption tests must be performed according to NBR 12118:2013. In them, the percentage is given from the weighing of the dry concrete block. It must be kept in an oven for 24 hours, and the measurement must be repeated every two hours until the measurements do not diverge.
Cement mortars absorb water very easily. This type of mortar is basically composed of cement, sand and water and is used in different traits, from a plastering, even for the settlement of masonry.
Although it presents little permeability to water, they need to be protected so that they do not affect the structure. The characteristics of the mortars change according to the type and application.
Regardless of the good adhesion or whether it is more adhesive, the mortar The adhesive is made from inorganic binders, water, additives and small aggregates. Generally, they only need the addition of water for use, but they are also materials that absorb water after being cured.
The use of additives can ensure watertightness and durability of the surfaces. They integrate the systems of waterproofing and drainage, reducing the chances of water penetration.
Os waterproofing additives work to reinforce the waterproofness of concrete and mortars, creating a thin film on surfaces.
The passage of moisture depends on the characteristics of the material and on external factors such as rain, relative humidity, wind pressure, or the incidence of solar radiation.
To combat the control of the effects of humidity, the market offers products designed to make the coating 100% waterproof. Thus, water absorption can be understood and controlled, avoiding unnecessary problems.
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