Eco-friendly Brick: Why Use? Learn Everything About Eco-friendly Bricks Here!

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Eco-friendly Brick: Why Use? Learn Everything About Eco-friendly Bricks Here!

Eco-friendly brick: Why use? Learn all about ecological bricks here!

You may have heard of ecological brick, but do you know everything about him? Today, we brought this article that we prepared so that you understand everything about this alternative brick to traditional brickwork and why it has been gaining strength in civil construction. We see everywhere that it has become a tendency to adopt sustainable means to harm the environment less and with the construction industry, although quite traditional, it was no different. We have seen that the search for options that have less impact on the environment has become a priority even when it comes to choosing bricks to carry out a work!

For this reason, we consider it important to know that ecological bricks are an interesting option if you also think it is important to think about the environmental impacts that a project can generate. Not only can the use of ecological bricks offer this benefit, but it also has several other advantages compared to conventional bricks. Keep reading this article to get access to all the relevant information on this topic!

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What is ecological brick?

The first and most basic question on the subject that we need to know how to answer is what the ecological brick consists of, that is, its definition. Well, ecological brick is a type of brick that is produced from waste generated by construction, allowing the reuse of most of the materials used. Thus, its use contributes to reducing the environmental impacts that a work can cause, reusing the materials that would be discarded.

So, we can understand that, basically, using ecological bricks is a choice that complies with the precepts of sustainability since it reduces the environmental impact both in its manufacture and during the execution of the work. But how is ecological brick made to fulfill its sustainable role?

The ecological brick manufacturing process eliminates an essential step in the manufacture of conventional bricks, which is the firing process. Conventional bricks are produced from a mixture of various types of clay and water, which undergoes a drying process and then the mixture must pass through an oven for cooking and, finally, it is left at room temperature for cooling.

Eco-friendly brick, on the other hand, is made from the compression of the mixture of components and does not have to go through the firing process. This is the big difference between an ecological brick and a conventional one, since burning requires the use of fossil fuels in addition to emitting gases that intensify the greenhouse effect. But rest assured, because we will explain the main differences between ecological and conventional bricks later on, okay?

Now that you understand the concept of ecological brick and why it is so called, let's know what its types are?

What are the types of ecological bricks?

In this topic, let's get to know the two main ones Types of bricks which can be classified as ecological:

  • Soil-cement: soil-cement brick is considered an ecological type of brick because it does not undergo the firing process as it acquires mechanical strength without the need for heating in an oven, the entire process being carried out cold. Its composition basically consists of soil, cement and water. Generally, the calculation is one part of cement for eight of soil and it is also possible to use most types of soil in the composition of this type of brick, with the exception of black soil or other soil containing organic material.
  • Waste reuse: as their name suggests, they are bricks made from waste that would be discarded or natural fibers, which can be composed of the most varied types of materials. Some examples of materials that can be used in the composition of ecological bricks of this type are: ash from sugarcane bagasse, leather, rubber, waste materials from mariculture, coconut fiber from babassu, plastics found in the ocean, tires, pet bottles and so on. Although it is possible to make bricks from the most varied types of materials, they are not yet used on a large scale by civil construction, but their use is gaining space because it is a more sustainable means!

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using ecological bricks?

Using ecological bricks in civil construction has several benefits, but its use also offers some disadvantages. Now let's get to know the main advantages and disadvantages of ecological bricks.

Among its advantages, we can mention:

  • Sustainability: the use of ecological bricks offers less environmental impact because of their production process; because they are produced at the construction site, the environmental impact of transportation is also lower; it offers the reuse of materials that would be discarded; the main raw material is abundant (soil), and practically any type of soil can be used for its production.
  • Aesthetics: ecological bricks give rustic effects to buildings, being ideal for country houses or beaches, but it is also common to use them in sophisticated home environments to mix rusticity with modernity.
  • Practicality/Productivity: the execution of a work with ecological bricks requires less time and labor, since its fit decreases the required amount of mortar. Thus, buildings become faster, cleaner and the final cost may be much lower than the traditional one due to the low use of mortar.
  • Waste reduction: a construction site usually generates a lot of waste. In addition to reusing the materials that would be discarded, ecological bricks, since they require a low amount of mortar, also contribute to generating less waste in construction sites.

Despite having the benefits mentioned above, ecological bricks offer the main advantage of not having to go through the firing process during their production. This common step in the production of conventional bricks eliminates the emission of polluting gases in addition to using fossil fuels, and is not a sustainable option.

Regarding the disadvantages of using ecological bricks, we can mention:

  • Price: ecological bricks have a relatively higher cost than conventional bricks. However, it should be noted that although the cost of bricks is higher, it is necessary to assess how much will be spent on mortar and labor. This is because the use of ecological bricks requires less mortar and labor, which can contribute to lowering the value of the total cost of the work. Thus, although the isolated cost of ecological bricks is higher, it is necessary to evaluate the entire cost of the work to say whether it pays off or not its use, okay?
  • Thickness: ecological bricks are thicker than conventional bricks, which limits their use for very small environments.
  • Changes: if it is necessary to change something that was not foreseen in the project, it will be more difficult to make changes in the case of ecological bricks. Conventional ones, on the other hand, are more flexible to make adjustments, even after the execution is complete.
  • Suppliers: although the use of ecological bricks is gaining importance in civil construction, it may be difficult to find them in some regions. Because of this, transportation may increase the final cost of the product.

So, if you are interested in using ecological bricks in your work, consider your advantages and disadvantages to assess whether it's worth it or not. Here, we brought some of them, but do some research on the subject before making any decision, right? This will help you avoid future problems!

What is the difference between an ecological and a conventional brick?

We have already said that the main difference between an ecological brick and a conventional brick is the firing process. While ecological bricks do not need to undergo this process to be resistant and suitable for use, the firing stage is essential for conventional bricks to be ready for use in buildings.

In addition, another difference between them is the composition of the bricks themselves, while the ecological one can be composed of various types of materials, the conventional one is made from clay.

What is the price of ecological bricks?

When comparing the priced of insulated bricks, we see that ecological bricks have a much higher cost than conventional bricks, and can be up to 4 times more expensive. And, in addition, the price of ecological bricks can vary greatly depending on the region and materials used in their composition. However, we know that you should not compare the price of loose bricks since the savings that the use of ecological bricks brings is at the end of the work.

Therefore, we cannot take into account only the value of the brick, since the savings caused by the reduction in the use of mortar and the speed of execution are quite large when it comes to building using ecological bricks.

And finally, ecological brick, most of the time, is used without any coating, becoming apparent, giving a rustic effect to the environments. This also saves coating and painting costs.

But remember to research, compare prices and, above all, choose quality bricks, because, after all, it is one of the elements that will support the entire work.

How to make ecological brick?

The process of producing ecological bricks is quite simple, but you must follow all the Stages striped to guarantee a quality brick, okay? We brought you this video so you can learn how to make an ecological brick! Take a look!


Today, we brought you some important information about ecological bricks and now you have enough baggage to assess whether it pays off or not to opt for this type of brick for your works. Read and reread this article to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of this material so that you make the right decision!

If you choose to use ecological bricks in your works, you need to know the BlokSeal CC, a water-repellent silicone developed by Blok to protect the entire surface against the effects of moisture. As we have said, ecological bricks, for the most part, are used to give a rustic effect to environments, leaving them without any coating and becoming apparent.

For this reason, they need to be hydrophobic with BlokSeal CC, so that their surfaces are protected against the action of water, preventing the appearance of efflorescence and facilitating cleaning by preventing the accumulation of dirt. Be sure to check out BlokSeal CC and count on Blok for any challenge!


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