Exposed Brick: How to Maintain and Maintain

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Exposed Brick: How to Maintain and Maintain

Complete Guide to Exposed Bricks

Exposed bricks have never been as fashionable in the world of decoration as they are today. They are everywhere; both in commercial developments and in homes, giving environments a rustic and cozy look.

They are also being highly sought after because they are versatile and can harmonize with various interior styles! But to keep them always beautiful, some care is necessary and today we are here to present the complete guide for the conservation of this coating, which is trending worldwide!

Did you know that cladding with exposed bricks, although a very attractive option, requires periodic maintenance to preserve its quality and beauty over time?

They may seem very resistant, but because of their porosity, the exposed bricks have a great capacity to absorb moisture, which can cause the appearance of stains and even mosses, compromising the aesthetics of the environment!

The choice of exposed bricks as a coating, in addition to giving a contemporary and rustic air to the composition of the environments, offers some advantages such as durability, low cost, versatility, thermal comfort and acoustic insulation.

But, as we have said, this type of decoration requires constant maintenance, mainly due to the action of water and humidity. So don't forget to be aware of waterproofing in the finishing of exposed bricks, which is very important to delay the wear of the material. We will give you more tips later, continue reading this article that we prepared for you!

Surely, you want to make the most of the comfort and warmth that the exposed bricks provide, don't you? Therefore, here you will find everything you need to know to take care of your exposed brick cladding in the best possible way to keep it well maintained and beautiful! Shall we understand more about this?

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Types of Exposed Brick Coatings

You must have seen brick cladding of the most varied types, right? This is due to the immense variety of bricks, both in color and in shape. They can range from dark reds to straw tones, just as there are flatter or wider bricks, for example, factors that alter the final aesthetics of the coating. But, in addition, those also known as brick bricks, may differ due to other variables, such as the forms of laying, grouting, and finishing. Let's explain. Come with us!

Types of Settlement

There are several ways to lay exposed bricks and, when it comes to cladding, they change the final appearance of the wall. The most commonly used form is “tying”, when bricks are placed so that the joints are mismatched. But, there is still the “plumb joint” when the joints are aligned vertically. The important thing is to know that the numerous forms of settlements determine the final finish. Therefore, pay attention to how you sit to know the result you will have on your wall!

Types of Grout for Exposed Bricks

Os types of joints, as well as those of settlement, are elements of aesthetic consideration, since the different forms of grout result in diverse finishes. They are:

  • Full Board: complete filling of mortar between one brick and another, leaving the entire wall on the same level.
  • Crimped joint: mortar does not completely fill the spaces between the bricks, leaving the wall with different levels.
  • Dry Joint: mortar is applied to another surface on the back, giving the impression that the bricks are just embedded and without grouts.

Types of Exposed Brick Finishes

The finishes can be of the most varied types, which gives versatility to the use of apparent bricks in the coatings. They can be of the types:

  • Traditional: maintains the natural style of the exposed bricks;
  • Skating: gives the impression of a light coat of paint that has not completely covered the surface;
  • Wrecking Brick: gives an even more rustic look because they are bricks found in old factories or in house demolitions;
  • Painted Brick: more contemporary, the bricks are painted in different colors to only maintain the shape of the pieces.

Now that we have a basic understanding of exposed bricks and how they create countless finishing possibilities, let's understand the care required for this type of coating so dear to the decorative world. You will also learn about one of the problems that may appear in the apparent bricks and how to solve it. Shall we go, there?

Stages for the Conservation of the Apparent Brick

As you already know, to keep your exposed brick cladding always beautiful and well maintained, constant maintenance is necessary and we will explain each step below.


First of all, it is essential to always keep the exposed bricks very clean to avoid wear and tear caused by dirt, stains and mold. For cleaning outdoor areas, the ideal is to wash with soap and water with high pressure washers, but taking care not to damage the coating. In indoor areas, it is recommended to use cloths moistened with water to remove stains or loose dirt. Vacuum cleaners and brushes can also be used to aid in cleaning the bricks.

We emphasize that great care must be taken with the use of chemicals that can help with cleaning, but at the same time, can be harmful to bricks. For example, they can damage grouts and even interfere with the coating's hydrophobition process. Therefore, it is recommended to always use water, which is generally sufficient to remove the residues and, if using soap, it is important to certify that the surface has been thoroughly rinsed.

Periodic cleaning also helps prevent the action of fungi, preventing mold from settling on the bricks and, therefore, preventing the parts from needing to be replaced or having to undergo a more laborious cleaning process. Thus, constant cleaning plays a role in minimizing the incidence of fungi or reducing their extension.


The best way out for good preservation of exposed bricks, without a doubt, is the waterproofing of the coating. Just as important as cleaning, the surface must be waterproofed to prevent the accumulation of dirt and protect against moisture and water action.

Because they are very porous and exposed, bricks need waterproofing to prevent infiltration, which can be very damaging to the structure as a whole. But how do you know which product to use to protect your wall? Let's explain: there are products that range from varnishes, acrylic resins to water-repellent silicones, but the most used is silicone, as it does not alter the natural appearance of the brick, does not form a sealing film (allowing it to breathe) and offers excellent durability. Resins, on the other hand, alter the color of the bricks and can peel off. Therefore, the preference is hydrophobic silicone, which is the most recommended and used by civil construction.

So how about getting to know BlokSeal CC, the perfect water-repellent silicone to protect your exposed brick coating? BlokSeal CC is ideal for making the brick surface apparent waterproof, preventing infiltration, stains and slime. It also protects and preserves the internal structure without altering the color and shine of the bricks, preventing the darkening of the surface, the appearance of efflorescence, and prevents the accumulation of dirt. That's a lot of gains when using it, aren't they?

But remember: before applying silicone to protect the exposed bricks, they need to be well cleaned to increase their durability, okay? So, before thinking about waterproof, make sure the surface is clean and ready to receive the product!

Bonus: White spots on apparent bricks: what are they? How to treat?

Do you know those white spots, with a runny appearance, that appear on some coatings, including the visible bricks? They are whitish-colored crystalline deposits, which appear on the surface of the coating through chemical reactions, compromising the aesthetics of the bricks and are called efflorescence, a very common pathology in civil construction.

These deposits are formed when soluble salts are transported by water used in construction or even coming from seepage which, in contact with air, solidifies and whitish deposits form.
If you have any wall with efflorescence, it is necessary to remove the stains, treat with Blok Eflohard and, to waterproof the bricks, to avoid contact with water or moisture and thus protect the coating from the onset of this pathology that deteriorates the aesthetics of the environment.
After reading this material, you will no longer have questions about how to preserve your exposed brick wall, right? So, try to always carry out periodic cleaning and keep the waterproofing up to date.

You could see how the use of a water-repellent silicone is essential to leave the brick coating looking very well maintained, because in addition to protecting against moisture, it prevents the accumulation of dirt and prevents the onset of pathologies! Therefore, discover BlokSeal CC, the best water-repellent silicone on the market and count on Blok for any challenge!


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