Learn about the Types of Cement Coatings Here

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Learn about the Types of Cement Coatings Here

Cement coatings are in evidence in the global civil construction scene, due to their ability to harmonize resistance, design and sustainability. It is a material that adapts well to any type of project.

This coating offers creative solutions for both floors and walls in indoor or outdoor areas. It provides exclusive benefits for the works, in addition to the numerous textures, formats and ideal for expressing personality in the finish.

Do you know what types of cementitious coatings are there? Knowing what the market offers is essential to decide what will best suit your project. To help, check out, in this post, types of coatings and the advantages they bring to the work!

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What are cementitious coatings?

Cement coatings are plates of different sizes and shapes, produced from concrete and other compounds, such as fibers, additives for concrete and minerals such as granitine. They are made with various textures and colors, perfectly fitting into decoration projects.

An interesting feature of cement coatings is that they can be manufactured with raw materials derived from the recycling of other construction materials. Still, they maintain strength and aesthetics, making them a sustainable product.

What are the applications and usability?

Cement coating allows coating on walls and floors, indoor or outdoor areas of homes, commercial and industrial environments. Due to the variety of formats and types, it offers numerous possibilities for use, with easy installation and maintenance.

What are the types of cementitious coatings?

Because they have versatile applications and appearances, cement coatings have become a Strong trend for room decoration. They are found with diverse geometries, bringing sophistication and authenticity.

Discover some types of cement coatings!

3D coating

O 3D coating presents several geometries, with different reliefs and shapes. It is ideal for interior decoration and living areas, offering many possibilities to compose cozy and sophisticated environments.

Facade cladding

Used in outdoor areas, this type of cement coating is developed to provide durability and efficiency. To preserve the structure and maintain the impeccable appearance, the facade cladding must be waterproofed, avoiding moisture action.

Floor covering

The cementitious floor covering is the one with the most variety on the market. It is possible to find coatings for indoor and outdoor areas, with different textures and shapes. They are also found permeable and raincoats.

Living room coating

The living room is one of the most pleasant environments in a residence. A space where the decoration must be creative and represent the owners' personality. For this purpose, cement coatings developed exclusively for living rooms are perfect for creating a unique decor.

Bathroom coating

Because it is a coating that Can be waterproofed, making it moisture resistant, easily allows for great bathroom decoration. It harmonizes with the dishes and metals used in the environment.

Pool liner

The cementitious coating can be used in Close to the pool strategically. As it can be permeable, it facilitates water infiltration and provides adhesion, essential requirements to avoid accidents.

What are the advantages of using cement coatings?

You will notice that the advantages of using cement coating go beyond aesthetic factors. Because it is modern and developed with technology, it contributes to various aspects of the project.

See the advantages of using cement coating in your work!

High durability

Even with daily use and possible exposure to time, cementitious coatings are durable and are unlikely to show damage such as cracks and cracks. It is a material that has an excellent cost-benefit ratio for any architectural project.

Low heat retention

As Brazil is a tropical country, intense heat is common in many cities, and high temperatures are natural. Cement coating is an intelligent alternative, as it does not retain heat and helps to have cooler and more ventilated environments.

Practicality and maintenance

Practical and easy maintenance is another advantage of cementitious coating. It can be easily renewed regardless of the type of use. Therefore, it does not present difficulties for future interventions.


Versatility is an attraction that attracts the attention of many people, as it is possible to apply it in different places, different types of use and countless decoration possibilities. These factors provide greater opportunities for architectural professionals and more options for clients.

Easy installation

Whether on the walls or on the floors, the cement coating is easy to install, requiring only basic materials and specialized labor in finishing. It is one of the last steps to be taken in construction. Therefore, care must be taken to preserve the surface. However, the entire process is simple and does not require large investments.

Low environmental impact

The growing concern with environmental issues has increased the need to develop products without harming the environment. In this context, sustainability has become a requirement, even for business competitiveness.

Cement coatings can be produced using recycled construction materials. Thus, it is a production that does not harm the environment. It can be considered environmentally friendly, precisely because of the way it is manufactured.

It is the ideal option for people who seek to adopt sustainable habits and yet have modern and sophisticated projects. An important attraction, precisely because it helps to avoid pollution.

Considering cement coatings is essential to have modern designs that adjust to customer needs. In addition to being a trend for decorating environments, it perfectly combines durability, resistance and aesthetic issues.

However, to be even more efficient and preserve the surface, it is essential to ensure a quality waterproofing. Especially in relation to environments exposed to humidity, floors with human or vehicle traffic.

In this way, in addition to keeping the appearance always new, you avoid structural damage to the part that can cause future problems and inevitable maintenance costs. Therefore, it is a factor that must have special attention from every construction professional.

As you noticed in this article, there are several types and applications for cement coatings. It is certainly an interesting option to have authentic, sophisticated projects with an innovative design.

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