Learn all about the types of foundations and how to choose the most suitable one for your work!

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Learn all about the types of foundations and how to choose the most suitable one for your work!

The foundation is the basis of all construction, that is, it is the structure responsible for absorbing all the loads emitted by the building and distributing them to the ground. Do you realize that it is what supports the entire construction? Therefore, it is very important that it be executed correctly to avoid serious structural problems in the future. More than that, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of NBR 6122, which concerns the entire process of executing foundations.

Thus, before starting any foundation project, carefully read NBR 6122 to understand what are the correct procedures to follow. In fact, whenever performing any procedure on a work, it is essential to follow the guidelines of the Technical Standards. In our blog, you can find summaries of several of them. Take a look there.

In this article, we are going to provide important information about foundations. Among them: what do foundations consist of, what are their functions, what are their types, how to waterproof them and, finally, how to define the best type for their construction.

With all this information that I will provide here in this article, you will be able to analyze and choose the type of foundation that best suits the needs of your project. Shall we go?

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What are foundations?

Before we get into the more specific topics, let's get a better understanding of what foundations consist of. The foundation of a building is nothing more than a structure that supports the entire load of the building. Therefore, the execution of any work begins with the foundation, since it is from it that the entire structure will be built.

Thus, it must be done following all the recommendations and steps defined by NBR 6122, ensuring more safety for the entire work.

Choosing the type of foundation that will be used in the work is also a fundamental step that must be done in the project, before the execution of the foundation. To define which foundation will be chosen, it is necessary to analyze some variables, such as soil type and building weight, for example.

Since it is a very big responsibility to choose the type of foundation and how its execution will be carried out, it is essential to have the help of an engineer or a qualified team to carry out this task.

What is the function of a foundation in construction?

We have already mentioned what the foundation in a construction is for, but it is worth mentioning so that there are no doubts about the importance of this stage during the initial phase of the execution of a work.

Foundations are responsible for distributing the weight (load) of the construction to the ground in a safe manner to prevent various types of problems from occurring, which may even compromise the construction itself. Among some damages, we can mention: landslides, cracks, cracks and other very serious problems caused by errors in the foundation.

A very clear example of serious problems caused by errors in the foundation are Crooked buildings in Santos-SP. These buildings were built many years ago with a very shallow foundation, with a depth too small to support the buildings on unstable terrain, with the most solid rock fragments being more than 50 meters deep. Note that this is a very serious problem, but fortunately, after studies and efforts by researchers, it was possible to keep the inhabited buildings without the risk of accidents by realigning the buildings by hydraulic jacks.

It is not always possible to find a solution to the damage caused by errors in the foundation. For this reason, attention during the execution of a foundation is essential to avoid future inconvenience and guarantee quality work.

What are the types of foundations?

Let's now understand what are the Foundation types most common used in civil construction. Remember that each one of them has its own characteristics and, therefore, are suitable in places that require certain structures. Therefore, it is important to analyze the soil and the weight of the load that the foundation must bear to define which type of foundation best fits the construction project.

Foundation types are divided into two larger classes, shallow or direct foundations and deep or indirect foundations.

The shallow foundation is suitable for buildings with up to two floors, because of its best cost-benefit ratio. It transmits the load directly to the ground through its bases and has a depth equal to or less than 3 meters. The shapes of shallow foundations vary depending on the type, but all are built with concrete and steel. The most common shallow foundations are:

  • Insulated shoe: recommended for terrain with firm and resistant soil, and the load from the building is transmitted to the columns, which transfer the weight to the shoes, distributing it to the ground. They generally have a rectangular or square base and the top can be straight or pyramidal.
  • Running shoe: superficial foundation, with a continuous reinforced concrete structure located below the walls, with dimensions of width and height greater than the baldrame beam.
  • Baldrame beam: this is a beam located below ground level and runs the entire length of the building walls and connects the insulated shoes to distribute the building's weights. It helps to lock the columns better, but it requires a lot of time and work.
  • Radier: shallow foundation recommended for low resistance soils. Common in light structural masonry works, the radier being a reinforced or prestressed concrete plate that is located below the building and in direct contact with the ground. The building is built just above it and the weight is evenly distributed to the ground. An advantage is its quick execution and material savings.

Deep or indirect foundations, on the other hand, are suitable for soils that do not have good resistance in the first 3 meters of depth. They transmit the load coming from the structure through the shaft resistance, on the side, and the tip resistance, through the base. Most used in large projects, such as tall buildings. The best-known deep foundations are:

  • Piles: suitable for soils with little resistance, where piles more than 3 meters deep are needed to reach firm ground to make the foundation. This type of foundation transmits loads to the ground through lateral friction and is excavated by manual or mechanical traction, commonly called a drill.
  • Tubes: suitable for works with very high loads, such as bridges, viaducts and large buildings. It has a cylindrical structure with a deep foundation, made of concrete cast in situ. It can be steel or concrete, without or with a coating. The tubes can be made in the open air or under compressed air.

These are the most common types of building foundations. But how do you know which one is the most suitable for your work?

How to define the type of foundation?

For selecting the ideal type of foundation for a building, it is necessary to use technical criteria, that is, to analyze the type of construction, how much load will be transmitted to the ground and what type of soil. For this reason, it is essential to hire an engineer to carry out the structural design of the construction. Only he will have sufficient technical knowledge to Define the best type of foundation for each work. But here I have important information that can help you with this choice as well.

How to waterproof the foundation?

Any foundation must be waterproofed in the correct way and with the right product for that use. A lack or failure of waterproofing in a foundation can cause very serious structural problems, which can compromise the entire construction. Not to mention the hassle and unplanned expenses. So, invest in a good waterproofing and, for that, we recommend Blok EP 2, our semi-flexible waterproofing agent for negative hydrostatic pressures, which offers excellent waterproofness, flexibility and resistance. To learn more about this product and how to use it in its construction, talk to the team of Blok.

I hope this article helped you learn more about foundations, their types and how to choose the best one for your project. And don't forget to use Blok EP 2 on your foundations! Until next time.


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