Building Maintenance: The Quick and Practical Guide for 2024

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Building Maintenance: The Quick and Practical Guide for 2024

Among laws, regulations, and considerations, the services of building maintenance face transformations over the years. The objective is to meet the demands of buildings and their residents in an increasingly responsible manner. But do you know what's included in that process?

To promote and ensure good safety and conservation conditions, building maintenance must follow a plan. It describes the tasks and services that will increase residents' quality of life, such as painting, electrical and hydraulic repairs.

In this exercise, it is inevitable that the products used are of full quality, avoiding constant renovations and other headaches. The success of building maintenance will directly depend on having the right materials at the right time. Therefore, in this article, in addition to explaining the types of maintenance, we will give the best tips for the best products. Are you interested in the subject? Keep reading!

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The types of maintenance

There are different types of building maintenance. Next, we will explain them succinctly and exemplify what actions must be taken in each of them. Follow up!

Preventive maintenance

This type of maintenance operates to prevent problems from appearing. The sooner she starts, the better. In Brazil, there is a basic culture of solving problems in the nick of time or when there is no other way out. This attitude is the opposite of prevention.

Some of the services included in the preventive building maintenance plan include:

  • inspection of hydraulic and electrical installations;
  • inspection of equipment, security systems, and common areas;
  • verification of the elevators, integrity of the roof and gas installations;
  • cleaning and painting facades, in order to avoid infiltrations;
  • replacement of sealants in expansion joints;
  • verifying the integrity of facade cladding.

Corrective maintenance

A upkeep corrective action occurs soon after the problem appears. Agile and functional, it follows the idea of having the closest possible effect to that of preventive maintenance. That's because a problem identified quickly can be reversed with action without delay.

Some of the services included in the corrective building maintenance plan include:

Predictive maintenance

Predictive building maintenance encompasses the characteristics of the previous two. It is based on periodic monitoring for data management that analyzes the state of equipment and facilities.

Thus, through the analysis of the operating condition, it is presented as a less costly maintenance than preventive maintenance. In turn, these analyses are carried out with thermographic cameras, vibration analysis tests and ultrasound techniques.

What is the importance of building maintenance?

Preventive, corrective, and predictive maintenance encompasses the three ways in which building maintenance can and should be performed. But what is the importance of building maintenance and why should you be concerned about it?

If you are a professional liquidator or liquidator, this ends up being your obligation. Building maintenance, in addition to ensuring a beautiful environment for residents, also guarantees a building and apartments where the residents' safety is being taken care of.

If you are a resident, be aware that your apartment is in good condition, the building you are in must be maintained up to date, so that neither you nor your neighbors can be affected by possible infiltration, contaminated water or a displacing façade. Know that this, in the end, also ends up impacting the valuation or devaluation of your property.

The main services provided during building maintenance

As we have seen, building maintenance can encompass various types of services. Next, let's talk about the main ones. Shall we go?

Building inspection

A building inspection it is a responsibility that must be done every year to ensure the building works with excellence. The act of inspecting proves the degree of compliance with the maintenance plan, in addition to preventing surprises.

To do this, it is important to be aware of the Building Inspection Act. It varies from state to state with requirements that need to be taken to the letter.

Trustees, caretakers, and managers must understand the advantages of this practice, contributing positively to everyone's quality of life. Aware of their responsibilities and how they can benefit them, they will be able to check the general condition of the building and its systems, including aspects of performance, useful life, functionality, state of conservation, maintenance and safety.


The healthy routine of buildings depends on pest control. It is important that dedetization is part of the maintenance plan, freeing the environment from problems. In most cases, this control can be done every six months. However, each building has its peculiarities, such as the size of the common area, extension of the green area and history of pest cases.

Cleaning water tanks

Periodic building inspections are useless to ensure that the building as a whole is up to date if the quality of the water supplied to residents is not within the minimum quality standards for consumption. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that the water tanks are cleaned periodically.

Facade maintenance

The condominium façade is the first to be seen, so it has a high level of importance. Facade cleaning is a prominent point in building maintenance and must be carried out on a regular basis. In this case, it's important to listen to residents' suggestions, if applicable.

Cleaning and facade maintenance are regulated by municipal laws. In addition to cleaning, it must be checked whether the coating material needs repair.

Although the maintenance of the façade is essential to avoid pathological manifestations, it is of great importance in the valuation of the properties inside. After all, no one wants to live in a building that seems to be abandoned. Isn't it really?

The materials that cannot be missing

For this entire process to be carried out efficiently, it is necessary to choose the right materials. Without the quality of the products, it is impossible to guarantee that the maintenance procedure will have a positive effect. In some cases, a lack of concern with the products may represent financial losses and risks to the health and safety of residents or users.

It is worth noting that supervisory bodies pay more and more attention to construction movements, with increasingly strict requirements. So let's talk a little bit about the main products for different occasions.

1. Adhesive Mortars

A mortar adhesive is used to lay ceramics, stones such as marbles and granites, as well as porcelain tile. Its common composition includes cement, sand, and additives. Better quality products tend to receive chemical additives in greater quantities to enhance adhesion and liquid retention capacity.

2. Cement

One of the most popular elements of civil construction, cement it is a product used in most stages of a work. Because it is essential, this material must have excellent quality.

Of all the types of cement that exist, Portland is the most used in construction due to its composition characteristics.

3. Sealants

Um sealant serves to seal openings and joints between substrates. It is used to prevent substances such as water or air from entering or leaving the structure, following the natural movement of the substrates.

4. Waterproofing agents

Os waterproofing agents They are fundamental items in Infiltration cases. Every time a leak is notified, it must be diagnosed with professional vision and combated with the use of a good waterproofing agent. Low-quality or wrongly used products can cause the infiltration to go unresolved, increasing the consequences.

If you want to know more about waterproofing in apartments, Check out this material that we prepared on the subject.

5. Water-repellent Silicones

Os water repellents act as a protective layer on building facades. They are silicones designed to protect surfaces that receive the constant impact of water. It is recommended to use it for facade cladding, exposed brick, concrete seeming, unglazed ceramic, Concretes and shingles.

6. stickers

Os stickers they act to reduce cracks and increase the strength of materials, such as mortar and chapisco. They are made using high-performance synthetic resins, blended with cement and sand or plaster.

Building maintenance the right way

A plan of building maintenance is synonymous with economy. In this case, the right investment can ensure the health of those involved and high performance, safety and productivity in the repair processes.

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