Learn how to make concrete sidewalks

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Learn how to make concrete sidewalks

For those who have a manufacturing business of concrete coating artifacts, it may be a good idea to expand your service portfolio by also learning how to make concrete sidewalks.

After all, there are currently a lot of people installing new sidewalks or updating old ones and the concrete has been a prominent material in this movement, especially because it adds more safety and durability, facilitates accessibility and has a unique aesthetic appeal.

Sidewalks are fundamental elements for urban mobility. Thus, building a sidewalk requires knowledge, attention, and responsibility. Any type of unevenness, for example, will pose risks. Therefore, it is crucial to take into account best practices to avoid these problems. A well-constructed sidewalk will be able to provide pedestrians with a safe path to follow for many decades.

However, the key to a long-lasting concrete driveway lies in the initial construction. If the person responsible uses low quality materials, designs the element incorrectly, or fails to follow the appropriate construction techniques, the sidewalk may fail in a few years.

In fact, inadequate construction practices, such as the incorrect mixing of cement or the failure of heals adequate, may lead to the development of premature structural problems.

theres estimations that the average lifespan of concrete sidewalks is 20 to 40 years, but the failure may occur as early as the first year after construction. Many of the problems result from a lack of attention to detail during the design and construction stages.

To avoid these scenarios, read on for tips on how to make concrete sidewalks. Follow up below.

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How to make concrete sidewalks: the basic steps

For the execution of this type of project, the fundamental steps are:

  1. Do the correct leveling and compaction of the soil;
  2. Insert a steel mesh that will distribute loads;
  3. Concretize around 5 cm thick or, at the entrances to homes, approximately 7 cm high.

Tips on how to make concrete sidewalks and stand out in this type of service

Naturally, to learn how to make concrete sidewalks, you need to go beyond these basic steps.

Thus, among the best practices for providing this type of service, are:

1. Assess local soil type

To do a good job, it is important to assess the type of soil on which the sidewalk will be built. Different soils react differently to fluctuations in wetness and temperature, affecting its load-bearing properties and stability.

Based on this finding, it is planned to compact the soil evenly to create a level subbed that reduces the chances of differential sedimentation of the concrete, as well as the possibility of cracks appearing.

2. Evaluate the surrounding trees

Tree roots can cause extensive damage to sidewalks. Roots growing under the pavement can lift concrete, creating an uneven and unsafe sidewalk.

Therefore, evaluate this type of occurrence and direct your client to plant trees at a distance equal to at least twice the width of the curb.

3. Follow local law and regulations

Especially in the case of public sidewalks, it is necessary to follow the guidelines and rules of the city hall. In private projects, there may also be condominium regulations, for example.

These may include specifications such as height, recess, surfacing, among other issues involving accessibility, safety, and sidewalk appearance.

In addition, to know how to make concrete sidewalks, you must know the Brazilian standards applicable to this type of work. Na ABNT NBR 9050, for example, a slope of 2% in the transverse direction is prescribed to facilitate water flow.

4. Pay attention to the sidewalk surface

The surface of these elements must be regular, continuous, firm and without sudden changes in inclination that may cause mobility difficulties for people.

5. Do a careful job with the layers

To learn how to make concrete sidewalks, it is also important to pay attention to the execution of their layers. These elements are commonly made with two layers of concrete, with a thickness that varies between 8 and 12 centimeters, and the second layer generally requires the use of stronger concrete.

It should also be considered that, in places where there will only be people moving, it is possible to use a thinner layer thickness than on sidewalks for vehicle traffic - and, when these are heavier, the recommendation is to insert steel meshes to increase the final resistance of the sidewalk.

6. Obey accessibility rules

Before building the sidewalk, it is also important to find out about laws, regulations, and recommendations regarding accessibility - especially the Federal Decree 5396 And the ABNT NBR 9050.

This includes the three-lane rule, indicating that the first one must be used for mobile access, the middle one for free movement and, finally, the third, for services (such as garbage cans and other equipment).

7. Take into account runoff or permeability

Another essential point of how to make sidewalks is to consider that projects with poor flow or permeability favor situations such as floods, allowing water to accumulate on the sidewalk.

There are coatings that help Drain the water and waterproof concrete (obtained with the use of water repellents) among other solutions that can be applied to your projects.

8. Use suitable and quality concrete

The recommended concrete specifications for each project vary depending on issues such as sidewalk dimensions, your future traffic and load rate, and others.

Furthermore, in the long term, the performance of sidewalks is determined by the quality of the materials and construction methods, and the quality of the concrete mainly affects the top 6 mm (the wear surface) of a sidewalk.

9. Think about the project in an integrated way

To become an expert in how to make concrete sidewalks, it is also recommended to think about the project in all its nuances, including future traffic analysis, lighting and urban furniture, security, and other aspects.

With this, you will be able to develop truly efficient solutions aligned with the specific needs of each project, building functional, aesthetically pleasing and long-lasting sidewalks.

10. Make use of a good water repellent

O water repellent represents the last layer of protection that will not only extend the life of the sidewalk but will also increase its beauty and make the concrete easier to clean and maintain.

Os water repellent products form a protective layer on the concrete surface that will prevent water, chlorides and harmful products from entering.

How to make custom concrete driveways?

Although smooth gray concrete is still the most installed surface, as seen on most concrete sidewalks, there are numerous customizable alternatives with different decorative appeals. These options have been sought especially by retail stores, restaurants, offices, and other commercial establishments and modern landscaping projects.

Thanks to the versatility of concrete and the many decorative techniques available today to add colors and patterns, the possibilities to make the concrete sidewalk unique are vast and can represent a differential for your business.

Stamped patterns, concrete engravings, exposed aggregate finishes, colored concrete, sawn or grooved patterns are just a few of the ways to enhance sidewalk design and even help guide pedestrians more safely.

Stamped concrete, for example, has become a popular decorative surface treatment for concrete driveways. And for good reason: its pattern options are almost limitless, ranging from traditional materials such as brick or slate, to specialized patterns, such as wooden planks and botanical or wildlife motifs inspired by nature.

You can also mix stamped concrete with other decorative concrete treatments, such as exposed aggregate finishes and chemical coloring.

Driveways often incorporate this colorful pebble-like finish, not only because of their beauty but also because they provide a highly slip-resistant surface.

So, did you like these tips on how to make concrete sidewalks? To learn more about this opportunity, continue to follow our blog.


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