3D Coating: The Trend For 2024

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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3D Coating: The Trend For 2024

The 3D coating entered strongly into the decorations of various types of environments, providing incredible, versatile and modern finishes!

It is possible to verify many models made with an immense variety of materials, from the traditional one with plaster, such as PVC, ceramic or cement. Thus, the 3D coating offers options for all tastes, with countless practicalities!

Because it's a very modern and widely used way to decorate and transform walls, we think it's important to bring this article so that you are up to date with what's happening in the business!

Therefore, we have listed important information that will make you understand everything about 3D coatings. Then come with us to delve deeper into the topic!

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What is 3D coating?

The world of decoration is quite diverse, with the most varied options for wall cladding, from the simplest to the most elaborate, such as 3D cladding, the first option for many people.

But, after all, do you know what this coating consists of?

Before delving into the topic, to make it very clear, let's explain what 3D coating is!

3D coatings are nothing more than plates that, when put together, form three-dimensional surfaces, giving textures and styles to walls. Depending on the customer's taste and objective, it is possible to find many formats, with high or lower reliefs, colors, prints and various materials. We see 3D coatings, most of the time, on walls, but they can also be used on walls and ceilings.

What are the Advantages of 3D Coating?

3D coatings are the fever of the moment in the decorative world, but do you want to know what advantages they offer? Generally, what comes to mind when we talk about 3D coating is its aesthetic finish, giving elegance and modernity to environments. But is that all it is? Absolutely not! And that's what we're going to talk about now: the benefits they promise!

  • Aesthetic finish: undoubtedly, this advantage comes first and foremost because of the modern, elegant and original effect that 3D coating gives to environments. Between leaving walls with paint alone or using wallpaper, people have preferred 3D cladding. And do you know what's best? The market offers plates of various sizes, shapes, colors and types of relief, further favoring personalized and stylish work!
  • Cost-benefit: this is a very attractive question! Depending on the material you choose, it is possible to enhance the environment, with low cost and high durability. But for that to happen, it's important to pay attention to the material chosen in each environment, right?
  • Easy installation and convenient maintenance: There's nothing better than making the room beautiful and not making a mess, is there? This is another advantage of 3D cladding: its installation is very simple, since you just have to glue the parts to the wall! There are parts made of some materials that can be installed by yourself! In addition, to carry out the maintenance, there are no secrets: you only need a damp cloth to keep the parts clean and beautiful!

Now that you know about the advantages that 3D coatings offer, let's understand more about the most common types that we find on the market!

What are the types of 3D coating?

3D coatings are practical, versatile and offer numerous advantages! In addition, they can be applied in any type of environment, as long as you are careful when choosing the material! Each one of them has particular characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing, right? In order not to make a mistake, we briefly explain the types of materials used as 3D cladding.

3D Gypsum Coating

3D plaster coatings are the most common and very easy to find! In addition, because it is a lightweight material, its transportation is easier! O plasterIt is also a material that tends to have a lower price, its production process is quite fast and is easily found on the market!

3D plaster coatings are more suitable for indoor use, as they are not resistant to water. However, the Blok developed the Blok Gesso, which makes the plaster pieces resistant to the action of moisture, making it possible to use them in humid areas, such as bathrooms. Learn more about him!

To apply the plaster pieces to the walls, it is recommended to use the BlokGesso Cola. To learn more about gypsum glue, click here.

3D Cement Coating

Cement 3D coatings are materials made from cement and are therefore more resistant and durable. The installation is also quite simple, just glue the parts together with adhesive mortar! They can be used both indoors and outdoors, but their production is more complex and logistics may be more difficult due to the weight of the product, which can make them more expensive! Still, it's a very interesting option!

3D Ceramic Coating

Os ceramic 3D coatings follow the same line as Cementícia: they can be used both indoors and outdoors, they are resistant and durable. In addition, this type of coating has water absorption close to zero and, therefore, requires special mortar for laying.

It is possible to find pieces of the most varied colors, sizes and textures, with generally higher price ranges. Its installation is simple, but there are few manufacturers on the market.

3D PVC coating

3D PVC coatings are more practical and easier to install since there is no need for specialized labor and can be applied by yourself! They are very common and easy to find, but are recommended for use only in indoor areas, as they are not resistant to weather. But its great differential is its low cost combined with practical installation!

Where can 3D coating be used?

As we have said, 3D coating can be used on any rooms, however, it is necessary to pay attention to which material you will choose! In addition to taking into account the material to be used for the coating, you need to choose one that matches the decoration style of the room and also consider the characteristics of each environment! Let's give some examples!

3D Cladding on Facades

3D coatings on facades give a very interesting effect in homes, clinics or commercial establishments. But since this is an outdoor area, it is essential to choose the right material so that there are no unexpected losses! For this reason, it is important to choose cement or ceramic coatings, since they are more resistant to weather. The outdoor areas, because they have more space, give more freedom to play with colors and shapes of the pieces, providing sophisticated decorations!

3D Kitchen Cladding

In kitchens, the most used 3D coating is ceramic, especially porcelain tile, because it is easy to clean and resistant, taking longer to deteriorate. PVC in the kitchen is not recommended, as it is a flammable material. Ceramic tiles have several types that, of course, can be used with the decoration of your kitchen!

3D Cladding in Rooms

In the living rooms, the 3D coating fits very well, adding modernity and elegance to the room decoration. It is widely used when combined with good lighting and play of lights, giving warmth to rooms, often without furniture or objects. But it is recommended to apply the coating to walls that do not have windows, furniture or corners. Any materials can be used for 3D cladding, and plaster is the most suitable!

3D Flooring in Dorms

In the dorms, the coverings are also used to replace wallpaper or simple painting, giving the rooms a different and personalized touch! But here's the tip: if the space is too small, opt for less bulky pieces with softer colors! Plaster is a very suitable material for indoor areas, but all other materials are appropriate in this case!

3D Cladding in Bathrooms

In bathrooms, 3D coatings also have their turn! But, remember to choose the appropriate material since the environment is very humid! 3D ceramic or PVC coatings are recommended in this case, as they are more waterproof and easier to clean!

What precautions are needed before choosing 3D coating?

As we have already emphasized in some points in the article, in addition to choosing the color, shape and texture of the coating, you need to take into account the material to be used in each environment! Each room has its own particular characteristics, some of which are exposed to the elements and others are protected. Therefore, making the right choice of coating material is essential to take advantage of the various advantages it offers!

As you can see, 3D coating is an excellent alternative to modernize an environment and add beauty to the decoration! It offers an incredible finish, great value for money, easy installation and low maintenance cost! That's why it's worth considering this option when building or renovating a property!

Be sure to take a look at our site to discover solutions for your work! A Blok is always available, ready for any challenge!


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