What is floor waterproofing for?

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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What is floor waterproofing for?

Os floors present the need for maintenance. This care will be one of the main and most important steps to avoid stains and corrosion of the material, causing inconvenience to construction professionals, their clients or the property owners themselves. And floor waterproofing is fundamental in this process.

The concrete floor, for example, has porosity, a facilitator for moisture accumulation and infiltrations. Often, the roofs, walls and, especially, floors that have the base of this material are in open places and exposed to rain, which further increases the possibilities of infiltration.

If this is the reality of your client, know that waterproofing of flooring is the alternative that will help with the conservation and longevity of your floor.

Continue reading today's article and discover more about what floor waterproofing is for, as well as tips for working with this service.

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What is the purpose of floor waterproofing?

Infiltration and humidity are common realities in virtually every house and apartment. For this reason, floor waterproofing is what can guarantee the durability of the material, maintaining its conservation for a long period, and also safety of the work, while maintaining an aesthetic pleasing to the eye, beautifying the environment.

The floor waterproofing procedure is one of the main factors so that water, caused by external events (such as rain and leaks), does not accumulate under the floors without runoff. And that is what will help to avoid stains, deterioration and damage to the foundation of the work. This foundation may even endanger the entire structure and support of the house, apartment, or any other building.

Other problems caused by the lack of floor waterproofing are the fall of tiles, which eventually peel off due to humidity; dark spots; air bubbles in the paintings, as well as scratches in the electrical area.

According to one study from the Brazilian Institute of Waterproofing (IBI), floor waterproofing also has financial advantages since, by performing the procedure, the client will avoid major problems in the future. The IBI points out, for example, that the investment with waterproofing consumes less than 1% of the total value of the work.

Another important point is that much of the damage caused to the floor may be invisible before it's too late. Broken pipes and faucets can cause a large amount of water to flow out quickly, but it's the small, constant, and invisible leaks that rot the floor and cause the most damage. Therefore, waterproofing is the way to combat this silent problem with such harmful potential, preserving the floor against the action of water, chemicals and friction.

Still, the procedure will contribute to the well-being of your client's family. With waterproofing, there is less accumulation of dirt, helping to maintain the hygiene and asepsis of the environments. In addition, where there is infiltration, there is also often mold and this represents health risks due to the increased presence of microorganisms responsible for allergies and even serious lung infections.

What is waterproofing for different types of floors?

In addition to the factors that we have already highlighted, there are other benefits provided by waterproofing for different types of floors. For example:

Cement floor covering

In the case of cement flooring, the procedure is essential to ensure the durability and aesthetic appeal of the element. After all, over time, it is common to wear and tear due to contact with water or abrasion, or even overweight. Floor waterproofing is preventive care to avoid and minimize these risks and problems.

Industrial floor

Nos industrial floors, in addition to the benefits already mentioned, there is another important one, which refers to sustainability. By waterproofing these floors, it contributes to the protection of groundwater and soil against the action of harmful substances produced by industrial activities.

Concrete floor in general

In the case of concrete floor waterproofing promotes an increase in its useful life. What's more: it helps to avoid problems such as carbonation, corrosion and the appearance of efflorescence.

Where is floor waterproofing indicated?

The importance of effective moisture prevention cannot be underestimated; water damage can cause serious long-term problems to the structure of buildings, making them even unhealthy.

For this reason, providing the floor waterproofing service correctly is so crucial, as is highlighting to your client the importance of this procedure.

From a cup of coffee spilled in the bedroom to a glass of wine in the dining room, there's endless potential for stains and liquids to permeate and ruin a floor in the long run. Waterproofing, therefore, is especially recommended for any area where there may be frequent spills and rooms with a high degree or potential of humidity, such as bathrooms and washbasins.

Other wet areas also need to be waterproofed, such as a laundry room, kitchen, or any other room with active plumbing.

Learn about the types of floor waterproofing

Now that you understand the advantages and importance of waterproofing floors, know that there are three basic types of this procedure. Floor waterproofing can be a rigid system or a flexible system and can also be hydrophobic.

In the rigid system, the way to perform the waterproofing has a low capacity to accompany the movement of the waterproofed site. So, this type of waterproofing is suitable for places that have less structural movement. Among the materials used for this work are waterproofing mortar and polymer mortar.

In turn, in the system supple, the waterproofing agent will accompany the movement of the structure and possible cracks that may occur in it. Thus, the differential of this technique is that it adapts to the waterproofed structure. Among the materials used for this procedure are acrylic emulsion, asphalt emulsion, polyurethane membrane, Asphalt blankets, HDPE, PVC or EPDM.

The hydrophobition of floors, on the other hand, will only serve to protect the coating from absorbing liquids and accumulating the dirt and impurities carried by them.

Tips for doing floor waterproofing

First, it is important to note that waterproofing can vary according to various aspects - such as the type of floor, the room to be waterproofed, and others.

Another important point to perform floor waterproofing is to understand and follow the applicable regulatory guidelines, such as NBR 9575, which presents requirements and indications regarding waterproofing projects, and NBR 9574 which establishes the requirements for carrying out the services of waterproofing.

Considering the structure to be waterproofed, it is also essential to ensure watertightness of the constructive elements, that is, the ability to prevent the appearance of moisture from the structures protected with this procedure. With the completion of the work, it is therefore crucial that the tightness test be carried out to check for possible leaks.

It should also be taken as a principle to work only with products and materials of proven quality. After all, the reputation and profitability of your business can be undermined by poor durability waterproofing due to the use of inferior products.

To avoid this risk, you can count on products such as BlokSeal Floors, from Blok, for example. This is a water repellent water-based, high-performance, developed for the specific needs of floor application, creating an invisible layer that prevents infiltration of the floors and reduces your customer's maintenance costs (since it helps repel dirt accumulation). Easy to apply, BlokSeal Floors It is available ready for use and cures in just 24 hours.

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