What is the difference between chapisco, emboço e reboco?

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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What is the difference between chapisco, emboço e reboco?

What is the difference between chapisco, emboço e reboco?

Are you going to do a project or renovate your house? You need to understand all the steps when building a wall so that your finish looks the way you planned! With that in mind, we have prepared this material that will help you if you want to get your hands dirty, or even to supervise the team that will be in charge of carrying out the service!

Soon after lifting the wall, it is necessary to cover the masonry. But how to make it ready to receive the final finish? The finish can be as varied as possible, such as painting, reboco and ceramics, but before starting the finishing process, the walls must have gone through the masonry cladding steps, which must be very well done.

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So let's explain about the three main Stages for wall cladding before receiving the final finish, which are chapisco, emboço e reboco. It is extremely important that each of these parts of the coating is made with dedication and with appropriate materials, always respecting professional guidelines and technical standards.

In this article today, you will learn what are the steps and the function of each of them for an excellent result, in addition to understanding the difference among them and the additives that can be used to further increase productivity, yield and performance during work. But if you want to understand, in more detail, about Chapisco and Reboco, just access our Blog, where you can find the other articles we wrote on these topics! They're really cool and complete, worth reading too! Shall we get started?

What is Chapisco?

After the wall is lifted, the process of cladding the brickwork begins, that is, covering the bricks or blocks so that the surface is ready to receive any type of finish. And the first layer of mortar that must be applied is chapisco, which is nothing more than a thicker mortar prepared with cement, sand, water and additives, with the purpose of creating a surface rugged enough to provide greater adhesion to the next layer, the reboco.

Because it is the layer that is in direct contact with the brickwork, columns and beams of concrete it is important to certify that chapisco mortar will give the roughness and porosity necessary to receive the following coating and finishing layers, providing perfect anchoring.

To learn about the ways to splash, the types of chapisco, the step by step on how to splash, the precautions, and what the NBR's say about it, read our matter Complete about Chapisco, which you can find in our Blog or by clicking hereto.

Additive for Chapisco

Preparing mortar for chapisco is very simple, but have you considered using an additive to make your work even easier? With that in mind, Blok developed BlokFix, a product that acts as an adhesive for mortars, as it provides excellent adhesion, in addition to reducing cracks and increasing strength.

But is BlokFix worth using? Without a doubt, it's fine. BlokFix has a low cost per square meter, low VOC, decreases retrenchment, fissuring and permeability of the mortars, high adhesion in EPS (Styrofoam) and reduced spatter during the application of chapisco, thus reducing waste. Therefore, if you use BlokFix while preparing the mortar, you will see all these benefits!

What is Emboço?

Now that the chapisco has been done, it's time to apply the next layer of coating mortar, the emboço. But, never forget to wait for the minimum period determined by the Technical Standards to continue with the next stage, right?

If not respected, you could have future problems! Emboço is the intermediate finishing stage, that is, a mortar composed of cement, coarse-grained sand, water and additives whose purpose is to level the chapisco, leaving the surface more filled to receive, finally, the emboço.

In the case of very unplumbed masonry, large emboço thicknesses will be necessary, between the “plates” or “layers” of emboço, layers of chapisco added with BlokFix.

In addition to leveling the chapisco to make the surface more uniform, the plunger has sealing, regulating and protecting the base against water and harmful agents. Its thickness, as well as that of the chapisco, must follow the technical recommendations. The emboço is a thick layer, roughened to provide adhesion to the reboco that will follow soon after.

Additive for emboço

And do you know how you can further improve the result of your stroke? Using our additives that are incorporated during the preparation of the mortar: BlokMassa ST, Blok Massa and Blok Liga. Let's understand how they can help you with your work.

BlokMassa ST It's the only additive waterproofing of the market that assists in waterproofing, blocking the capillary system, internally structuring the emboço and reboco mortars. In this way, hindering the rapid loss of water and practically eliminating cracks, Trincas or cracks in the mortars, in addition to providing productivity gains.

Blok Massa it is a waterproofing additive that helps with waterproofing by blocking the capillary system, allowing gas exchange between materials. In addition to increasing the waterproofness of mortars, BlokMassa does not degrade them or cause corrosion of the steel. Still want more? Then see how BlokLiga acts on mortars.

Blok Liga It is a plasticizing additive that provides excellent plasticity and ease of working with cement-based mortars (hydraulic curing), without the use of hydrated lime or clay. You need to use BlokLiga to understand what we're talking about.

In addition to improving the workability and plasticity of the mortar, BlokLiga does not reduce mechanical resistance because it does not incorporate air, promotes material savings, excellent finish, facilitates work because it is liquid and its raw materials are from renewable sources. Better than that, impossible!

What is Reboco?

Reboco is the final stage of finishing with mortar, as it will leave the wall smooth and even to receive the final coatings. As this is the last stage of masonry cladding, it is essential that the work be done by an experienced and specialized professional, as it requires technique and skill for the result to be as expected!

The reboco is prepared with mortar composed of cement, fine sand, water and additives, with the characteristic of being a thinner and lighter mass, since it will give the final finish to the wall. It must be applied after the reboco has healed and has the basic function of giving a better look to the wall surface, keeping the base smooth and not very porous. Its thickness is determined by technical standards as well as its trace.

To learn more about reboco, click here to access our complete guide on how to rebocar the wall and all the details you need to know about this topic!

Additive for reboco

How to improve the performance of your reboco? You can also mix additives into the mortar during its preparation for best results. A Blok, in the mission of manufacturing products that harmonize the built environment, created a product that is three in one: it waterproofs the reboco, improves the quality of the finish and the workability of the mortar, the BlokMassa ST. Thus, with BlokMassa ST, you considerably increase the quality of your work, producing reboco with fewer cracks and more resistant due to the internal structure of the mortars.

In addition, BlokMassa ST allows faster construction, due to increased productivity, as mortars with BlokMassa ST increase batching speed and performance.

Differences between chapisco, emboço e reboco

It was possible to understand the differences between three steps that need to be done correctly to have the expected result in cladding the brickwork, right? But to conclude, let's summarize what we said here.

Basically, the difference between chapisco, emboço e reboco is that they are layers of mortars of different thicknesses and purposes used to cover a wall. In short, chapisco has the function of providing greater adhesion between the masonry and the coating, reboco is applied to smooth the chapisco surface and reboco is a finishing layer.

So, now that you know the steps and functions of each type of mortar to cover the masonry, follow all the recommendations we have given here and in the other articles on our Blog, in addition to, of course, consulting professionals and technical standards before performing any procedure.

You can also always count on Blok, who will be available to guarantee excellent results for your works! Until next time!


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