Ceramic Bricks x Concrete Blocks

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Ceramic Bricks x Concrete Blocks

Ceramic Bricks x Concrete Blocks: Discover the Ideal Option for Your Work.

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Ceramic Brick

Ceramic bricks are the most used in Brazil. It is found easily and cheaply, due to the abundance of its raw material, clay.

Some of its advantages over concrete blocks:

● good thermal performance, making the environment cooler;

● affordable price.

And some drawbacks:

● greater possibility of brick breakage;


● lack of standardization;

● increased need for laying and waxing mortars.

Traditionally used in the structure of the work, ceramic bricks also began to be successful in finishing, with the tendency of bricks to appear in the decoration.

Such popularity requires special attention when handling ceramic bricks.

One of the most important points to observe is its correct burning.

Bricks poorly burned and exposed to moisture present pathologies over the years, which may cause problems during the masonry and leveling phase.

patologia tijolo cerâmico
Ceramic Brick Pathology

What Are the Main Types of Ceramic Bricks?

Common/Solid Brick

As its name says, this brick is completely made of clay.

Its integral composition, without holes, provides thermal and acoustic comfort for the environment.

tijolo comum
Ordinary Brick

Its disadvantages are related to the size, which requires a greater number of pieces per square meter of wall, generating more expenses with mortar and labor, lack of adequate firing for applications where the built environment is subject to humidity (normally) and little technological control

Baiano Brick

Bahian brick is one of the cheapest on the market and is also widely used in construction.

tijolo baiano
Baiano Brick

Because it is a larger piece, Bahian brick increases productivity in construction and its grooves improve adhesion and saves mortar from laying and rubbing.

The material provides excellent thermoacoustic insulation and, because it is light, its transport facilitates the logistics of the work.

Important: Bahian brick does not withstand structural loads and is used only for sealing.

This type of brick, like solid bricks, does not have great dimensional accuracy, which requires greater expenditure on labor, laying mortar and plastering. Another disadvantage is the high rate of breakage and rubble production.

The Baianinho brick is a smaller scale variation of the Bahian brick, also characterized by the holes in the piece.

Adobe brick

Adobe brick is considered to be one of the historical ancestors of mud brick. It consists of raw earth, water, straw and natural fibers, which are handcrafted into molds and baked in the sun.

tijolo adobe
Adobe brick

Its advantage is that it is a sustainable material that provides excellent thermal insulation.

However, its problem is the high porosity. Adobe brick must be protected from moisture and rain, as it can crumble upon direct contact with water.

Ecological Brick

Composed of a mixture of cement, soil and water, which undergoes a curing process before being used in the work.

tijolo ecológico
Ecological Brick

Because it does not require kiln burning, this material is less polluting. It is also a good acoustic and thermal insulator, requiring a smaller amount of cement mortar.

It is a brick that has a low cost because it is composed of easily found materials.

Another advantage of ecological brick is its modularity, which makes it possible to build rounded shapes and with different thicknesses, which adds architectural value to the work.

High moisture retention is its biggest drawback.

Laminated Brick

Also known as “21 hole brick”, laminated brick features high strength and durability. It is used in masonry with apparent finish, such as building facades, walls, and grills. Its use is more common for aesthetic and practical coatings.

tijolo laminado
Laminated Brick

Concrete Block

Concrete blocks or bricks are the most commonly used in structural and fencing masonry.

Because of its shape, mortar consumption and installation time are lower compared to ceramic bricks, which generates more productivity in construction. In addition, the loss rate of concrete blocks It is much lower compared to ceramic

On the other hand, the concrete blocks they are more expensive, do not guarantee the same thermoacoustic efficiency as ceramic bricks and normally show less efflorescence than ceramic blocks after being laid

Its higher weight can also hinder transportation and logistics for the construction site.

What Are the Main Types of Concrete Blocks

Closing/Fencing Concrete Block

This type of block has low resistance and is only suitable for sealing masonry, such as walls, walls, and other room divisions.

The concrete sealing block does not withstand loads other than its own and must always be used together with pillars, beams and tie down straps.

bloco de concreto
Concrete Block for Closing/Fencing

Structural Concrete Block

Used in structural masonry, with the function of supporting the weight of the building.

Composed of larger traces of cement, it is a much stronger block.

bloco de concreto estrutural
Structural Concrete Block

In the end, which is better: Ceramic Brick or Concrete Block?

This is a very common question when starting a project: What is the best brick? Which one has the best cost-benefit ratio? Which one should I choose?

When it comes to civil construction, the answer is never definitive.

It all depends on your purpose for the work.

What is your budget? What is the importance of thermoacoustic insulation? What is your need for standardization? What is the distance from the manufacturer to your work?

tabela comparativa tijolo bloco
Comparative Table

We made the table above to make it easier for you to choose the best option for you. Balancing each of the variables, we are sure that you will find the right brick for your work.

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