What Is It and Why Do Facade Retrofits?

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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What Is It and Why Do Facade Retrofits?

What is it and why do Facade Retrofit?

Here you can find everything you need to know about Facade Retrofit

Talking about works and renovations to revitalize an old building that needs modernization both in its appearance and structure can cause great concern, isn't it?

The restoration of old buildings is not only an option, but, in fact, necessary both to adapt the building structure to new technologies and to make its appearance more modern, which adds value to the heritage as well as improves the quality of life of those who live there.

But how to do this restoration of the building and the modernization of its façade without the work of major renovations, which are often exhaustive and cause enormous inconvenience?

Retrofit is the solution for these cases, since it is possible to maintain the original structure of the building and at the same time introduce modern technologies and materials, providing an old building but adapted to the advances in civil construction and more pleasant for residents.

Here, we will explain everything about retrofitting facades: what it is, why and when to do it, its benefits and its importance in the sense of contributing to an improvement not only related to the aesthetic issue, but also to the structural one.

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What is Facade Retrofit?

Although there are several types of retrofit, such as updating security systems, renovating the doorway, elevators and facilities, today we are going to focus on the retrofit of the facades, which are the most visible and which value the property the most because most of its interventions are aesthetic.

Facade retrofit is any modification or addition to the façade system to respond to environmental conditions and the well-being of the occupants, that is, it is a renovation of building facades, with the introduction of more advanced materials, even if their architectural characteristics remain preserved.

But what can be the changes to be made by the façade retrofit? They can be as varied as possible, such as a more radical alteration when placing metal structures or changing glass and windows, or simpler procedures, such as changing paint or replacing paint with tablets (and vice versa).

Don't forget to consult the laws of your city when hiring a company to retrofit the façade of your property, because any alteration to the façade requires the authorization of the local government, in addition to a project and A.R.T from a civil engineer or architect.

What are the benefits of doing Facade Retrofit?

Without a doubt, the most significant benefit when retrofitting building facades is the valuation of the building in the market, due to the aesthetic issue, of giving the building a modern, new appearance and appropriate to the most advanced standards of civil construction.

But not only that can façade retrofit promote! The building structure can also benefit from this as, when carrying out the changes, faults are detected that can be corrected before causing major problems.

Also, when retrofitting the façade, it is essential to apply a water repellent to prevent the effects of the infiltration from damaging the entire work. We have the perfect solution for this case: the water repellent BlokSeal, a product that can be applied to various types of facades, easily repels water without altering the color and brightness of the material and provides maximum hydrophobic protection for facades.

Renew the sealant applied to expansion joints and window seals are also essential when carrying out façade retrofitting, as they contribute to increasing the useful life of the property as well as to maintaining a quality building. To resolve this issue, we recommend the BlokSil MS, sealant that transforms into a flexible, adherent and resistant rubber ideal for these applications. BlokSeal allows the exchange of water vapor, but not the passage of liquid water, allowing the surface to “breathe”.

Therefore, when you finish the retrofit of the facade, you will have a valued, modern and beautiful building. In addition, you can detect flaws in the structure and also change the materials applied to prevent infiltration through the façade. Arguably, it's worth it, isn't it?

Why and when to do it?

After meeting all the Benefits of a façade retrofit It provides for your building, there's no question why to do it, but here are a few more reasons not to leave any doubts:

  • It enhances the building: while preserving its original aspects, it renews its aesthetics, adding value to the property and increasing its useful life;
  • It's cheaper than building a new development: urban centers are overcrowded and it's not an easy task to find a good place for a new construction, besides being a much more expensive option;
  • It is a trend in companies: many projects with old buildings in large urban centers are choosing to retrofit their facades to give more credibility to their brand;
  • It is a way of treating and preventing pathologies: when retrofitting, some problems that may affect the building structure appear, which facilitates and anticipates maintenance;
  • It can reduce maintenance costs: when retrofitting, depending on the choices of materials for cladding and of the products applied, maintenance costs and the frequency of rework fall significantly.

Now that you know the reason to retrofit the façade, the next question is: when to do it?

Facade retrofitting is extremely suitable when it is necessary to renovate the façade, that is, when it is deteriorated and washing alone will not solve it; when it presents pathologies or when modernizing it is one of the priorities to increase its value in the market and provide a more efficient and sustainable construction.

Building Facade Maintenance

One of the most responsible for maintaining a well-maintained and valued property is the periodic completion of maintenance of the building façade, but often, due to the high cost, the ideal deadline for redoing it is exceeded.

Retrofit can play an important role in reducing the costs and the frequency of facade maintenance. So, it is recommended to make efficient and sustainable choices to help with the maintenance and lifespan of the property, in addition to reducing expenses!

Finally, we showed how important it is to invest in façade retrofit and we can see many old buildings making this option in large urban centers because it is an intelligent strategy. In addition to valuing the property, the façade retrofit provides several other benefits that will certainly make it worthwhile!

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