A Practical Guide to Complete Building Facade Care

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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A Practical Guide to Complete Building Facade Care

A practical guide for the complete care of building facades.

The façade is one of the most important elements of a preserved and valued building.

Certainly, it is the most visible.

Living or investing in a well-kept property makes all the difference. In addition to the obvious aesthetic issue, the maintenance of the façade plays a fundamental role in the structure of the work, preventing infiltration and other future damage.

This type of care is also a legal obligation.

According to article 1,348 of the Civil Code, it is the responsibility of the liquidator to “take care of the conservation and custody of the common parts and to ensure the provision of services that interest the owners”.

In the city of São Paulo, the Law 10.518/1988 it also makes it mandatory to paint or wash facades every five years.

In this article, we list the fundamental steps for a perfect maintenance of your façade. We remind you that each step of the process must be carried out by a team of professionals you trust.

Shall we go?

PU sealant
BlokSil MS
PU sealant

Facade Infiltration: A Complete Guide to Building Maintenance

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An obvious question, but one that makes all the difference.

The external faces of the buildings are directly exposed to climatic variations (sun, rain) and pollution. Thus, the first benefits of cleaning the building façade are hygienic and aesthetic.

A dirt-free building is more likely to be occupied. The clean and well maintained façade also increases the value of the property in the market, whether for sale or rent.

Cleaning also prevents damage, revealing possible structural problems before they worsen. Cracks and little waterproofing, for example, are simpler and cheaper to solve when identified early.

To determine the frequency of cleaning, it is necessary to consider some characteristic points of each property, such as: type of coating, degree of dirt, height of the building, accessibility and products to be used.


The next step after cleaning is painting. For the paint to adhere perfectly to the substrate, the facade must have already been cleaned.

Painting must take place every time the facade Present pathologies such as seeps, peeling, blisters, and discoloration. In São Paulo, condominiums are required to carry it out at least every five years.

Painting the building's facade can be a costly process for the condominium, but it's indispensable. In addition to ensuring a beautiful and new appearance to the building, the painting also highlights possible structural problems.

Our recommendation is that you always pay attention to the state of conservation of your façade and paint the façade Building with the frequency stipulated by law.

Thus, you maximize durability and avoid repainting in a short amount of time.

Coating Grouting

Sun, rain, wind, seeps, perforations, misuse, and lack of maintenance are some of the factors that damage the grout.

Therefore, it is necessary to check with some frequency the preservation condition of the grouts on building facades that use ceramic tiles.

To correct the flaws, it will be necessary to replace the existing mortar with a mortar of grout new.

Sealing of Expansion Joints

As expansion joints They are spacings - provided before the execution of the work - that allow the expansion and retrenchment of the surface caused by the variation of the climate and the natural movement of the structure.

They promote the sealing of water, air, or solids to the interior of the structure, protecting the building's coating. To maintain the ability to absorb deformations over time, it is necessary to change the sealant between the joints.

For optimal sealing of expansion joints, we recommend the BlokSil MS: a sealant that, after being applied, transforms into a rubber supple of extreme adhesion and resistance.

The application of sealant It has the function of sealing the expansion joints to minimize the surface tensions of the coating, reducing cracks, cracks and infiltrations that can affect the structure as a whole.

Window Sealing

The correct sealing of windows prevents infiltrations that can seriously compromise the building structure.

The action of time dries out the sealant, so it must be changed during building facade maintenance.

O BlokSil MS it is the right product for this purpose, with unquestionable results.


After following the recommendations from the previous topics, it's time for finalization.

The water repellent will be responsible for conserving all the work for much longer.

In this topic, we will show the importance of doing the hydrofugation with the right product and how you can get a return in the short and long term.

You must be wondering how the water repellent will reduce the costs of periodic maintenance of the building façade.

First of all, let's explain how it acts.

The water repellent is a product developed for application to facades, preventing damage caused by water and humidity.

Such damage can affect not only the aesthetic part of the building, but cause serious structural problems.

The water repellent Does not change the color or brightness of the surface where it is applied; it preserves the original characteristics and improves the appearance of the building, increasing its market value.

In addition to minimizing problems with seepage, the use of water repellent The building's façade also prevents dirt from accumulating, reducing maintenance costs and extending the time needed to clean and repaint the building.

The water repellent can be used in various types of facade coatings: concrete seeming, projected textured coating, exposed brick, unglazed ceramic and porous stone.

To learn more, access our article Facade Infiltration.

In summary, these are the advantages of using water repellents on the façade of the buildings:

  • increased shelf life of the substrate;
  • reduction of maintenance;
  • high durability;
  • creation of “self-cleaning” facades, since dirt does not stick to surface;
  • increase in the market value of the property.

You could see the importance of water repellents to complete the maintenance of the building façade, right? But how do you know which one is best for your property?

O BlokSeal And the BlokSeal CC are ideal for those seeking maximum protection against the effects caused by water and wetness.

They are easy to apply, high-performance and quick-drying products, in addition to preserving the original appearance of the surface.

We hope this content helped you understand each of the 6 steps in the facade maintenance process. As important as following this step-by-step, is choosing the right product and, without a doubt, the products Blok guarantee the quality and result that your building needs.

We are ready for any challenge.


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