Learn about the 4 main concrete curing techniques!

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Learn about the 4 main concrete curing techniques!

Premature evaporation of water can have numerous consequences for concrete structures, such as the appearance of cracks and cracks. To reduce these effects, professionals use concrete curing techniques.

They consist of hydrating concrete, an extremely important method for which the hardening characteristic is Cement curing make better use of it, also preventing the emergence of Trincas or of a low surface resistance, or even structural strength of the part.

As the concrete hardens, the water contained in it can evaporate, causing cracks. Therefore, if you don't want your work to be hampered by structural problems, follow this article to understand how concrete curing techniques work.

chemical cure for concrete
Blok Cure
Chemical Cure for Concrete

Efflorescence: Learn Everything About This Pathology

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What is the importance of concrete curing?

Curing concrete prevents numerous pathological manifestations that can only be prevented by slowing down the evaporation of water in the composition. It is it that guarantees the complete hydration of the material, and it must be done at the very first stages of hardening.

Em floors And slabs, there needs to be extra attention in the process. As for the pillars and the bottom of beams, they require less attention due to the use of shapes. Finally, structures with a large volume and small area require precision due to thermal reasons.

The idea here is very simple, the goal is only to reduce the evaporation rate of the water used to mix the concrete as much as possible. In this way, cement will have a more favorable medium for forming longer and stronger crystals, providing a final finishing result and much higher resistance compared to poorly cured concrete.

A very important piece of information before we talk about the types of concrete curing. The concrete curing stage must be planned like any other stage, it must be taken into account in the total time of the execution of the work or the manufacture of the concrete part, so that the appropriate curing time is respected and no essential stage is skipped or abbreviated.

What are the main concrete curing techniques?

The type of ideal concrete cure varies depending on the type of structure, the construction site, the priorities, the budget, the weather conditions, and the time available to carry out the process. Keep following up to understand how the main techniques work.

1. Chemical cure

Na Chemical cure, a substance that prevents water evaporation is applied by sprinkling. This substance can be manufactured from raw materials such as special polymers, PVA, paraffins, and waxes.

In this process, product quality is essential to ensure healing efficiency. The application is simple, but may impair the adhesion of chips, paints, or others types of coatings.

To this end, the Blok There is Blok Cure, which is one of the few chemical cures on the market that leave residues and does not harm the final finish of the concrete piece.

2. Steam cure

In this option, used in cold environments or when there is a hurry, UR is applied to the entire surface, always maintaining temperature control so that it is above that on site.

3. Wet cure

Traditional and popular, wet curing of concrete is repeated in most works. It consists of applying water to conserve the hydration of the concrete. In this case, the most recommended thing is to develop a chamber just for the process, nebulizing the water over the blocks without dripping that causes cavitation.

Some professionals use the geotextile blanket, as it traps water in the capillary voids and reduces the frequency of wetting the concrete.

Although popular, this technique has some limitations and disadvantages, such as the need for more labor to moisten the surface or structure in shorter periods of time, and there is also the risk of “washing the concrete“adding more water to the system too soon and reducing its surface resistance. Another consequence is the pathological manifestation of efflorescence, which may occur in structures that receive high amounts of water.

4. Thermal cure

Thermal curing is performed on precast parts, a procedure that takes hours and should not be used if the final product requires high durability or high resistance to abrasion.

What is the importance of additives for concrete curing?

The use of additives such as superplasticizers it is a great alternative to improve concrete curing. These products can optimize the concrete curing process, reducing the amount of water needed in the system and ensuring stage performance, establishing homogeneity on the surface.

If you understand the types of concrete curing and want to have a well-cured mass with high strength and durability, consider looking for the solutions that the market offers.

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