Apparent Concrete Block: Complete Guide for Conservation in 2024

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Apparent Concrete Block: Complete Guide for Conservation in 2024

Apparent Concrete Block: Complete Guide to Conservation

Did you know that using exposed concrete blocks can bring numerous advantages, in addition to giving originality and modernity to environments? They can be used in the most varied ways and have become a trend in decoration, being seen everywhere! Do you want to understand more about them? Come with us!

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Os concrete blocks Apparent ones are used to show off the building, exposing structures, such as beams and columns, producing an elegant and original style, at the same time they can be used to make furniture, rustic tables, kitchen countertops, room dividers or even plant pots, in addition to details that give an industrial air to the environments.

What's more, what we see most out there are the exposed concrete block walls, which replace traditional coatings and finishes, bringing industrial-style sophistication to environments.

A versatility of concrete blocks make it a great ally for the composition of modern environments, but have you ever stopped to think about what precautions should be taken to keep them preserved?

With that in mind, we prepared this article that will tell you how to preserve the apparent concrete blocks, because, once they are exposed, waterproofing and maintenance become constant! Also, let's start by talking a little more about concrete blocks and their advantages!

Don't miss the opportunity to learn more. Come on, there!

Why Use Concrete Block?

First of all, let's start by explaining what advantages concrete blocks offer and why to use them instead of other bricks, such as ceramic bricks, for example.

We made a paper which details all the differences and advantages of one over the other. If you are interested in comparing ceramic bricks with concrete blocks, I recommend that you read this article. But to make it easier, let's put a summary here to introduce our topic for today!

So, what are the benefits of opting for concrete blocks? Yield, productivity, low break rate, strength and standardization of the parts are some pluses that concrete blocks offer for construction. Let's explain.

Because of its shape, mortar consumption and installation time are low, which generates more productivity and, in addition, its greater resistance prevents material losses. The standardization of the pieces guarantees a better finish and also has less efflorescence after they are seated.

We can see that the benefits are various, but like any material, concrete blocks also have negative aspects such as: high cost, they do not guarantee the same thermoacoustic efficiency as ceramic bricks, and difficulty in transportation due to their weight.

Although they have these drawbacks, concrete blocks are still widely used in construction and have now gained a new use in the world of decoration.

More than ever, apparent concrete blocks are on the rise to compose environments, making them modern, urban, and industrial. Therefore, the importance of knowing everything about their conservation to always keep them beautiful! Let's help you with that! Keep reading!

Apparent Concrete Block Care:

You must agree that concrete blocks Apparent they are completely exposed to the elements and, therefore, they must receive the necessary care for their conservation, right? But how to do it properly to increase its durability?

First of all, it is very important to choose the concrete block manufacturer well to make sure that it is a good, well finished and uniform block, in order to avoid having holes that could become spots of seepage.

The second stage is the process itself of run, which must be done according to the guidance of professional experts in the field. Basically, it is necessary to carry out the installation correctly, without leaving empty spaces in both the laying mortar and the side piling mortar; make the frieze (remove the excess mortar between the blocks) and, finally, apply a water-repellent silicone towards waterproof the surface.

But do you really need to waterproof the apparent concrete blocks? YES! The blocks, because they are fully exposed to water and humidity, must be waterproofed with specific products (we will talk more about it below). This is because they have porosity, which can allow water to pass through the pores, compromising the aesthetics and structure of the work. So, be sure to use the right product so you don't have future problems, understand?

How to Waterproof Apparent Concrete Block?

How to waterproof the apparent concrete blocks to always get it right? You have some options on the market, such as acrylic resins or water-repellent silicones. We wrote an article explaining everything about how to choose the right product! Be sure to read before you decide!

However, we strongly recommend the evolution of water-repellent silicone, the silane siloxane on the market: BlokSeal CC. BlokSeal CC will not let you down and will guarantee a waterproofing excellent for the surface, as it is a high-performance water-repellent silicone and, by providing an invisible layer of protection, prevents infiltration and future problems!

BlokSeal CC it also allows the preparation in dilution of water directly on the construction site, promoting more convenience, especially for large areas and places with high heights, facilitating the transportation and handling of the product. That's all you need to make the substrate waterproof and pathology-free!

Do you want to know more? Take a tour of the website of Blok and discover so many other solutions that revolutionize construction! Count on Blok and guarantee excellence for your work!

In short...

To make it easier, let's summarize the information we told you in the article.

Concrete blocks are widely used in construction, both for the various advantages they offer and for the versatility that their use provides. Among some benefits, we can mention: resistance, performance, productivity, low breakage rate and standardization of parts. The versatility offered by apparent concrete blocks is as varied as possible: from plant pots to walls and room dividers.

The apparent concrete blocks are being highly sought after to compose the decoration of environments, giving them a modern and industrial look. Therefore, it is important to know all the precautions to keep them preserved.

The precautions to be taken for the ideal result and conservation of the apparent concrete blocks range from the choice of the block, execution to the application of silicone water repellent (silane siloxane), which has the role of repelling water or wetness What is the purpose of surface Be free infiltrations and, consequently, of pathologies.

And when it comes to waterproofing, is Blok up for any challenge and do you know why? Because the Blok developed the best water-repellent silicone, BlokSeal CC, ideal for protecting apparent concrete blocks against the action of water and moisture, preventing infiltration, which guarantees an aesthetic that is always preserved, beautiful and allowing you to breathe!


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