Gypsum Block: The Complete Guide to 2024!

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Gypsum Block: The Complete Guide to 2024!

Did you know that it is possible to build a house in just 15 days? This is the agility that using plaster blocks on a construction site allows!

In addition to the speed of erecting walls, there are other reasons as attractive as they are making professionals opt for this material instead of traditional brickwork! Do you want to know more about gypsum blocks?

Check out this material that we prepared for you to understand and have this option that can bring so many benefits to your work and to your work processes!

If you work in the construction business, you know that plaster is a material that has been forcefully used in construction, whether for wall cladding, drywall or for decorative use and many other applications!

But do you know how plaster can also be used to compose the structure of a building, replacing the so famous concrete blocks and ceramics? That's what we're going to talk about here! Are you ready? Come with us and read our full article!

After finishing this article, I guarantee that you will have understood not only about the gypsum block, but other relevant information that we are going to bring here!

Thus, you will be able to acquire more knowledge to be able to apply to your work! Surely, it will be quite an apprenticeship that will bring great returns for you and your team! Shall we go, there?

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What is gypsum block?

So that you understand what the gypsum block consists of, let's start from scratch! Gypsum is one of the oldest construction materials manufactured by man and, today, it is one of the main products used by civil construction! But how is plaster produced?

Gypsum is obtained by heating gypsum, a very abundant ore in Brazil, which is then reduced to powder, which is easily found in any construction store!

As we have said, plaster can have many different applications and can be used as:

  • sheathing: of walls, ceilings and other surfaces, replacing the putty and thus obtaining a smooth and homogeneous finish;
  • Dividers: to separate rooms, using drywall or even plaster blocks (which we will discuss below);
  • Forros: the very common ones, applied to the ceiling of rooms, contributing to their decoration and beauty. I wrote This matter very interesting on this subject.
  • Decoration: like r3D coatings and so many other shapes that plaster is able to offer, giving fantastic decorative effects!

Despite these many possibilities of using plaster, today, we are going to focus on a very interesting application, which is its use in the construction of a building using plaster blocks!

But after all, is it really possible to build a house with gypsum blocks? Not only is it possible, but it is a way that has been increasingly used and that offers several benefits when compared to traditional brickwork!

Let's start by understanding what a gypsum block is!

Gypsum blocks are nothing more than precast gypsum blocks, manufactured through a molding process and have very smooth surfaces.

They have two flat and smooth faces and are totally disposable plastering or Chapisco to give the final finish. For the assembly of the blocks to be very stable, the blocks are manufactured with male and female fittings, ready to be assembled.

According to NBR 16494, gypsum blocks are defined as industrially manufactured components composed primarily of plaster, shaped like a parallelepiped, which can be solid or hollow, with two flat and smooth faces, with male and female fittings on opposite sides. This plaster block may also have specific characteristics for each stage of the work, such as the blue plaster block, also known as a hydro gypsum block, which is resistant to wetness.

You may have seen plaster blocks out there, but if you've never seen them, we explain them in detail so that there are no doubts left so we can move on to the next topics, right?

Since it is clear what gypsum blocks are, let's understand more details about it. Shall we go with me?

What is the gypsum block used for?

Once you know what gypsum blocks are, you must be wondering: what are gypsum blocks for anyway? Logically, this is the first and main question about the plaster block and we are here precisely to answer it, as well as to provide other relevant information!

You already know that plaster is a material that offers versatility, but gypsum blocks promise a very interesting use, but still very little explored in the Brazilian market. Gypsum blocks basically serve to lift walls, whether for structural, enclosing or decorative purposes. Let's understand more about them!

Using gypsum blocks to lift walls of a house is an example of how they can be used for structural purposes.

As we have already said, it is possible, yes, to build a house with only gypsum blocks and count on all the benefits they offer! Take a look at these videos that SINDUSGYPSUM (Plaster Industry Union) produced very well and which show the step-by-step construction of a plaster house. It's very interesting!

If you just want to get a sense of how to build a plasterboard house, watch this video. Here, a summary is made about the plaster, the blocks and what the execution process is like. But if you are interested in knowing exactly how to build a plaster house, with all the steps and details, keep reading, and you will find the videos below!

Here, we have a compilation of all the steps of building a plaster house as well as other relevant information!

Now, we will also provide all videos with detailed step-by-step instructions for building a house using plaster blocks! It's worth watching!

In this video, you can learn more about plaster and its properties, as well as the comparison between a plaster house and a conventional brickwork house, the types of plaster blocks and the tools you will need to begin the execution of the work, with the preparation of the base! Check it out!

Here, work begins with the execution of the base of the house, with brick and cement, as in traditional brickwork.

In the video below, we have the very process for lifting the walls, with the plaster blocks!

In this video, you learn about the process of setting or joining plaster partitions. Watch to understand what we're talking about!

Here, we have a very important stage, which is a guarantee of an excellent result: covering and finishing. Pay close attention!

Now that we are in the final stages, in this video, we have finalized the finish with the application of the plaster mass to the already cured surfaces to obtain very homogeneous walls!

The house is now ready, but to review all the techniques used, access the following video to review the entire process!

And finally, here you can understand all types of finishing plaster block walls, whether with painting, wallpapering, or other finishing! That way, you'll have a house with walls just the way you always wanted!

We talked about the use of plaster blocks to erect walls for structural purposes. But, they are still widely used as a closure, that is, to lift walls that serve as partitions, separating environments.

Drywall also performs this same function, but walls composed of gypsum blocks are much stronger and offer better acoustic insulation.

The use of plaster blocks to compose the decoration of environments is gaining importance. It is possible to use the plaster blocks to build cabinets and furniture, creating an incredible decorative effect!

We can find several of them on the internet and the finish, because it is smooth and homogeneous, very well replaces the so common wooden ones!

And nothing prevents new applications for gypsum blocks from being discovered! The Brazilian market is still very new when it comes to gypsum blocks and will certainly undergo an expansion process, opening doors to new applications!

How about being part of this market revolution?

Now that you have a notion about gypsum blocks, let's understand what their manufacturing process is like and see that it is possible to manufacture them in a fairly simple way! Shall we go, there?

How to make gypsum block?

Those who already work with plaster know that making plaster blocks is not a seven-headed animal. But, let's introduce the two most common ways to manufacture this product.

The most efficient way to manufacture gypsum blocks is industrially, that is, through an industry with appropriate machinery for this purpose, resulting in larger-scale and more standardized products.

There are several industries active in the plaster business and many of them are specializing in the manufacture of gypsum blocks. Thus, it is possible to verify efficient production, with little labor and large scale, in addition to the blocks being more homogeneous.

I separated a very interesting video that shows the manufacture of gypsum blocks through an industrial process. Take a look:

However, since it requires a greater investment, it is not always possible to use the industrial process for the manufacture of gypsum blocks.

If you work in the plaster market, you know that there is a way to manufacture gypsum blocks manually, that is, with a simple shape and a trained professional, you can obtain a very good block.

However, it is important to put on the scale whether it is worth manufacturing gypsum blocks in this way, since the process is much slower, more laborious and requires more labor.

Therefore, it is important to evaluate each case before committing to delivery so as not to miss the agreed deadlines, okay?

Here, you can see how the gypsum block can be manufactured by hand by a professional with a lot of practice. Look how interesting!

Now, let's understand why you should use gypsum blocks, and let's compare them with other types of blocks so you can decide which one is best for your purpose!

Gypsum block x other blocks

Traditional brickwork, with concrete blocks or ceramic bricks, is the most common and offers several benefits. We wrote an article that talks about these blocs and what are the differences between them.

However, since our focus here is on gypsum blocks, let's understand what are the perks in using this product instead of opting for traditional methods.

The use of gypsum blocks does not require the application of plastering or chapisco, because they have smooth and flat surfaces and can be given the final finish on top of them.

This saves time, labor and material, being a great ally to increase the agility of the work!

In the case of hollow plaster blocks, in addition to being lighter, they provide better acoustic and thermal insulation for walls and also facilitate the passage of internal columns and hydraulic and electrical ducts.

Regarding the structural issue, gypsum blocks have more strength and stiffness when compared to mortared ceramic blocks, providing more stability to the structure, not only because of their high strength, but also because of their better male and female fit.

Because they are lighter, gypsum blocks burden the structure less, generating significant savings in the concrete of the foundation and the reinforcements of the superstructure.

Gypsum blocks play an important role in the sense of sustainability, since their use reduces the internal energy incorporated in the materials used in the structure, the electrical energy used to mix and transport the materials, and the water used in the construction of the walls.

Therefore, although many people believe that plaster is a material harmful to the environment, looking from this point of view, it can be considered a material that contributes to sustainability.

Productivity, when working with gypsum blocks instead of ceramic bricks or concrete, is much larger due to its size, fit and ease of assembly, which makes the work faster.

To join the blocks, it is necessary to use Cola chalk which, after drying, offers excellent mechanical resistance and adhesion. And finally, gypsum blocks come out in front of ceramic bricks when it comes to acoustic insulation, with a high sound reduction index.

Now that we have explained the advantages of using plaster blocks instead of ceramic or concrete bricks, let's summarize, in topics, so that the advantages of gypsum blocks as well as their disadvantages are clearer.

Advantages and disadvantages of using the gypsum block

The advantages that gypsum blocks provide can be summarized by the following topics:

  • Good resistance and pressure resistance, which makes it an appropriate material for use by civil construction;
  • Thermal insulation: plaster resists the passage of cold or heat well. For example: a 10 cm thick plaster block offers the same heat resistance as a wall of masonry traditional 15 cm coated with mortar on both sides;
  • Sound insulation: the strong natural density of the gypsum block provides good insulation from external sounds and noises;
  • Protects against fire: the gypsum block is non-combustible, that is, it does not catch fire, and offers great flame resistance;
  • Hygrometric regulation: due to the porosity of the plaster, the block is an excellent hygrometric regulator, that is, it is able to absorb excess ambient moisture and return it when it is too dry;
  • Ecological product: gypsum contributes to sustainability, producing less waste and material waste;
  • Higher productivity: gypsum blocks offer faster construction, with fewer construction steps;
  • Easy execution: working with the plaster blocks is very easy and its execution process is quite simple.

As for the disadvantages that gypsum blocks can impose when using them, it is in relation to their resistance to water and humidity. As we already know, plaster is a material that is not very resistant to water and, therefore, care must be taken when determining the place where it will be applied, and it is not recommended to apply it to outdoor areas, for example. This limitation is specific to the material, but Blok, thinking of finding a solution in this regard, developed Blok Gesso: one water repellent for plaster! Thus, the use of plaster parts can be expanded and you can apply plaster even in bathrooms! Do you want to know more about this product that revolutionized the plaster market? Read our article to be surprised!

Now that we've explained almost everything about gypsum blocks, we need to talk about what Brazilian Standards say about gypsum blocks. It is worth noting that it is very important to consult them before performing any procedure. They guide the techniques that must be followed to obtain the expected result!

What does NBR 16494 say about gypsum blocks?

NBR 16.494 establishes the requirements for gypsum blocks with smooth surfaces for vertical seals, for use in civil construction.

What are the general requirements for gypsum blocks?

Gypsum blocks must meet certain requirements established by the standard, regarding moisture, storage, finishing, classification, identification of gypsum blocks by color, purchase orders and marking, labeling, and packaging. Let's understand some of them.

What are the humidity, storage and finishing standards of gypsum blocks?

Gypsum blocks, at the time of painting, must have a humidity of less than or equal to 4%. Regarding storage, gypsum blocks must be stored in a dry and protected place, in the manner recommended by the manufacturer, to preserve their quality. And finally, when we talk about finishing, gypsum blocks should not have fillings, fissures, breaks and stains that make the final finish impossible.

What is the classification of gypsum blocks?

The classification of gypsum blocks can be carried out with regard to:

  1. uptake of water: simple block (suitable for dry areas) or hydrophobic block (suitable for areas Wet, wettable and dry). To obtain a water-repellent plaster block (blue plaster block), use BlokGesso, which we have already mentioned here;
  2. density: low, medium and high density block;
  3. hardness: low, medium and high hardness block;
  4. mass distribution: compact, hollow block;
  5. use or not of reinforcing fibers (fiberless block or fiber-reinforced block).

What is the identification of gypsum blocks by color?

To make it easier to identify the plaster blocks in the works, they are presented in different colors. The following table shows how gypsum blocks are identified by color:

NBR 16494 - Identificação do bloco de gesso por cor
NBR 16494 - Identification of gypsum blocks by color

  • Green Gypsum Block: it is the high-density gypsum block, that is, they have a density above 1,100 kg per cubic meter;
  • White Plaster Block (traditional): the most commonly used gypsum block, which has an average density of between 800 and 1,100 kg per cubic meter;
  • Yellow Plaster Block: this block, which is little used, has a low density, between 600 and 800 kg;
  • Pink Plaster Block: Are gypsum blocks of high density hydrophobic;
  • Lilac or Pink Plaster Block: low density gypsum block hydrophobic;
  • Blue Plaster Block: The blue plaster block is the traditional plaster block, however hydrophobic.

What is the weight of a plaster block?

The following table shows the densities of the gypsum blocks:

NBR 16494 - Classificação da densidade para blocos em geral
NBR 16494 - Density classification for blocks in general

What size is a plaster block?

The dimensions of the gypsum blocks are determined by their thickness, length and height.

The minimum thickness of a gypsum block must be 50 mm. However, the preferred dimensions are 50 mm, 70 mm, 76 mm, 80 mm and 100 mm for thickness, 666 mm for length and 500 mm for height.

What does NBR 16657 say about the execution with a plaster block?

NBR 16657 establishes the requirements for the execution, inspection, and control of sealing masonry in gypsum blocks. It is very important to consult it before starting to carry out the work. Today, our focus is not to talk about it, but be aware that we will soon do another article on the subject!

Bonus! What is cheaper: gypsum block wall or traditional brickwork?

This is a question that many people ask when it comes to plaster block. But what do you think? Raising a wall with plaster block is more inexpensive What is traditional brickwork?

In addition to the numerous benefits that using gypsum blocks brings, such as quick execution, less waste production and thermo-acoustic insulation, gypsum blocks may be cheaper than opting for traditional brickwork. But still, it's good to analyze the pros and cons of each material to make the right choice, okay?

I hope you enjoyed the article! And remember, Blok is up for any challenge!


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