Gypsum Plaster: What Are Its Advantages?

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Gypsum Plaster: What Are Its Advantages?

What are the advantages that gypsum plaster offers for your work?

The demand for gypsum plaster to compose the decoration of environments as well as to be used as coatings, ceilings and partitions is increasingly present in environments.

Just notice how the newer buildings are filled with plaster coverings! You may have already noticed many different types of plaster finishes, as this is an indisputable feature of this material: its versatility!

Today, we will understand why the future of civil construction is tending towards the more frequent use of plaster to the detriment of conventional structures.

Logically, like any material, plaster has some drawbacks, but let's focus on its many benefits and show why it is worth using this type of coating.

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Plaster x Traditional Plaster x Dried Dough

What are the advantages of using plaster instead of traditional plastering or putty to finish the coating?

Well, traditional plastering is made with cement and sand mortar, whether or not it contains hydrated lime and/or additives, it is the most used method in civil construction.

Although it has high durability and resistance, it has some drawbacks, such as: high cost due to the greater use of construction material and labor; it requires more time because it is laborious and there is a possibility that it may occur Trincas.

The use of plastering, on the other hand, can be used both in outdoor and indoor and humid areas, which does not prevent the occurrence of infiltration if poorly executed.

In some cases, instead of doing the entire plating procedure-plastering, of course plastering traditional, applies to Massa Corrida directly onto the raised wall, which also has some drawbacks compared to plaster as a wall finish.

Applying the putty directly to the brickwork, besides requiring a good quality sealer, is more expensive than using plaster.

Now let's talk about why to use plaster instead of traditional plaster or putty. The cost of plaster is much lower, the process is faster and does not require much labor, the application is simple, provides time savings and an excellent finish.

On the other hand, plaster has a limitation inherent to its material, which is its sensitivity to water, which could hinder its use in outdoor or humid areas. But today, there is already a technology that helps solve this problem, which is water repellent for plaster, which we will explain later.

Benefits of gypsum plaster as a coating

It's no wonder that civil construction is increasingly opting for plaster in construction! This is because it is an extremely versatile material, which offers several benefits. Check out which are the main advantages when using plaster:

  • Easy to model: plaster is a highly moldable material, which favors the production of various shapes and for different functions, such as decorative pieces, partitions and moldings;
  • Beautiful finish: once hardened, the plaster has a beautiful appearance, with a smooth, white surface ready to receive any type of paint! Also, it can be molded into different compositions and textures, characterizing its versatility;
  • Good thermal and acoustic properties: plaster is a good thermal insulator, maintaining the internal temperature and providing greater comfort for the environment. Also, when using gypsum plaques filled with glass wool, they can improve the acoustics of the environment;
  • Good adhesion to brickwork and concrete: plaster can be used as a masonry wall covering without the need to apply chapisco, which is necessary for conventional mortars;
  • High productivity: the applications of plaster coatings are simpler and faster, and the plaster mass can be placed in a single step. Because it hardens quickly, it is possible to start painting earlier in addition to acquiring final resistance within a week;
  • Affordable and easy to find material: gypsum is a material that is very easy to find in our country because of the abundance of gypsum rock reserves, although little used. In addition, its price is much lower than conventional plastering materials and due to its capacity to generate various types of final product, the cost-benefit ratio ends up paying off;
  • Time and space savings: the applications of plaster coatings are much faster and their storage, since it is only a single product, requires a smaller inventory area. Also, because it is a lightweight material, it is easier to transport;
  • Customization of different projects and purposes: plaster provides the production of various types of products, having the freedom to customize them in different ways. In addition to being used, mainly, for decorative purposes, they also serve to make ceilings, partitions, correct cracks and plug holes;
  • It increases safety: plaster is a good insulator against the spread of fire, preventing fires and ensuring greater safety for buildings.

We have seen that there are many advantages of using plaster in civil construction, but like any material, it is good to weigh the disadvantages when choosing the type of material to be used in your work, right? Now, let's explain a bit about gypsum glue and about how to make waterproofing in plaster, which is somewhat innovative and very interesting! Come with us!

What is glue plaster used for?

Gypsum glue is nothing more than an additive plaster, which when mixed with water, transforms into a glue that serves, as its name says, to glue parts and artifacts to plaster.

There are some homemade ways to make one piece stick to the other, for example, using the plaster's own mixture with water. But it's certainly not ideal and can cause a lot of problems. The best thing to do is to purchase a professional additive to avoid errors and guarantee a perfect finish, right?

Blok offers the best additive on the market, for you to add to the plaster yourself and thus obtain the plaster glue that you will need to carry out your work, joining the plaster pieces to each other. This additive is BlokGesso Cola, which has high performance, low cost, easy to use and high bonding power. How about knowing how this product can help your work? Meet BlokGesso Cola.

BlokGesso: Be Part of the Gypsum Industry Revolution!

The biggest limitation that plaster imposes for those who work with this material is, until then, the impossibility of using it in outdoor or humid areas, because it does not withstand direct contact with water or humidity.

But, the Blok developed a water repellent towards revolutionize the plaster industry, O Blok Gesso, which promotes water repellency in any piece of plaster and increases the durability of the material when exposed to moisture, in addition to its high performance.

Blok Gesso It is the ideal water repellent to make everyday life even easier for professionals who manufacture all types of plaster parts by protecting not only the surface, but the entire mass of plaster. Thus, you will be able to add even more value to your plaster artifacts and multiply your profits.

That's all you ever wanted to ensure the protection of the plaster against the action of water and moisture in any environment. Those looking for quality and trust are looking for the Blok seal.


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