Gabions: do you know what it is? Understand everything about it now!

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Gabions: do you know what it is? Understand everything about it now!

Gabions: do you know what it is? Understand everything about it now!

Do you know those walls made of stone? You may have seen several of them when you were on the road or even on riverbanks. It is about them that we will talk in this article! Did you know that these walls are given a special name?

They are called gabion walls or simply gabions, a very important structure for containing dams and draining water. Basically, it's a very common stone wall that, for sure, you must have seen out there.

But do you know the real importance of this structure? Also, are you aware of all the characteristics of gabions?

Gabion walls are important structures that hardly anyone talks about, but I believe that this article will help you if you are looking for information on this subject.

Here, you will have access to valuable information, how to understand what a gabion structure is, what are its types, advantages and disadvantages, how much a gabion meter costs and where you can use it. It's a lot of information that can make a difference in your work. So, stay with me to check out all that content!

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What is a gabion structure?

The gabion structure in Brazil is quite old and has been used since the 60's. But we still see this type of structure in several places, especially on roadsides and river banks. It is a very interesting and functional structure, performing the same role as a retaining wall, but made up of stones.

Gabion originates from the Italian word “gabionne”, which means basket for transporting soil and fertilizer. We can draw an analogy with the gabion wall, where the soil and fertilizers are the stones and the basket a metal cage.

That is, the walls consist of metal cages made of galvanized steel, where the stones are placed between the wires, manually or through equipment. This is a structure that must be resistant to weather conditions, as it is fully exposed to them, preventing oxidation from occurring.

What is the gabion wall for?

Understanding what the gabion wall is for is very simple. You just have to associate it with the retaining walls, which are much better known and you certainly know what their functions are. Therefore, gabions serve one and the same purpose as retaining walls: restraint.

For this reason, it is used on roadsides, streams and rivers, since its high weight and because it is supported on itself, it prevents landslides that block the entire road or the place where it is placed.

Therefore, its main function is for containment, that is, to protect and prevent landslides from occurring that could cause accidents and serious damage. They can also serve as decoration because of the interesting aesthetic effect they provide.

What are the types of gabion?

Gabion walls can be divided into three types. Let's understand each of them better now.

The first type is the box-type gabion, the most used as a retaining wall. It has a parallelepiped shape and consists of a steel screen that forms the walls, bottoms and lid, which is filled with stones subsequently. Ideal for containment structures, dams and plumbing.

The mattress-type gabion is also shaped like a parallelepiped, but with large dimensions in length and width, but smaller in height. It is most used on river and stream banks, earthen dams, and canals, serving to stabilize and protect.

The bag-type gabion, on the other hand, consists of a steel mesh filled with stones, but in a cylindrical shape with its ends tied together. They are used when you want a quick solution, such as in emergency works or at great depths.

What are the advantages of gabion walls? And drawbacks?

Compared to other types of retaining walls, gabions are a great option for those looking for a solution that offers excellent cost-benefit ratio. But that's not all. Using gabion walls offers others pluses which we will understand better now. Among its benefits, we can mention:

  • Flexibility: this is one of its great advantages, since the gabion wall can be installed according to the soil shape and also supports soil movements with some ease.
  • Permeability: allows water flow to drain due to its empty spaces, but contains other larger debris that is being carried along with the water, increasing the safety of the structure.
  • Easy execution: it may not seem like it, but building gabion walls is not complex. Although it requires specialized labor and is manual labor, its execution is simple and rudimentary. In a simplified way, the job consists of stacking stones, of course in an organized manner. But the mere fact of dispensing with the use of mortar or concrete already greatly simplifies the service.
  • Low cost: because it requires little material and yet because it is a low cost material, it ends up being a very affordable option.
  • Durability: stones, by themselves, are already extremely durable. Screens, on the other hand, can corrode and should therefore receive extra protection. By doing this, the walls are highly durable.
  • Ecological: they are widely used in places where there is vegetation, streams, rivers and lakes, allowing a harmonious coexistence with nature since the walls allow the growth of vegetation between their stones. In addition to being effective, it causes minimal environmental impacts and provides a pleasant look.

These are the advantages that gabions provide, but what about the drawbacks? The main one refers to the width of its base, which must have relatively large dimensions to provide stability to the wall, which can compromise strips of land.

Another disadvantage that we can mention in the case of gabion walls is in relation to the execution process, because although the work does not require much knowledge and technique, it ends up requiring more time and labor for the service to be completed.

Considering all the advantages that we present here, the disadvantages become irrelevant. Therefore, it is always interesting to evaluate both advantages and disadvantages before deciding whether gabion walls are worth using, right?

How much does a gabion meter cost?

O worthiness of a gabion wall may vary according to its measurements, materials used, region, labor availability and chosen filling. Therefore, it is difficult to standardize a specific value. It is also important to carry out research and quotes with specialized companies.

But to give you an idea, the average price in Brazil is around 300 reais per square meter. Considering all its advantages, it has an excellent cost-benefit ratio.

Where to use the gabion wall?

Throughout this article, you were able to see where gabion walls can be used. But to make it even more clear, I'm going to list all of its main applications here in this topic. This way, it will be more visible and easier for you to find when you need it. Its main employabilities They are:

  • Containment for works;
  • Retaining walls for the most varied uses;
  • Protection for river banks;
  • Plumbing of a river;
  • Coating in basins;
  • As a landscape element;
  • Underwater or drainage works;
  • Bridge support.

In addition to the various types of gabions, there are also several uses, which makes it very versatile.

Bonus: how to better preserve the gabion wall?

Do you want to learn how to make your gabion wall even more preserved? Just apply BlokSeal CC over its entire surface. Thus, all of it will be protected against the action of water in addition to preventing the accumulation of dirt, making it even easier to clean.

By doing this, you'll have a protected, maintained, and beautiful gabion wall for much longer. If you want to know more about this product or how to purchase it, just contact the team at Blok.

I hope this article helped you understand more about this topic. Until next time!


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