Learn All About Cracks and Cracks in Plastering

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Learn All About Cracks and Cracks in Plastering

You may have noticed cracks and cracks in plasters on the external facades of buildings, but do you know why they occur? How to deal with cracks and cracks in plastering?

Here you will find everything about these pathologies so present in various types of construction and why avoiding them is essential since not only the appearance is affected, but also the structure as a whole!

Despite the seriousness of structural cracks, which require even greater attention, today, the focus will be on when these pathologies hit the facade cladding, which is still very important!

Cracks and cracks in facades are recurring problems in buildings and in this post you will find out what precautions must be taken to guarantee quality for your construction!

There are numerous pathological manifestations that appear on the facades of buildings and, of course, they are the ones that most concern those who want to keep the property well maintained, since the coatings are essential not only because of the visual aspect, but also because they play a role in the durability, thermal comfort, acoustic comfort and protection of buildings.

So, to learn how to prevent the appearance of cracks and cracks in the coatings, continue reading our article to understand the differences between them, why they occur and what are their implications for the work! Come with us!

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Do you know the difference between crack and crack?

Why is it so important to be aware of cracks and fissures on building facades? These pathologies indicate the need for repair and maintenance of the building façade to keep the building valued and prevent the onset of major future damage.

Remember that the trustee has the role of looking after the building, which includes taking care of the façade and its conservation. Therefore, he must be alert if pathologies of this type appear, which may compromise, in addition to the aesthetics of the coating, its performance and durability.

About Differences between cracks, cracks and cracks, we have:

Fissuras: narrow and elongated openings (up to 0.5 mm), usually superficial. Because they are of surface gravity, they affect paint, putty or burnt cement, and do not constitute a structural problem. Even so, it is necessary to be aware if there is evolution, as they can become cracks over time;

Trincas: they are deeper and sharper openings (from 0.5 mm to 1 mm); they reach the brickwork and separate the structure into two parts. Although they are quite common and, apparently, simple, they can often affect the structure of the building. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor its evolution to take the necessary measures as soon as possible;

Cracks: larger, deep, and accentuated openings. They are easily noticeable and deserve immediate care since wind, water, and light can pass through environments. They are generally more serious and directly affect the building structure.

Fissura e Trinca em Reboco
Fissure, Crack and Crack

It is also worth mentioning cracking, which consists of a series of ruptures less than 1 mm thick that occurred in the glaze of ceramic pieces.

This pathology is typical of ceramic coating on the facades and causes a crackled effect on the pieces, causing great aesthetic damage to the beauty of the building.

Why do Cracks and Cracks Occur in Coating Mortars?

One of the most common damages found in facade cladding made of mortar is the appearance of cracks, which can be caused by a number of reasons that we will see later.

First, the use of coating mortars to constitute building facades requires some care to avoid the occurrence of cracks or any pathological manifestations, such as the preference for good quality products and workmanship.

But, in addition, the incidence of cracks in the coating mortars is conditioned by related factors:

  • lack of façade design;
  • to the execution of the mortar coating: as we said above, if you do not have good quality products and workmanship, cracks are likely to appear faster;
  • to thermal variation: the materials that make up the mortar (cement, sand, lime and additives) behave differently at different temperature levels, which causes one material to shrink and expand more than another, causing cracks;
  • to the hydraulic shrinkage of cement: it is caused by the loss of water during mortar mixing, causing heterogeneity in the cement reaction, i.e., some cement particles may not react due to the lack of water that evaporated during mixing. The cracks generated by retrenchment of cement do not present structural risks, but they compromise the finish of the coating;
  • To green performance: the early performance of plastering, which is still very humid and has not retained all the water, causes cracks and cracks in the circular pattern, the same pattern used in the performance process;
  • the use of very fine aggregates: the use of very fine sand, for example, can also cause cracks and cracks in the coating;
  • to contamination: when there is contamination in any of the mortar materials, for example, sand with a lot of clay, which may cause the pathologies in question;
  • to the amount of cement: large quantities of cement in the plaster compared to other aggregates cause greater shrinkage or an insufficient amount of cement may decrease the strength of the mortar, factors that can also cause cracks or cracks.

Implications of cracks and fissures

Cracks and fissures, in addition to influencing the beauty of the building, compromising the finish of the coating, can cause more serious problems that require more resources to solve them.

We can mention some of them:

  • Infiltration;
  • Internal humidity in brickwork;
  • Masonry degradation;
  • Safety of users and visitors;
  • Damage to the building structure;
  • Unhealthiness of the built environment;
  • High repair cost.

How to prevent cracks and fissures?

Therefore, preventing the appearance of cracks and cracks in the facades of buildings is extremely important both to avoid a deteriorated and devalued property aspect and to avoid the risk of having to face other major problems.

You, who are a trustee, how about investing in preventive work to prevent these pathologies from appearing on the facades and, thus, not having to make unpredictable expenses for the repair? We guarantee that the best way out is to carry out the execution of the facades using the best methods, products and following the processes correctly!

A Blok developed a waterproofing and plasticizing additive for concrete and mortars that, in addition to helping to waterproof the plaster, prevents the appearance of most cracks, cracks and provides workability for mortars: BlokMassa ST.

It is worth using it, as it is a product that increases the productivity of your work, producing plasters with fewer cracks and more resistant due to the internal structure of the mortars.

However, if you have not given priority to preventive work in order to avoid cracks and fissures and you have been faced with the onset of these pathologies, we recommend that you consult professionals as soon as you notice their existence and then be able to solve them.

Count on us! A Blok will always be ready for any challenge!

Bonus: Cracks in the Structure

We talked here about the importance of being aware of cracks and cracks in the cladding of building facades, but don't forget about structural cracks and cracks, which are very serious and can cause very serious problems!

They can arise due to various reasons, such as execution failures, low quality materials, lack of preventive maintenance, seismic shocks, and others.

So, if you are a trustee, try to analyze the building whenever possible to identify cracks as soon as possible and, as soon as you notice them, seek immediate professional advice, preferably a civil engineer specialized in structural calculations, to prevent the problem from becoming even more complicated, right?

Until next time!


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