Understand everything about Carrara Marble now!

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Understand everything about Carrara Marble now!

Nothing like building a marble cladding, isn't it? Using natural stones, such as marble, is an option that provides an even more incredible finish for any environment! And it's no wonder that we see more and more marble present in architectural projects.

In addition to giving an elegant and sophisticated finish, it requires very simple cleaning and maintenance. One of its negative points is the price, which turns out to be not a very cheap option when compared to other types of coatings. But I'll explain to you why it's worth the investment!

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Carrara marbles are noble stones widely used to decorate environments, from antiquity to the present day. They make buildings more luxurious and are extremely versatile, as they can be used in a variety of ways, on the floor, in the bathrooms, on walls, countertops and sinks.

Today, we are going to explain more about this well-known marble, addressing its advantages and disadvantages, main types, finishes, value, and how this stone should be cleaned and maintained.

Therefore, if you are thinking of using this coating in your home or if you just want to know more about it, this guide is for you. With all the information that we will present here, you will understand why this product may be a good option. So, stay with me!

What is Carrara marble? Why is it called “Carrara”?

Carrara marble is a type of marble, a noble, high-quality, white stone with some small ones mixed on its surface. It has a light color and delicate finish and can be combined in various ways in decoration projects. It is also a timeless coating, always on trend, giving refinement to the environments.

Carrara marble is named after the city of Carrara, in the region of Tuscany, in Italy, where it originated. In this region, it is possible to find 190 quarries of this type of stone, from which the pieces are extracted to give the desired finish.

From the extraction of the material, smaller blocks are made, which receive a certain type of cut and finish according to what the customer wishes and for what purpose it will be used.

What are its advantages? And drawbacks?

In addition to their own pluses that the use of marble offers, such as good resistance, a variety of shades, easy cleaning and maintenance, elegance and sophistication for environments, Carrara marble also has some particular benefits.

They are: neutrality because it is a light-colored marble that matches practically all decoration styles and the lowest porosity when compared to other types of marbles, which prevents stains from appearing and makes cleaning easier.

As for the disadvantages that Carrara marble can offer, it is mainly in relation to the price, since it is not one of the cheapest options. There are also other natural stones, such as granite, for example, that are stronger and cheaper. Therefore, it must be carefully evaluated whether Carrara marble is a good choice, since there are other coatings that are as beautiful as they are and at more affordable prices.

What are the main types of Carrara marble?

Many people think that there is only one type of Carrara marble, but I'll show you that there are several of them. The variation of Carrara marble is due to the purity of the white (the whiter, the purer and the more expensive) and the amount of greyish veins. The two main types of Carrara marble are:

  • Carrara Gióia marble: considered the most noble of all, it has the whitest background and the strongest and most prominent gray veins.
  • White Carrara marble (type C): with a white background and gray veins present throughout the piece, it is the most used and accessible.

There are also other types of marble, which are often confused and pass as Carrara marbles, but they are not, they are just similar. They are:

Carrarinha marble: national version of Carrara marble, however it is not original. It is a much cheaper option and similar to Carrara because it is white with greyish veins.

Statuary marble: similar to Carrara, but its value is higher.

Calacata marble: a bit similar to Carrara, but the veins are golden. Much more expensive than Carrara marbles.

What finishes can be given to Carrara marbles?

Despite the various types of finishes that can be given to marbles, as we have mentioned in other articles of our Blog, Carrara marble is most commonly used with a polished finish, presenting a smooth and shiny appearance. You can hardly find this stone with another type of finish, although it is possible.

The larger the plate, the more beautiful it will look in the rooms. Also, the edge finishes may differ, being straight or half-squared, which also gives a distinct effect after the stone is installed. Therefore, it is important to evaluate all these variables before choosing marble, as everything interferes with the final finish.

Where to use Carrara marble?

Carrara marble can be used in various environments of a construction, however, its use alone is not suitable for outdoor areas, as it can become very slippery since its finish is very smooth.

It is worth using creativity to make use of the beauty of Carrara marble. If you do a search on the internet, you will be able to see numerous ways of applying the stone. Also, it is worth counting on the experience of decorators and architects, who have a professional eye for this. In any case, it's worth the investment, as Carrara marble gives elegance to any property!

The areas where Carrara marble is most used are kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms, stairs, countertops, sinks, walls, floors, facades, pool borders, furniture, in short, it's up to you to research and define where marble best fits the architectural design of your building.

How much does a square meter of Carrara marble cost?

O priced of Carrara marble varies depending on the size, model and quantity that will be needed. For example, when we talk about floors, which already have pre-defined sizes, they are more affordable than countertops that are made to measure, because marbles consider the loss of material.

The values also vary according to exchange rate fluctuations since marble is imported from Italy. However, the average price of Carrara Gióia marble is around 1000 reais, while type C marble is 900 reais.

If you want a cheaper option, check out Carrarinha, which is very similar and has a more affordable price.

How to clean and maintain Carrara marble?

To clean Carrara marble, there is no secret. Just wipe a damp cloth over it to remove surface dirt. It is not recommended to use chemicals or abrasives. If stains appear, it is important to talk to the stone manufacturer to find out how to solve the problem correctly.

However, there is a very interesting solution to protect your marble against infiltration and, consequently, stains and deterioration of the stone. Do you know which one? BlokSeal, an excellent water repellent that, after being applied, creates an invisible layer that prevents water from passing through.

If you use this product on your stone, there is a great reduction in dirt accumulation and the prevention of stains on the material. Thus, the marble will be more protected, maintaining its natural beauty for much longer. Quite an advantage, isn't it?


Did you like to learn more about Carrara marble? I guarantee you one thing: although it is not one of the most affordable options on the market, it is worth the investment, as the aesthetic appeal provided by the use of marbles in a building is incomparable!

But, read this article again and talk to professionals in the field to define the best coating for your work! If you already have Carrara marble in your home, use BlokSeal to make it more beautiful and ensure easier maintenance. And count on Blok to guarantee more quality for your stones. We have the solution for you!


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