Guide to Burnt Cement on the Wall

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Guide to Burnt Cement on the Wall

Burnt cement arrived with everything in the world of architecture, and for some years it has remained one of the strongest trends for decoration, in the most diverse types of environments.

Known for its use on floors, this material was removed from construction site floors to gain unprecedented applications, such as cement burned on the wall, floor and even ceiling of residential and commercial spaces.

Despite being a rustic finishing coating, the cement burned on the wall combines well with various other materials, and makes it possible to create charming decorations, without losing the elegance and sophistication of the spaces. In addition, it is an economic and resistant choice, easy to apply and that guarantees a unique and exclusive result - after all, no burnt cement wall is the same as the other.

For these reasons, more and more people are interested in including the burnt cement wall in the composition of their environments, whether in their own home, office or commercial establishment, renovating the space with low cost and great convenience.

However, in order to have a good aesthetic result and to acquire the strength and durability that cement provides, this coating must be applied following some care with the products used and with the way of application.

In this article, we will explain what you need to know before choosing the product and the workmanship. See below how cement burned on the wall is made and discover how to guarantee a beautiful and lasting result to take the decoration to a new level.

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How is burnt cement made in the wall?

The process of applying burnt cement to the wall is quite uncomplicated. As the name suggests, the effect of this coating is achieved by applying a simple cement mortar to the wall, with some care to ensure the effect of burnt cement on the final result.

However, the materials needed are only cement, sand and water for the mortar, as well as some tools for its application, which can be a puncher, sponge, brush or roller.

To prepare the dough, simply mix one measure of cement for four measures of sand, and then gradually add the water until you reach a homogeneous mixture with a suitable texture to apply to the wall.

In some cases, it may also be interesting to increase the mortar mixture with additives to improve adhesion and avoid potential cracks. Then, just apply the mortar to the wall with circular movements and that's it!

What are the advantages of cement burned on the wall?

The popularization of cement burned on the wall is no accident, since there are many advantages of its application. Burnt cement is an economical coating, having a low cost in the market both in terms of materials and application, especially when compared to others types of coatings.

In addition, it is a very durable and high-strength material, which results in low maintenance requirements when well executed.

The aesthetic benefits of burnt cement in environments are also important for the trend of its use. The effect of this coating gives a touch of rusticity and elegance to any space, and can be combined with any type of decoration, without weighing down the composition.

On the other hand, burnt cement is a versatile material, which can be applied to almost any surface, making it easy to choose in any situation. To further favor the preference for this coating, it can be pigmented to achieve a colorful texture, allowing for even more customization for the environments.

What precautions are taken to ensure a good result?

There are minor precautions to ensure that the cement burned on the wall has a beautiful and long-lasting result. Before starting, it is important that the wall on which the application will be made is well cleaned.

The presence of dust, grease, or moisture can make it difficult for the putty to adhere to the wall, which causes problems such as stains or detachment in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the surface thoroughly and remove all moisture with a dry cloth before performing the application.

Another point to pay attention to is the way to apply the mass. The effect of burnt cement on the wall is not achieved with just one application, and it is necessary to pass two coats to ensure a good result.

Thus, a thin coat is needed, making circular movements with the sponge or cutter, and wait for this first layer to dry before repeating the process. Usually, at an interval of 4 to 5 hours, it is already possible to apply the second coat.

At the end of the application, it is still necessary to burn the cement, which is responsible for resulting in the typical effect of burnt cement.

With the dough still wet, it is important to sprinkle cement powder on the wall and wait for it to be absorbed and then smooth the surface with a puncher. Only in this way will the appearance of burning in the cement be perceived.

Finally, care must be taken with the finishing of the wall to ensure the durability and beauty of its effect. After complete drying, excess dust must be removed with a cloth and the surface must be polished with fine sandpaper, which will be responsible for preventing stains from wetness and dirt on the wall.

If the intention is a shiny effect, it is also necessary to apply a varnish with a roller, or to sand the area. Let's talk more about the importance of a good finish below.

Get to know BlokSeal CC

Cement is a porous material, which needs to be protected by a layer of product after its application. Without it, the burnt cement wall is subject to the most diverse types of problems, such as the appearance of stains, cracks, moisture, mold, and the incorporation of dirt into the surface.

As a result, there is a risk of losing the beauty of the burnt cement effect, requiring reapplication of the material and bearing new costs of maintaining the coating.

Therefore, it is recommended to finish the burnt cement wall correctly, using a resistant material and waterproof, able to guarantee the protection of the effect of your coating against all kinds of imperfections.

For this reason, Blok developed BlokSeal CC, a water-repellent based on Silane Siloxane and high performance, which promotes an invisible layer of protection and prevents infiltrations.

Specially developed for those who work with wall coverings, BlokSeal CC is a product that easily repels water, preserving the entire surface for much longer without altering the color and brightness of the finish.

Prevent seeping, staining, efflorescence, and surface darkening with water-repellent silicone BlokSeal CC, which also prevents dirt from accumulating.

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