20 Engineering Programs Every Office Should Have

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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20 Engineering Programs Every Office Should Have

The engineering programs, already available on the market for many years, have profoundly transformed the execution of drawings, calculations, and simulations of engineering works. Having been developed to facilitate the design process and perfect the work of construction professionals, they are essential tools for any architectural and engineering firm.

These resources not only increase the quality of the designed buildings and reduce the working time of the professionals involved - they are also capable of saving resources on the construction site, avoiding waste and reducing planning errors. Thus, as companies become more professional, it is essential to optimize design and execution processes with the help of software so that the office performs well and remains competitive in the market.

Nowadays, there are already several software options available for the needs of each stage of the work. To help you choose the best tools for your projects, we prepared this article about the main engineering programs that every office should have. Below are the 19 best software alternatives on the market and guarantee the quality of your work!

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Management programs

There will be no use using the most advanced tools on the market to prepare projects if the company's management is not taken as seriously as the rest of it. For this reason, there are also very complete programs that can help you manage your company efficiently and with most of the bureaucratic, automated work.

Sensio ERP

It's the most advanced cloud ERP for business management you can have. In addition to the automation of simple and complex everyday tasks, Sensio ERP it also has artificial intelligence working in its favor when closing new sales. Sensio ERP is a powerful tool and a competitive advantage that you can have compared to your competitors.

Engineering programs for 2D drawing

Engineering programs for 2D design were the first to be available on the market and, therefore, are the best known. These tools facilitate the preparation of graphic representations of plans, cuts, details and other drawings relevant to the project, as well as the organization of various information relevant to printing. For this reason, they are important parts in any engineering office. The main 2D drawing programs are:


It is one of the most used engineering programs in the world. Created by Autodesk in 1982, AutoCAD is still one of the unanimity among engineers and architects for the preparation of technical drawings, and is widely used for the representation of projects and details. It is constantly updated and already has several features to facilitate its use, but it is a paid platform.


LibreCAD is a free CAD program developed and provided by the LibreCAD Community. The program can be used completely in Portuguese and does not charge licenses or fees for its use. In addition, it operates on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux, making it one of the most popular alternatives to AutoCAD.

Software for 3D modeling

3D modeling software are engineering programs designed to “give life” to projects, using the information represented in 2D graphics to create realistic models of buildings. In this way, it is easier to visualize the result of the design choices, understanding three-dimensional space more broadly. These software are widely used in decision-making processes, helping to understand the construction and to present the project to other professionals and laypeople, and are essential for visualizing the construction. The most used 3D modeling programs in engineering are:


With free and paid versions, Sketchup is a software that belongs to the Google company. It has a library of 3D models that can be used to detail projects and is known for its simple and intuitive interface.

3DS Max

This Autodesk software is widely used by professionals in various fields and has been developed to model and render extremely realistic environments. It has a free version for students, but it is a paid software for commercial use.

AutoCAD 3D

AutoCAD 3D is another of Autodesk's engineering programs, focused on creating volume for drawings made in 2D. It is also used to design other products, but it has useful features for designs aimed at engineering and architecture.


SolidWorks has a wide variety of resources that are used in mechanical projects combined with hydraulic, electrical and other means, making it a very complete program. Developed by Dessault Systèmes, it is widely used in industry and in the development of the most varied parts and products.

Discipline-specific design tools

There are also several engineering programs developed to assist in the development of the design of specific disciplines, such as reinforced concrete structures, electrical and hydraulic installations, and structural calculations. They help to increase the degree of detail in construction systems, allowing for more specific descriptions of the materials and techniques to be used. The best subject-specific programs are:


Ftool is a Brazilian engineering program, designed and developed in 1991 by Professor Luiz Fernando Martha, from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). It is a public domain software focused on calculating and predicting the structural behavior of trusses, beams, and many other structures.


The SAP2000 is ideal for the design of complex structures, allowing 3D modeling, analysis and dimensioning of large works and infrastructures.


Ansys is a program completely focused on carrying out structural analyses, and is also used for thermal, dynamic fluid, electromagnetic, fatigue, fracture and phase transformation studies.


Created by the Brazilian company Alto QI in 1996, Eberick is a paid software that has several features for designing and detailing slabs, beams, pillars, blocks on piles and shoes, and has been developed to assist in infrastructure projects for reinforced concrete buildings.


TQS is a paid engineering program developed for reinforced, prestressed and structural masonry structures. It allows the design and testing of the structural design, analysis of forces and arrows, reinforcement design, technical details up to the issuance of the final plans.

Qi Electric

This Brazilian program focuses on low-voltage building electrical installation projects, with commands for automatic definition of various resources - which makes it very practical and easy to use.


This is a free application to support AutoCAD and Revit, helping with the technical drawings of hydraulic, sanitary and rainwater installations.

QI Hydrosanitary

Also developed by AltoQi, it is adapted to Brazilian standards and with complete resources for the design, calculation and detailing of building facilities.


Arquimedes is a paid program designed to make construction budgets, facilitating activity planning, service monitoring, and financial control.


Considered a complete software, MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) was created in the 70s, developed to perform numerical calculations for automotive, scientific, and civil engineering projects. It encompasses numerical analysis, matrix calculation, signal processing, and graph construction, allowing the resolution of many calculations in a short time.

BIM systems and project compatibility

BIM systems are the engineering programs that are gaining the most space at the moment, as they allow the integration of information from the various disciplines involved in a project, helping to gather data and plan the entire building life cycle. With this type of technology, it is possible to make a complete planning of the materials necessary for the completion of the work, accurately estimating the costs involved for the execution of the project and predicting the time needed for each stage until its completion. The most well-known BIM systems are:


Revit is another of the engineering programs produced by Autodesk, this time using BIM technology for planning and managing projects in the areas of construction and infrastructure, ensuring full integration between projects and their elements. It is one of the most used because of the ease of collaborative work between several professionals, allowing the analysis and simulation of structural models.


In terms of functionality and tools, ArchiCAD is quite similar to Revit. Thus, it has good conceptual design, rendering, visualization, interoperability and modeling resources, as well as the ability to execute low, medium and high complexity projects.

Vectorworks Architect

Considered one of the 3 best software aimed at architecture and with some tools that its competitors do not have, Vectorworks Architect is a complete and flexible BIM.

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