Concrete Block Form: Get to Know All the Types Now

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Concrete Block Form: Get to Know All the Types Now

Are you thinking of starting or improving the production of concrete blocks? This can be a really good time to diversify your portfolio and seek new markets. However, to have a better understanding of the business of manufacturing these artifacts, we must also understand important details for a quality product. And that goes through the different types of form for concrete block.

First of all, it should be noted that, due to its durability and resistance, the concrete is a very popular building material. It has a wide applicability, from the drainage culverts that run under our streets to the walls of the most modern houses. It forms the center of many of our skyscrapers and makes up the sidewalks that we routinely use.

Architects appreciate concrete for its energy efficiency and the sense of security it brings to a space.

And, in civil construction, concrete blocks are aimed at adding agility, performance, productivity and better cost-efficiency to projects - in general, it is faster to build with concrete blocks than with bricks, their installation time is shorter and the amount of mortar is significantly reduced with their use.

The residential end customer has also sought concrete blocks as a resource to innovate in the construction, renovation or decoration of their home. Still, concrete blocks tend to have less efflorescence after settling and great resistance, which makes its demand frequent for the most diverse audiences.

Today, concrete blocks are produced practically all over the world also due to their high quality and the demand for economical and versatile building materials. And many of those attributes that make these artifacts so qualified are related to the form for a concrete block.

Then read on and understand more about working with this type of artifact and discover more about the importance, role, and types of form for concrete blocks. Follow up below.

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The concrete block manufacturing market

Due, among other things, to the versatile and favorable chemical properties of the concrete block, its application remains consistent in civil construction, which makes one of the most recognized characteristics of this market precisely its frequent demand.

However, the fluctuation in the cost of raw materials for the manufacture of concrete blocks is a challenge for companies operating in this segment, demanding proactive actions to avoid waste - such as those that occur with uneven pieces, with a misshapen finish and with the misuse of some input.

In addition, there are in the country, according to surveying, more than 2,500 concrete block factories, 90% of which are micro or small. Numbers like these demonstrate that this is a profitable but competitive market.

But that should not prevent you from producing or rather your concrete block manufacture. For companies that specialize, seek differentials and offer quality service and products, there are good opportunities for profitability in this type of operation.

This also occurs due to issues such as the gradual replacement of the masonry sealing model with the structural model in civil construction - which is the one made from concrete artifacts.

Housing incentive programs, such as Minha Casa Minha Vida and should be Casa Verde e Amarela, also help to heat up this market.

Today, meeting the demand for concrete blocks from large construction companies and developers, in fact, is an objective of those who manufacture these artifacts. But it is also possible to broaden your marketing radar, including, for example, the retail segment.

This usually represents a good gateway for beginning or smaller-scale concrete block producers. Still, serving the residential customer directly can also be a profitable niche, especially for more customized pieces.

How to differentiate yourself in this market?

The block of concrete it is widely used in Brazil. In fact, this was the first type of block to have a Brazilian standard for structural masonry calculation. Despite this, as there are a large number of manufacturers, there is to some extent a lack of quality in some of the artifacts produced. Filling this space that is not being adequately supplied, offering high-quality blocks, is one of the ways to succeed and have a competitive advantage in this sector.

It should be noted that, in order to differentiate yourself by quality, producing concrete blocks of superior aesthetics and resistance, it is recommended to work with also qualified block-making machines, which provide a form for a concrete block within the stipulated standards, as well as with additives that improve labor quality and productivity.

The forms and sizes of the most common concrete blocks were precisely standardized to guarantee uniformity and reliability to these pieces. Your factory can become a reference in providing parts within these attributes. But it can also go further.

There are also opportunities for manufacturers to offer variations of the basic block to add unique visual effects to the project or to provide desirable structural features for specialized applications. For example, a manufacturer may design a block specifically to resist water leaking through external walls. Building your own niche can also be a way to have more competitiveness and advantage in this type of business.

Still, you can create smaller-scale lines to suit end customers, such as decorative artifacts for gardens, uniquely designed pots for plants, racks, benches, tables, etc.

Today, brutalist and industrial aesthetics, with apparent concrete blocks, are quite on the rise. Your company can position itself as a reference in the supply of artifacts for this type of architecture and design.

Basic types of concrete blocks

Even before we talk about the different types of concrete block forms, it is also important to remember about the types of artifacts that they can produce.

The regulations in force in Brazil basically stipulate two types of concrete blocks, according to their application, namely:

  • Simple hollow concrete block for masonry with no structural function (defined in ABNT NBR 7173);
  • Hollow concrete block with higher strengths for structural masonry (defined in ABNT NBR 6136).

At this point, it is also worth noting that the concrete block with a bottom (that is, not poured) is in disrepair and is not regulated by the ABNT.

Different types of concrete block production

The concrete block is one of several concrete products precast used in construction. The term precast refers to the fact that blocks are formed and cured before being taken to the workplace - the construction site, for example.

Quite briefly, we can say that the production of concrete blocks (whether solid, cellular or hollow) consists of four basic processes: mixing, molding, heals and cubing. However, in practice, we know that all of this is more comprehensive and complex.

Next, learn more about concrete block production models:

Completely manual block manufacturing

The first hollow concrete block was designed in 1890 by Harmon S. Palmer in the United States. After 10 years of experimenting, Palmer patented the project in 1900. The Palmer blocks were 8 in. (20.3 cm) by 10 in. (25.4 cm) by 30 in. (76.2 cm), and were so heavy that they had to be lifted in place with a small crane. However, the idea was rapidly developed and, as early as 1905, about 1,500 companies were already manufacturing concrete blocks in the United States.

These early blocks were generally hand molded and the average production was around 10 blocks per person per hour. Even today, it is possible to have a completely manual production process.

This is a very small-scale business. The advantage of this production method is that it requires a budget that can be quite low, since it does not require investment in machinery and other resources.

The disadvantage of this method is that it consumes a lot of time, you need more labor, your labor cost must be higher, your mixing ratio will not be the same over time, and the quality of the products will be different and inferior, because vibration power is not applied to the production line and the capacity is very low, being subject to errors and destandardization characteristic of any strictly manual process.

Semi-automated concrete block manufacturing

The semiautomatic method covers some of the drawbacks of the manual manufacturing method. In the semiautomatic, a mixer and a machine are used. The mixer speeds up the preparation of the mortar and the machine generally provides more than 2 blocks (at least 3 blocks) in each press. This already represents an increase in total production capacity and in the overall quality of the parts.

The disadvantages of this system are that the mixer and the machine are operated by an employee, requiring labor costs. The loading of the raw material into the mixer is also done by workers, which can make this model onerous if not well designed. This model also requires a larger curing area to dry the concrete blocks.

Automated concrete block production

To change the semiautomatic system to an automatic system, a list of equipment is normally added, which may include: aggregate hopper, weighing belt under the aggregate hopper, conveyor belt to feed the mixer, automatic pallet collection system, and others.

In this type of production, scale and precision are gained, and the exact amount of inputs is used in the proportion stipulated for the manufacture of concrete blocks. More processes now operate automatically in this model, although it is necessary for the equipment to be activated and controlled by a human operator.

Still, the demand for labor is quite low, as is the need for a healing area.

Fully automated concrete block production

In this model, all processes are done automatically by machines. All you have to do is provide the necessary raw materials and just hit the start button for manufacturing to begin. However, a forklift operator may still be required to transfer the pallets to the curing section.

The main disadvantage of this system compared to the others is that, of course, it is much more expensive.

What is the role of forms in concrete block manufacturing?

We have now reached the right point to talk more about the concrete block form - also known as a formwork. In accordance with ABNT NBR 15696, the forms have the basic function of molding concrete until it cures.

In practice, forms are types of molds used to guarantee the geometry of the blocks and to ensure that the concrete is contained when it is fresh until the expected strength is achieved.

The concrete block form can also help to add aesthetic characteristics to the surface of the pieces and to ensure that the prescriptions provided by standards regarding attributes such as the block's form are met.

It also helps to make work faster and more efficient and so that there is no waste in the consumption of materials.

For all these reasons, it is essential to choose high-quality, durable and suitable forms for your concrete block project, considering issues such as the weight of the concrete, lateral pressure to be supported, stability, watertightness, ease to assemble and disassemble, and others.

Learn about the main types of concrete block forms

The concrete block mold can be made from materials ranging from simple wood to recycled plastics. It may be coated with steel plates to prevent damage during compaction and to reduce wear.

Still, all parts of the form must be slightly tapered so that they can be easily removed from the block.

Below, learn more details about some of the main types of concrete block forms:


The wood form is the oldest and most conventional alternative, and can be composed of pine, cedar, jatobá, pine planks, as well as sawn, plywood and plasticized wood.

In fact, wood began to be used in forms in civil construction a long time ago, especially since, at the time, it was an abundant resource in the country. However, over the years, the cost of this input increased, which encouraged the development of more structured projects for these forms. Over time, the resource, in some presentations, became more scarce, and this, in line with the demands of concern for sustainability, led to new form options being developed.

However, even in the face of other alternatives, wood is still used to form concrete blocks. Especially for the small-sized factory, this is a more affordable model in form.

Even so, it is important to consider that it tends to have less durability and resistance at the joints. It may also be subject to deformation and be flammable.

But, if you consider that this is the most suitable option for your project, remember that, with the form of wood, it is essential to work with a release agent, in order to remove the form more easily after drying the concrete and prevent it from sticking to the form, which is not uncommon when working with the wooden form.


Among the types of forms for concrete blocks, those made of metal, especially in relation to those made of wood, stand out because they enable the fulfillment of a larger volume of artifact production.

When these appeared, they were imported and used mainly in large projects. Today, their use is already more popular, however, they continue to be used more widely in large scale production and where it is necessary to increase throughput.

A differential of these forms is their high durability. Regarding the form of wood, it presents a great gain in terms of the possibility of reuse, improved resistance and a more agile assembly. The finish is also a highlight, allowing surfaces with a high degree of standardization and uniformity. All of this reflects a higher price than the wood form, however, considering the reuses and the long useful life, this cost can be diluted over time and become attractive.

It should be noted that, in projects where it is not possible to deform, the form for a metallic concrete block may be a good alternative. In these situations, it plays the role of being the so-called lost form - whether or not it has a structural function in the block and is not reused because it is incorporated into it.


In recent years, new form alternatives for concrete blocks have been developed to meet the most current and specific needs of factories and the market. The form made of mixed materials is an option for those who are looking for cost reduction and better efficiency compared to wood, for example.

Its composition may include coated plywood sheets and metal profiles, among other items.


Plastic is known for its great versatility and this characteristic has made many companies choose to also work with concrete block forms made of plastic - including PVC, fiberglass reinforced plastic, polypropylene, polyurethane and others.

These forms are characterized by their light weight, mechanical strength and a generally attractive cost compared to the concrete block form made of metal. In addition, they are practical to handle and are easy to assemble.

However, it is important to consider that there is a risk of breaking this type of form, which may have less durability.

After choosing the right form, choose a quality mold release agent

As we've seen, carefully choosing the type of concrete block form ideal for your projects is critical. But even if you have found the most suitable way, if you don't think further and seek more ease and efficiency for the demoulding process, previous care may not be enough.

In this context, the release agent can be your great ally. Mold removers are products applied to the surface of the form, before concreting, to facilitate the removal of the form and prevent the concrete from sticking to it. It can also help to reduce the incidence of bubbles and to provide an improved surface finish for your concrete blocks.

Another benefit of using this type of product is that it protects the form and makes it possible to reuse it and extend its useful life.

However, it is important to carefully select the release agent. Products that are partially or fully kerosene-based, for example, that may seem like a low-cost option, can actually be harmful and dangerous. They can increase the risk of fire because they are highly volatile, and can be classified as flammable.

There are many suppliers and various types of mold release agents available on the market. So, look for an option that is truly safe and efficient. In addition, always work with the most appropriate release agent, depending on the type of concrete block mold used.

Learn more about Blok's mold release line

Blok has a range of products suitable and aimed exclusively at the unmolding of concrete artifacts. In addition to being a recognized company for being a reference in waterproofing agents, we also offer a line of concrete release agents for wood, metal and plastic forms (polyethylene, PVC and ABS), which is the most recommended by engineers and construction professionals.

These products offer a high-quality finish and protect the form so that it maintains its attributes and can maintain its stipulated lifespan. In addition, Blok's mold removers are concentrated and biodegradable, have no added toxic solvents and are produced with raw materials from renewable sources.

Another differential of Blok mold removers is that they do not negatively affect the surface, leaving no stains or residues on the concrete block. The line includes the following products aimed at form demoulding for concrete blocks:

  • BlokForma Woods: for concrete block forms made of wood, raw wood, resinated wood, plywood and laminated wood;
  • BlokForma Metals: for metal and metal forms based on vegetable oils and emulsifiers;
  • BlokForma Plastics: non-flammable release agent and anti-bubble for plastic forms produced from materials such as polyethylene, PVC and ABS.

So, what did you think of the opportunity to operate or diversify your operation in the manufacture of concrete blocks?

For more tips about this market and its best practices, continue to follow our blog and, for more details about our concrete release line, visit page for this product with detailed information about its application and its differentials.


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