Concrete Surface Hardener: Learn Everything About It!

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Concrete Surface Hardener: Learn Everything About It!

You may have noticed that concrete floors are widely used in buildings, especially in industries, but did you know that, despite the technologies used, they suffer wear and tear and need repair? Today, let's talk more about how to increase the durability and strength of concrete floors through the use of a concrete surface hardener. Shall we go, there?

The use of concrete floors has entered the market with force and, today, it is one of the most common options for coating indoor and outdoor environments, as it is a material that offers durability, resistance and excellent finish. Just take a look around you to find concrete floors! There are several types, colors, textures, in short, an immense variety!

But one thing is certain: a lot has evolved in the concrete floors segment, with the advancement of new technologies, but the problems with wear and deterioration of the floors persist! I'll explain it to you better! Come with me!

Surface Hardener
Blok Endupiso
Surface Hardener for Concrete

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What is Surface Hardener?

As I was telling you, concrete floors have entered the market with force and are being widely used in the most diverse types of construction! Therefore, today, concrete floors have much better technologies and their advantages are enormous. But what types of problems still appear?

Obviously, the floors wear out over time, but there are some problems that originate in the execution of the floor itself, the deterioration process being associated with inadequate concrete dosages, curing deficiencies, executive problems and inappropriate use of the floor.

Thus, to minimize the effects of wear, it would be necessary to pay attention to the process of applying the floors. But, once applied, are there any solutions to mitigate its deterioration? SIM and that's our focus in this article!

A very common solution used to minimize the deterioration of concrete floors already applied is treatment with surface-acting chemicals, the famous surface hardeners.

Well, to understand what surface hardeners are for floors, we have to understand how to Wear and tear and thus how the products act to minimize it.

Floor wear is due to the progressive loss of surface material, with the release of dust, which is related to the quality of the thin surface layer of concrete, which can be found on new and old floors.

This wear and tear is a progressive phenomenon, which has worsened over time and complicates traffic on the floors as well as compromising the finish.

But do you know how wear and tear occurs on concrete floors? Well, concrete wear actions are classified into three types: abrasion, erosion, and cavitation

Abrasion refers to dry friction, such as wear and tear on floors and industrial floors caused by vehicle traffic, while erosion is caused by the abrasive action of fluids or solids in motion. Cavitation, on the other hand, corresponds to wear and tear caused by water.

So it's a fact that concrete floors are subject to wear and tear and that's what surface hardeners exist for!

Wear and tear is inevitable when it comes to concrete floors, but what makes this type of floor even more vulnerable? Basically, it turns out that the floor curing process involves several chemical reactions, passing the hydrated cement paste in stages until it completely hardens.

In this phase, a large part of the calcium hydroxides are formed, which will fill all the void left by the kneading water, making the floor not very resistant and susceptible to the effects of wear and tear.

With a more fragile surface, concrete floors suffer various types of wear and tear more easily and that is when we see dust detaching from the surfaces, causing the floors to deteriorate, compromising their aesthetics and functionality.

Now that you understand the entire wear process, how does the surface hardener help to minimize the effects caused by it? Chemical hardener formulations may change from manufacturer to manufacturer, but they consist of inorganic components that chemically react with the calcium hydroxide present on the surfaces, making this salt more resistant to abrasion and, as a result, there is a stronger and more durable floor.

What Is Surface Hardener For?

After all, what is surface hardener for? As we explained above, it is nothing more than a chemical used to increase the durability and resistance of concrete floors!

But to be even clearer, we can define the application of surface hardener as the reaction between the product and the hydrated cement compounds, which generates compounds of greater hardness, providing greater resistance to wear and imperviousness to concrete.

Therefore, hardeners are effective in reducing the formation of dust on the floor, which comes from the concrete and offers other benefits, such as:

  • It increases the mechanical resistance to abrasion of the surface of concrete
  • Reduces dust generation by Concretes
  • Increased waterproofness
  • Greater resistance to chemical attack
  • Higher resistance to oil penetration
  • Not yellow
  • Non-toxic and odorless
  • Excellent penetration into the concrete
  • Can be used on new, well-cured floors or old worn floors
  • Reduces maintenance costs
  • Improves floor cleaning

That's where the surface hardener technology of Blok enters, allowing the formation of smaller crystals with high hardness and greater chemical stability inside the pores, resulting in an increase in surface hardness with a gain in resistance to abrasion. Rest assured, we will explain everything about it in the next topic!

Blok Always Ahead!

A Blok developed the best surface hardener on the market, the Endupiano block! I'll introduce it so you don't have any more doubts when choosing!

Endupiano block was developed to provide greater mechanical resistance to abrasion on concrete floors in high traffic situations, compared to untreated floors.

Blok Endupiano should be used on new or old concrete floors to increase abrasion resistance, decrease natural wear, increase waterproofness and improve visual appearance.

Other secondary benefits of surface treatment with Blok Endupiano include greater waterproofness, greater resistance to the attack of chemical products, greater resistance to oil penetration, increased brightness and reduction of dust resulting from the wear of the concrete surface layer.

O surface hardener For concrete, Blok EnduPiso has the potential to penetrate the pores of the concrete floor, increasing resistance to abrasion wear, due to the action of nanotechnology that fills microspaces with rigid crystals. Excellent for increasing waterproofing.

Blok Endupiano is suitable for application on various substrates, such as:

  • Polished concrete industrial floors
  • All types of cement based floors
  • Concrete surfaces
  • Concrete slabs
  • Cement mortars in general
  • Granilite floors

How to Apply Surface Hardener?

Here are the steps for the correct application of the Blok Endupiano surface hardener:

Substrate Preparation

The application surface that will receive treatment with Blok Endupiano must be intact (not degraded), free of loose particles, dust, fungi or algae, oils, greases, soaps, surfactants, efflorescence or any other contaminating, physical or chemical agents, according to ABNT NBR 7200.

Product Preparation

Dilute in the proportion of 1 part of Blok Endupiano to up to 2 parts of clean water. Homogenize the mixture.

Personal protective equipment

Use rubber gloves and panoramic protective goggles and a dust mask.

Equipment for application

Apply Blok Endusuelo with a hair broom or plastic sprayer, without copper and aluminum parts.


  • Apply Blok Endusuelo with a sprayer or by pouring onto the surface and spreading with a broom.
  • For 60 minutes, spread Blok Endupiano from the most puddled to the driest spots with the broom.
  • If the Blok Endupiano dries, spray water and continue to spread it over the surface with a broom.


Before the finishing process, such as paints, wash the surface treated with Blok Endupiano, with water and a neutral detergent.


1 to 6 hours in fully cured concrete. Below this time, comply with the concrete curing time for release from use.

In both cases, the surface must be dry to the touch.

Healing time

The complete curing process of Blok Endupiano lasts 90 days and can be extended, at a lower intensity, up to one year, depending on the chemical composition of the treated concrete.

Recommended consumption

100 to 166 ml per square meter.

Yield per package

50 liters: 301 to 500 square meters.
200 liters: 1,204 to 2,000 square meters.

Note: Yield will vary according to porosity, surface absorption, wind, humidity and ambient temperature. Therefore, we recommend testing to confirm theoretical performance.

Extra - High Performance Concrete Floor

Blok is a company that offers a line of products for concrete floors developed with high quality and technological processes to meet needs in the best way, providing expressive results.

The products are specific and designed for each situation, guaranteeing undisputed performance. Versatility is also a positive factor, as it allows use in many environments, whether industrial or residential.

Learn more about the Blok line products!

Endupiano block

O surface hardener For concrete, Blok EnduPiso has the potential to penetrate the pores of the concrete floor, increasing resistance to abrasion wear, due to the action of nanotechnology that fills microspaces with rigid crystals. Excellent for increasing waterproofing.

It can be applied to the following structures;

  • industrial floors;
  • polished concrete;
  • concrete slabs;
  • surfaces with cement mortars;
  • subfloors and granilites.

BlokSil MS

BlokSil MS is a PU sealant which, when applied, transforms into a highly resistant and adherent flexible rubber. It is suitable for application to seals, expansion joint, facades and glazing.

These structures are items that deserve special attention, as they are the first target of infiltrations, cracks and other problems that cause headaches in any building.

Blok Cure

It consists of a chemical curing agent for polished concrete that reduces Water loss in the process, ensuring greater resistance and better finish. It is recommended for industrial floors, which need maximum efficiency and durability, requirements that contribute to reducing costs.

Applicator 600 ml sachet

Designed to provide convenience and agility, applicator 600 ml sachet is an equipment for using low and high viscosity sealant cartridges, such as PU silicone and chew.

Designed in aluminum, it is a light and easy to handle device, ideal for professionals who want to align quality with productivity. It is a versatile product with a wide range of applications.

Where to use the products?

The construction segment is constantly evolving, with efficient projects that require resistant components, eliminating risks to structures and the possibilities of reworking.

Blok products are essential to achieve this objective, with a line that allows use in many situations and at all stages of the work. Briefly, structures such as:

  • new, well-cured concrete floors;
  • worn concrete floors;
  • polished concrete;
  • concrete artifacts;
  • cement mortar;
  • expansion joints;
  • concrete slabs;
  • high and low viscosity sealant applications;
  • chemical curing process of concrete.

Why is using good-sourced products the key to success?

The efficiency of a concrete floor consists of a set of factors that range from the correct sizing of the proportion of the materials that compose it to the use of products of good origin. Without these requirements, concrete is highly susceptible to weather, use, and chemical agents, which pose serious risks to the structure and, as a result, increase the rate of rework and increase repair costs.

Investing in quality products that enhance the characteristics of the concrete floor surface is important to prevent any setback, avoid additional costs, preserve heritage, and have pleasant and more beautiful environments. Therefore, if you want to enjoy incredible benefits, the best alternative is to do a technical analysis and invest in excellent products to perfect and protect the concrete floor. For this, Blok has the best solutions.

Did you like the post? If you want to learn more about the ideal products for your construction, renovation or building, access the Blok website and see how we can help improve your results!


The advantages are many and what are you waiting for to see the results that Blok Endupiano promises?

To find out what its features, all its advantages and how the product should be applied, click here, that you will have all the information you need! We're here for whatever you need, because Blok is ready for any challenge.


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