Concrete Infiltration

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Concrete Infiltration

Stains in the corners, mildew and bubbles. That's how it starts, and it can end in an extremely unpleasant way. Difficulty with infiltration in concrete is a well-known pathological manifestation in the construction environment.

This problem can affect different parts of a building and cause incalculable losses if it is not remedied correctly. But do you know how to solve it?

Interventions to repair affected parts often only work in the short term, increasing the headache of those responsible for the work. When problems reoccur, it is a sign that the infiltration has not been well diagnosed, preventing the disease from being nipped in the bud.

This construction nightmare always has an origin. The problem is that many people do not understand the level of danger that humidity can provide to buildings, nor do they know how to solve the bottleneck in its entirety.

In this article, we will talk a little more about the frequent problems of concrete infiltration and how we can act in a preventive and corrective way. Check it out below.

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What are the main damages caused by moisture in concrete?

Most of the materials used in buildings have a porous characteristic. These spaces where the Water seeps in they present themselves in different degrees of porosity, but even so, it is necessary to always be alert to how humidity can evolve.

Widely used in buildings in the country, concrete has a high degree of porosity and depends on excellence in the waterproofing process. Otherwise, the problems with infiltrations will be certain. Keep following up to find out what are the biggest damages caused by seeping into the concrete.

1. Frame corrosion

Brazilian standards recommend that steel sections have a minimum concrete cover. This measure is aimed at avoiding exposure of the frame, as it leads to corrosion.

When there is no minimum volume of concrete surrounding all hardware, technical requirements are being ignored and the consequences can be disastrous in the long term. Because of errors in the process of waterproofing, concrete can be “washed”, compromising the strength of the structure itself.

2. Carbonation

Carbonation is a phenomenon where carbonates are formed by the reaction of carbon dioxide with the hydroxides present in concrete. This happens because air penetrates the pores of the concrete and, in its composition, it contains gases such as nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide.

The increase in the pH of concrete is a protective factor for frames, since the environment is very unfavorable for corrosion. However, carbonation only hinders this process, reducing the pH of the concrete by significant doses. It is worth noting that this phenomenon occurs more often in regions with higher temperatures and relative air humidity.

3. Efflorescence from concrete leaching

In any situation where the water is in a poorly waterproofed environment or compartment, the efflorescence may appear. Despite this, these pathologies are more common in treatment plants and water reservoirs.

To explain, it is necessary to understand that in the curing process, after the cement reacts with water, various salts are formed. The large amount of water in reservoirs, pools, and structures of the type forces the walls of the enclosure and seeps through the poorly waterproofed pores. Thus, the salts react with water and cause efflorescence, normally white in color.

As a result, the concrete may become less stable and cause a poor look. In addition, efflorescence paves the way for corrosion of the structure by means of gases and other materials. The good news is that it can be combated with specific solutions developed in the laboratory.

How to resolve cases of seeping into concrete?

Before getting your hands dirty to solve any case of infiltration, it is necessary to inspect and diagnose the pathological condition. Without the cause of the pathological manifestation, it is impossible to move forward safely. Ideally, an experienced professional should evaluate the case and the waterproofing. In fact, performing it during the work is much more advantageous and economical than after the flaws appear.

Waterproofing can be applied exactly at the time of construction of the structure. In this way, the protection for the material will be much more effective, offering longevity to the surface.

What happens in several cases is that many people use traditional solutions as definitive processes in buildings still built with antiquated applications. Over time, they become damaged, so that even prior waterproofing prevents infiltration. In such cases, it is necessary Repair the infiltration and analyze the structural factors needed in the search for the most effective waterproofing method.

In case you want waterproof a surface that presents Trincas, cracks or other signs of faults, it will be necessary to fill them with sealant Pu before finishing. As for floors, it is necessary to ensure that water can drain. So don't forget to predict at least 1% slope.

Any rough and uneven surface can be evened out to facilitate the adhesion of membrane or the waterproofing material.

Why does good waterproofing increase concrete quality?

When concrete waterproofing is done perfectly, structures gain much longer lifespan. In addition, a series of problems can be prevented, such as carbonation, corrosion and the appearance of efflorescence. Those who ignore the waterproofing processes may reap regret and inconvenience in the future.

How can water repellents help with this process?

Hydrofugation is the repellency of water and moisture, without altering the surface brightness, through the action of specific chemical compounds. Therefore, the water repellents they can be true allies against infiltration thanks to their high performance in the conservation of the structure and the aesthetic preservation that enhances the building. The most common use for water repellents is in facades and floors, with a high recommendation for:

  • facade cladding in a projected texture;
  • applications in concrete apparent;
  • porous stone facade;
  • exposed brick;
  • unglazed ceramic.

What's up? You can't let your work get ruined by waterproofing errors, right? We hope this article helped you understand what are the real dangers of infiltration in concrete and how to do it to avoid taking risks.

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