Floating floors: do you want to know everything about this coating?

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Floating floors: do you want to know everything about this coating?

It may be that you have never heard of floating floors, but I'm sure that as soon as I start to explain you'll know exactly what this article is about.

Floating floors are more present in our lives than you might think, but I'll explain. Although the name sounds strange, floating floors are nothing more than floors that do not require mortar for installation and are only embedded. I will clarify how this happens!

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It is important not to confuse floating floors with raised floors, and we've even written an article about it. Raised floors have several advantages, but the main one is being able to run pipes and cables under them.

If you want to know more about raised floors, visit our paper on the subject. However, today we are going to talk about floating floors, which have nothing to do with raised floors, okay?

Now that we have clarified the difference between floating and raised floors and introduced the subject that we are going to address in this article, I will introduce you to the most important topics on this topic.

First, I will start with an introduction to the concept of floating floors, then we will talk about their advantages and disadvantages, the types of floating floors, their application and price.

I am sure that I will provide relevant information that will add to your daily work. Then come with me!

What are floating floors?

Although the name seems to be something from the other world, floating floors are more common than you might think and it's very easy to find them out there in homes, offices, or commercial establishments.

Floating floors are nothing more than laminate and vinyl coatings, which are very present in buildings today.

But can you imagine the reason for this strange name? The floors are called floating because they do not need mortar for installation, and their application is very simple through only fittings, remaining “floating” on the subfloor.

Its use has been preferred over other options for its easy application, which does not generate dirt, debris and still guarantees a very interesting finish for the construction!

Due to the numerous advantages that floating floors offer, such as their easy application and beautiful finish, they have been one of the preferred choices.

If you are interested in using this coating in your work, check out this article I prepared with all the information you need to know!

What are its main advantages and disadvantages?

As I said here, the main advantage What floating floors offer is the exemption from the use of mortar for the application, which reduces cost, time, labor, and the generation of dirt and waste. This point is already a great advantage when compared with other types of coatings. But, let's present other advantages and the disadvantages that floating floors can present. Then it's up to you! Put it on the scale to decide what's best for your work!

Among the advantages, we can mention:

  • Easy and quick installation, since it does not require the use of mortars and does not generate dirt and debris. However, it is important to have a professional workforce for the perfect fit of the pieces.
  • Thermal and acoustic comfort: keeps environments not too cold, such as ceramic floors, and is suitable for colder places. It also offers good acoustic insulation, not spreading noise and noise to the lower floors, in the case of apartments.
  • Resistance and durability: if well maintained, cleaning and maintenance according to the manufacturer's guidelines, floating floors guarantee good resistance and durability.
  • Excellent aesthetic finish: floating floors have various models and tones, generally imitating wood, which makes the environment cozy and comfortable.
  • Easy cleaning: it should only be done with the use of brooms and a damp cloth with soap and water.
  • Good price: floating floors offer a good price when compared to wood or porcelain tile floors.

Regarding the disadvantages that floating floors may present, we can mention the following points:

  • Low moisture resistance: its use is not indicated in humid environments, such as bathrooms or kitchens, as they cannot have direct contact with water.
  • Internal noise: although it has good acoustic insulation for outdoor areas, the noises are reflected internally.
  • Risk of accidents: because it is a very smooth floor, it can cause slipping.
  • Exposure to the sun: may fade.
  • It may scratch in case of high abrasion.

What are the types of floating floors?

There are two types most common floating floors on the market: laminate and vinyl floors.

Laminate floors are rigid boards, composed of plywood derivatives. Because of their composition, they are intolerant to contact with water or moisture. A great advantage of this material is that most manufacturers produce it with 100% recyclable material, which makes it sustainable.

Vinyl floors, on the other hand, are rubberized synthetic floors, made with PVC rubber and fiberglass, which makes your board flexible. Very common in hospitals, as it does not promote the proliferation of microorganisms. Vinyl materials have more resistance when in contact with water.

There are some differences between these two types of floating floors, regarding price, moisture resistance, and appearance.

How is the application made?

As we said, the application of floating floors is very simple, since it does not require the use of mortar, but some points are important so that you don't have future problems, right?

Then, pay attention to the information that I will bring to this topic so that the application is executed in order to guarantee the best result for your laminate or vinyl floor.

The first step is the analysis of the subfloor. In this step, you must evaluate the subfloor where the coating will be applied, as it needs to be clean, dry and level.

If it is not in these conditions, it will be necessary to leave the appropriate surface for the application.

Before applying the floor and after leveling and cleaning the surface, you need to waterproof the subfloor to prevent damage to the coating. But how to do that? It's simple!

You just have to follow these steps: first, you must apply a coat of Blok EP 2, a semi-flexible waterproofing resin that must be used to prevent infiltration by negative hydrostatic pressure.

After the product has cured, you must iron three coats of the product Blok ST, a flexible waterproofing agent for positive hydrostatic pressures, that is, fighting moisture and ensuring durability for floors.

Once the subfloors have been waterproofed, they will be ready for the floors to be installed. You need to apply the blanket over the subfloor in the opposite direction to that of placing the strips, to reduce the spread of noise through the building.

Then, simply follow the steps of positioning and applying the rulers with specific glues or use the click method, which does not require the use of glues for installation, and the pieces are only attached.

To guarantee a perfect installation, count on a specialized workforce that knows the technique of applying floating floors. This way, you avoid potential accidents in the future.

What is the price of the floating floor?

The price of floating floors depends a lot on the material and the manufacturer. However, in general, laminate floors have a lower price than vinyl.

But, you also need to consider the cost of labor, which counts a lot in the final value of the square meter.

Although the price varies between laminate and vinyl, when comparing these floors with porcelain tile, for example, it is clear that the cost is much lower, not only because of the product itself, but because the installation of a porcelain floor requires costs with mortar, grout and labor.

Therefore, carefully evaluate which floor will meet the needs of your project and calculate all the variables so you don't find surprises along the way!


Today, you learned about floating floors and what their main characteristics are. Therefore, consider all the points we have presented here and then decide which floor is the most suitable for your work! And don't forget to use the products from Blok to waterproof the subfloor and guarantee even better results!


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