Innovative solutions for those who work with plaster.

Waterproofing, water repellent and plaster retarder.

WhatsApp Waterproofing Block

Blok is known for always innovating solutions for the construction industry. And once again, it stands out in bringing to the market products specially developed for those who work with plaster. That's right, a complete line with waterproofing agents, water repellent and hardening retardants.

Everything to make everyday life even easier for professionals who apply all types of plaster. Ideal for the production of decorative pieces, drywall sheets, hydro plaster blocks, moldings, moldings, 3D plaster plates, plaster artifacts in general and even for crafts.

It's everything you ever wanted to guarantee the protection of the plaster in any environment. Even against the action of water and moisture. Get to know our products.

After all, those looking for quality and reliability look for the Blok seal when buying.

water repellent for plaster

water repellent for plaster
Water repellent for plaster
Water repellent for plaster, BlokGesso. The missing product for professionals who work with plaster. Only those who try it know how innovative this product is.
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Gypsum additives, glue and gypsum retarder

Glue chalk
BlokGesso Glue
Additive for Making Gypsum Glue
Additive for Gesso Glue, BlokGesso Glue. Our quality trumps everything. It just won't beat your sales results. Additive for Gypsum Glue.
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gypsum retardant
BlokGesso Lento
Gypsum Retardant
Gypsum Retardant, Slow Block Plaster. Those who work with plaster know that it has to be fast. But there is an ideal product to slow down hardening.
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