ABNT NBR 16280 - Building Renovations - Renovation Management Systems - Requirements

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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ABNT NBR 16280 - Building Renovations - Renovation Management Systems - Requirements

Learn everything about the NBR 16280!

Today, continuing with the articles referring to the technical standards that determine the procedures performed by civil construction, we will explain the technical standard NBR 16280, which deals with the topic of “building renovation”.

We consider this important and current topic given the reality we are experiencing, due to the growth of cities and the urbanization of new regions. Therefore, read carefully so that you understand the guidelines established by this standard if you are going to carry out any type of renovation in a building.

This topic is very relevant to society, not only because of the growth of cities and the construction of new buildings, but also because of the aging of the works already built, which requires processes, for safety, loss of function or quality that must be conducted based on well-defined requirements.

In addition, society undergoes economic and cultural changes that give rise to new needs, and may even lead to processes of altering buildings. However, these transformations must preserve the safety of buildings, their users and the environment impacted by them.

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And that's what this standard exists for: to guide how the building renovations, always taking safety into account. Can you see the importance of this NBR? If not, read this paper that we prepared so that you understand how the renovation process should be carried out in a building.

It is for this reason that we always recommend consulting the NBR's before starting any procedure and, in this case, it is no different. Take a look at our blog, because there you will find some articles we wrote summarizing the most consulted civil construction standards and be aware that we will continue to post more on this topic!

1. What is the scope of the standard?

The scope of this standard has already been addressed in the previous paragraphs, but it establishes the requirements for process control, project, execution, and safety systems to guide building renovations, including means primarily for:

  • prevention of loss of performance resulting from general or specific intervention actions in building systems, elements, or components;
  • planning, projects, and technical analysis of the implications of the building reform;
  • alteration of the original characteristics of the building or its functions;
  • description of the characteristics of the execution of the renovation works;
  • safety of the building, the environment and its users;
  • documentary record of the building situation, before the renovation, the procedures used and the post-renovation work;
  • technical supervision of processes and works.

2. What are the regulatory references?

The standards that relate to this topic and that are indispensable for understanding this standard are presented in this topic and are the following: NBR 5671, NBR 5674, NBR 9077, NBR 12721, NBR 14037 and NBR 15575. Therefore, before you want to understand this standard, we recommend that you take a look at these others to have a more comprehensive view on the subject, right?

3. Terms and Definitions:

In this topic, the NBR lists all the terms used in the standard and their definitions. It's not up to us to explain them all here, but if you want to better understand each one of them, consult the full NBR, because you'll find it there, okay?

4. Requirements for managing the reform - Organization of Guidelines:

Retirement services must meet a formal guideline plan, which includes:

  • preservation of existing security systems in the building;
  • submission of any and all modifications that alter or compromise the safety of the building or its surroundings and common building systems for review by the developer/builder and the designer, accompanied by appropriate technical liability documents within the decadential (legal) deadline. After this deadline, a technical officer designated by the owner, or owner, or legal guardian must carry out the analysis, accompanied by the appropriate Annotations or Records of Technical Responsibility, subject to regulatory professional competencies;
  • means to protect building users from possible damages or losses resulting from the execution of renovation services and their neighborhood;
  • description of the processes in a clear and objective manner, in compliance with the regulations required for the realization/execution of the works;
  • when applicable, the registration and approval by the competent bodies required for the project and its execution;
  • provision of resources for planning the renovation by those interested in carrying out the renovation: material, technical, financial and human, capable of meeting the interferences in the different building systems and providing information and conditions to prevent or mitigate risks;
  • guarantee that the reform does not impair the continuity of the different types of maintenance of buildings, after the work.

5. Requirements for carrying out renovations in buildings:

5.1) General Requirements:

The renovation plan must be prepared by a qualified professional to present the description of impacts on the building's systems, subsystems, equipment and similar, and to forward the plan to the legal responsible for the building in a formal communication for science before the start of the renovation work. The plan must meet the following conditions:

  • compliance with current laws and technical standards relevant to carrying out the works;
  • means that guarantee the safety of the building and of the users, during and after the completion of the work;
  • authorization for the circulation, on the building premises, of the supplies and employees who will carry out the works during the permitted working hours;
  • presentation of projects, drawings, descriptive memorials and technical references, when applicable;
  • scope of the services to be performed;
  • identification of activities that promote the generation of noise, with a prediction of maximum sound pressure levels during the work;
  • identification of the use of toxic, combustible and flammable materials;
  • location and implications surrounding the reform;
  • retirement schedule;
  • data from the companies, professionals and employees involved in carrying out the reform;
  • technical responsibility for the project, for the execution and for the supervision of the works, when applicable, must be legally documented and submitted for the appointment of the respective intervener;
  • waste disposal planning, in compliance with current legislation;
  • establishment of the storage location of the inputs to be used and the waste generated;
  • implications for the manual for the use, operation and maintenance of buildings, according to ABNT NBR 14037, and on maintenance management, according to ABNT NBR 5674, when applicable.

5.2 Private areas:

Technical adjustments or renovations in private areas of the building that affect the structure, fences, or any systems of the unit or building must meet the requirements of 5.1 and must be demonstrably documented and reported to the legal responsible for the building before its commencement. Here in this topic, the NBR explains the procedures that must be taken to carry out reforms in private areas.

5.3 Common areas:

In addition to what is prescribed in 5.2, all reforms must comply with existing technical standards and current laws, and must be aligned with the maintenance management plan, according to ABNT NBR 5674. They must also meet the requirements for records and filing of documentation.

6. Assets or charges:

Topic 6 of the NBR concerns the legal burdens and liability for the reform. Among them, we can highlight:

Before the start of the renovation work:

The legal responsible for the building is responsible for the following:

  • when condominium, provide the content of the condominium agreement and internal regulations;
  • request the necessary update of the manual for encumberation, use and maintenance of the building, in compliance with the relevant regulations in force;
  • receive documentation or reform proposals with the constitution of a qualified professional;
  • authorize the entry of inputs and people hired to carry out building renovation services only after meeting all the requirements of the renovation plan;
  • promote communication and dissemination among other users about approved building renovation works.

During the renovation works:

Take the necessary actions, under any condition of imminent risk to the building, its surroundings, or its users.

After the renovation works:

  • receive the closing deadline for the works according to the approved plan prepared by the executor and his qualified professional, and the updated manual, in accordance with ABNT NBR 14037;
  • when the work is over, cancel the authorizations for the entry and circulation of supplies or service providers of the work;
  • archive all documentation resulting from the renovation, including the closing date of the works issued by the executor.

7. Requirements for the documentation of renovation works:

7.1 File:

All documentation of the works must be archived as an integral part of the manual for the use, operation and maintenance of the building, under the custody of the legal responsible party.

All reform management documentation must have the necessary controls for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention, and disposition of records. When requested, documentation must be available and promptly retrievable, to landlords, landlords, builder/developer, and contractor, when appropriate. The legal guardian must keep the documentation related to the reforms and transfer it fully and formally to his successor.

7.2 Records:

Readable and available records must be kept to provide evidence that the works were carried out in accordance with the approved reform plans.

Records must contain at a minimum:

  • identification of the renovation work and date;
  • establish the form of archiving the records and guarantee their integrity for the legal period;
  • documentation provided in compliance with 5.1.


Today, we brought the main information contained in NBR 16280, but this article does not exempt the reading of the standard in its entirety. There, you have access to all the necessary information that must be acquired before starting any building renovation procedure, right? Take a look at our blog to learn more about the other NBR's! And remember that Blok is ready for any challenge.


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