The Definitive Guide to Adhesive Mortars: AC1, AC2, and AC3

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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The Definitive Guide to Adhesive Mortars: AC1, AC2, and AC3

All about Adhesive Mortar: AC1, AC2 and AC3 (or AC-I, AC-II, AC-III)

It is very common in construction sites to ask questions about which adhesive mortar to use AC1, AC2 and AC3 (or AC-I, AC-II, AC-III). Almost always, the choice of the type of mortar influences the durability and quality of the construction. This is because each type of mortar is suitable for a situation, so if you make the Wrong choice, you will probably have to face future problems, with rework and additional expenses. I bet that's not what you want!

So, we prepared this article, where you will find everything about the three types of adhesive mortars: AC1, AC2 and AC3 (or AC-I, AC-II, AC-III) mortars. And here we will also give you all the information you need so that you don't run the risk of having to repair damage caused by the wrong choice of adhesive mortar.

There are several problems that are caused by the wrong use of adhesive mortar, such as detachment of ceramic pieces and chipping, which generally requires expensive and laborious repair! In addition, other more serious problems may appear as well, when it comes to ceramic tiles.

But despite the serious damage that may appear due to the incorrect use of adhesive mortars, the good news is that, for the most part, they are simple to avoid. And, of course, you're going to want to take action before you get a headache, right? That's why we're here today to help you make the right choice of adhesive mortar to guarantee a quality work and fewer future problems! Shall we go, there?

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What is AC Adhesive Mortar?

The adhesive mortar is used to lay ceramic pieces, porcelain tiles and stones (marbles and granites). It is normally composed of cement and sand, just like common mortars, but receives chemical additives to increase adhesion and the ability to hold water. When mixed with water, it becomes a viscous, plastic and adherent mass, with good elasticity and workability, ideal for use in settlements.

You know that adhesive mortar is indispensable for any work, but do you know that when specifying the type of adhesive mortar you need to consider some points? Some determinant variables for the performance of adhesive mortar are:

  • application environment (external or internal);
  • temperature variation;
  • type of surface (wall or floor);
  • type of coating;
  • size of the pieces.

Now that you have a sense of what it is and what should be taken into account when choosing the type of adhesive mortar, let's better understand what they are.

What are the types of adhesive mortar? What's the difference between them?

There are three Types of adhesive mortar most used in the works: AC1, AC2 and AC3 (or AC-I, AC-II, AC-III), all of which are composed of cement, sand (or other milled and classified aggregates) and additives. What differentiates one from the other is the cement consumption, the amount or type of additive, which determines how adhesive and water resistant the mortar is. So we have to, in increasing terms of adhesion, AC1 < AC2 < AC3 (AC-I < AC-II < AC-III).

Do you know what it means when an adhesive mortar is designated “E”? AC1 E, AC2 E or AC3 E mortars have a longer open time, that is, as soon as it is spread over the surface, it undergoes a drying and hardening process and loses its adhesion power; type E mortars delay drying and hardening from the moment of application. They are more expensive, but sometimes their use is necessary, when there are strong winds, for example. They are mortars with longer open time.

It was possible to have a basic idea of what adhesive mortars are and what differs from one another, but remember to consult NBR 14081, which specifies how to use them correctly when placing ceramic plates! It is very important to check technical standards before performing any procedure to improve work performance and avoid pathological manifestations!

Where to use each type of adhesive mortar?

We will understand the applications for each type of adhesive mortar, but first, we must make it clear that there is no use having the right materials and performing the service in the wrong way. So be careful to do the job properly from the start to avoid losses, right?

Dividing the three adhesive mortars by application, we have the following:

AC1 (AC-I): it is suitable for placing ceramic pieces indoors and on floors, which may be dry or wet, such as kitchens and bathrooms, as it resists the usual humidity and temperature of these areas.

AC2 (AC-II): it is more resistant to climatic variations, such as wetness, temperature and wind action, can be used indoors or outdoors and allows application to various types of coating on walls, facades, cold water pools, slabs, industrial ceramic floors, among others.

AC3 (AC-III): it is a mortar with greater adhesion power, ideal to be used to lay porcelain tiles and ceramic tiles in more aggressive environments, such as hot water pools, saunas, grills and for gluing large plates (larger than 60x60 cm).

Now it's easy to know how to choose the adhesive mortar for your work, isn't it? And, as you already know, the right choice of the type of adhesive mortar, in addition to providing better construction performance, prevents pathologies, such as fissures, detachment, displacement, or blemishes. So, take a good look before buying, okay? The long-term result will pay off! See our table summarizing what we said here:

argamassa colante - tabela comparativa
Comparative Table between Adhesive Mortars

Difference between Ordinary Mortar and Adhesive Mortar

We have already explained a lot about adhesive mortar, but what are the advantages of using it? Do you know the difference between ordinary mortar and adhesive mortar?

Common mortar is a mixture of cement, water, sand (or other aggregates), which may or may not contain additives, while adhesive mortar is also composed of these more additive elements that play a role in increasing its adhesive power and open time.

Therefore, basically, the difference between them is the adhesion, which is much greater in the adhesive mortar and the open time, which is the time available for applying the ceramics after spreading the mortar on the base, which depends on temperature, air humidity and wind. The open time of adhesive mortars is also much longer compared to common mortars.

The adhesive mortar has pluses compared to common because it presents greater flexibility (in the case of AC-II and AC-III), since it accompanies the movement of the parts placed on walls or floors. In addition, it allows better moisture control since it eliminates the need to wet the plates before laying them and also, because it is industrialized, it saves time preparing the dough. Have you seen how it is worth using adhesive mortar? Always remembering to make the right choice for each situation and follow the technical regulations! Thus, the result will be more than expected!

Bonus: Care when using adhesive mortars

Finally, let's list some precautions that determine the excellent result of the settlements. All these recommendations are fully described in the NBRs, so it's essential to take a look before starting the work, okay? Here are some of them:

  • Substrate preparation: check for misalignments and cleaning of surface;
  • Preparing the adhesive mortar: follow the manufacturer's recommendations;
  • Perforator: check the height of the drivers' teeth;
  • Apply with a toothed drill at the appropriate slope to form grooves at the height indicated by the mortar manufacturer;
  • Do not add adhesive mortars with other products, unless recommended by the adhesive mortar manufacturer;
  • Application of the adhesive mortar: apply according to the specifications of the standards and use up to 2.5 hours after preparation.
  • Strictly obey the spacing and interlacing between the pieces and be seated, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation;
  • When applying adhesive mortars to waterproofed surfaces, use only types AC-II or AC-III;
  • Never apply adhesive mortars to loose, powdery substrates with low mechanical resistance, contaminated, bumpy, loose, dislocated, hollow, with efflorescence, with infiltrations, dilated, Trincados or with structural problems, for example.

Anyway, now that you know everything about adhesive mortars, you will surely make the right choices so you don't have to deal with potential damage! Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the rules, to the different types for each situation, and to the precautions that must be taken!

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And don't forget! A Blok is ready for any challenge! Count on us and see you next time!


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