Athermal Cement Floor for Swimming Pools

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Athermal Cement Floor for Swimming Pools

Athermal Cement Floor for Swimming Pools

Who hasn't had to run to the pool because the floor was so hot? Do you know those summer days, with the sun burning, when walking barefoot on the ground can even burn your feet?

It was to solve this that athermal cement floors appeared and what are we going to talk about today! Read our article to understand everything about this athermal cement pool floor which, in addition to having many options to leave the environment well decorated, provides well-being by not absorbing and transmitting heat to the surface!

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You know that the right choice of cement flooring makes all the difference when it comes to comfort, right? For this reason, the athermal floors, among several options on the market, are modern and have a different technology: even with the sun shining directly on them, the floors Cementícia Athermic absorb much less heat than other coatings, providing greater comfort for environments, especially in outdoor areas and around swimming pools.

Athermal Cement Floor - Edge

Because they are versatile, cement floors can be modified to become non-slip and draining, in addition to being athermal.

Athermal cement floors are a great option for your home and your demand is growing more and more to compose various types of environments! To understand more about them, continue reading the complete material on this subject that we have prepared for you!

What are Athermal Cement Floors?

I think it's already easy to understand, but even so, let's explain it more thoroughly so that there is no doubt about this topic. Athermal floors, or athermal cement floors as they are also called, are characterized by not retaining heat, even when exposed directly to the sun and heat. Thus, it is possible to walk barefoot or even lie on the poolside without getting burned. A big plus, isn't it?

But how does a cement floor acquire the property of not absorbing heat? Athermal floors are produced based on cement and other raw materials that make them durable and resistant, in addition to containing specific materials, such as refractory components, which act to not absorb heat.

More than that, the colors of the floors play a decisive role in preventing the floors from heating and, therefore, the technology used in these coatings is developed based on different light-colored pigments that make heat absorption minimal.

When opting for athermal cement floors, it is common to find three types of them on the market: borders, grilles or floors. Let's understand a little bit about each of them. Come with us!

What Are the Types of Athermal Cement Floors?

Basically, when we talk about athermal cement floors, we can find different shapes and functions. One of them is the floor itself, which are the concrete slabs made for surface coating. The floors are easily found in stores and manufacturers specialized in this area and have a wide variety of colors and models.

Athermal Cement Floor with BlokSeal Floors

Another type that is highly sought after when it comes to floors for outdoor areas, are athermal pool borders, which are used to provide greater comfort when walking around the pools as well as when entering and leaving them. They generally have rounded corners to prevent accidents and be more comfortable.

It is also possible to find various types of edges to further increase comfort, such as straight (which accompany the rest of the floor of the pool area), pigeon breasts (with a high inclination so that dirty water does not return to the pool and prevents the accumulation of water at the edge of the pool) and inclined (intermediate model with a softer slope, but sufficient not to let the water return to the pool). In addition to these, there are other models on the market, which vary depending on the manufacturer. So do some research before choosing!

The grilles are another type of athermal cement floor, used together with the edges of the pool, installed behind them in order to capture the water that surrounds the pool in order to avoid puddles, accidents and possible wear and tear on the floor due to water pooling. Its use is optional, but it is highly recommended to increase the safety and durability of cement floors, right?

What Places Can Athermal Floors Be Used?

We talked more about the use of athermal cement floors in areas with swimming pools, but know that it is not your only destination, quite the contrary, because they have high durability, cement floors can be used in various environments, both outdoor and indoor. Its use in various types of environments is possible due to its variations in finishes, and can be installed on balconies, garages, commercial rooms, gardens and many others.

Because they are quite resistant, they can be in contact with water, sun and rain. Obviously, use in outdoor areas with swimming pools is more common due to exposure to the sun and the movement of barefoot people.

What Are the Benefits of Using Athermal Floors?

As we already know, athermal cement floors are made from cement, containing other materials in their composition, such as different pigments, ore waste, glass, mixtures that provide great finishing possibilities, offering innovation and design, without losing the strength and durability of concrete.

But how about knowing more about perks of athermal cement floors? Let's name a few of them, learn more:

Durability: because it is cement based, it lasts a long time, requires little maintenance and is simple to clean;

Resistance: supports large flow of people and continuous use;

Versatility: they can be used in various areas and have a wide range of varieties, which can be smooth, rustic, non-slip or draining, and can also provide the creation of wood and marble effects, in addition to various colors, sizes and textures.

Sustainability: The manufacturing process consumes little energy and there is little emission of polluting gases, in addition to the possibility of using mineral waste in the composition of the floors.

Application: they are very easy to apply, not requiring complicated processes. It is made with adhesive mortar on the floor and in the play and grout for finishing.

Given this, you can understand why athermal cement floors conquered the market, isn't it? The advantages are many and the cost-benefit usually pays off! But, see how the care is very simple too! Read on to the next topic to learn how to conserve them in the best way!

How to Store Athermal Floors?

Have you ever considered if there was a floor with simple and long-lasting maintenance? Well, know that athermal cement floors fulfill this role! But in order for you to do it correctly, let's explain.

To maintain the beauty and quality of cement coatings for much longer, basically, two steps are necessary: cleaning and waterproofing the floors.

Routine cleaning of cement floors must be done with specific neutral detergent and water. Yes, that alone is enough for thorough cleaning. It is worth noting that great care must be taken when using other products, and it is not recommended to use acid-based cleaning materials, chlorine, stone cleaners and the like, as they can damage the surface and affect the look and durability of the floor, right? Always consult the manufacturer so as not to make a mistake with the choice.

As for waterproofing, it is the main step in maintaining the cement floor so that it is protected against moisture and infiltration, which cause stains and pathologies, which deteriorate the physical appearance of the coating. In addition, waterproofing promotes the least accumulation of dirt and makes it easier to clean the surface.

Athermal Cement Floor + BlokSeal Floors

Therefore, we indicate BlokSeal Floors, or water repellent most recommended for porous floors on the market! BlokSeal Floors It's a water-repellent silicone for floors that are highly water repellent and highly resistant to abrasion. It does not alter the natural roughness of the surface and it also reinforces and hardens porous floors, reduces cleaning and maintenance costs and is easy to apply! Don't miss out and be surprised!

Bonus: Other Pool Surrounding Coatings:

In addition to the option of using athermal cement floors, which we explained above, there are many others types of floors which also perform the athermal function well, offering a much wider range of possibilities in the market, both color and material varieties. That's what we're going to talk about here! Here we have separated some of the most used materials, not to mention the cementitious ones. Shall we go, there?

Stones: they are the most used because they are resistant, durable, non-slip and have the ability to retain heat, performing well as an athermal floor, making them an excellent option. The most preferred are Caxambu, Goiás and São Tomé.

Granite: granite is a durable and easy-to-clean material, but it cannot be polished so as not to lose its anti-slip function. It's very versatile and brings elegance to the environment!

Marble: marble is an elegant option that brings sophistication and, in addition to being a much more expensive coating, it is necessary to pay attention to its specifications, such as greater porosity and lower resistance.

Ceramics and Porcelain Tiles: they are also widely chosen because of the enormous variety of colors, textures and sizes, but it is necessary to certify their thermal properties, since not all of them are athermal and can heat up too much.

The use of wood in outdoor environments with swimming pools is growing when the decks are built, giving a rustic yet cozy air. But we must emphasize that it is not an athermal material, since it absorbs a lot of heat and deteriorates very easily, requiring constant maintenance and repairs.


Anyway, now that you know everything about athermal cement floors and you've come to know other types of floors that can also be used for the same purpose, the decision process will be easier! Therefore, be sure to consider all the points of each of them and use BlokSeal Floors for maintenance to always have a well-maintained and beautiful floor! A Blok is here for any challenge!


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