High Performance Concrete (HPC)

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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High Performance Concrete (HPC)

Concrete is an indispensable item for any work and, with the passage of time and the evolution of technology aimed at civil construction, techniques have been developed to improve its composition, providing greater strength and durability.

This advance was extremely important and necessary for the execution of the projects, offering efficient options for all situations, whether special constructions or specific conditions that require concrete that is more resistant to mechanical and chemical actions.

The result of technological studies, high-performance concrete is a concept that has been gaining space, due to its unique characteristics. Do you know what it is and what are the applications? Check out important information on the subject in this post!

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What is high-performance concrete?

High-performance concrete consists of a composition calculated to achieve greater strength and high performance, which can reach up to 100MPa of compression, which allows it to withstand much higher pressure and tension than traditional concrete.

Through the use of additive products and special additions in the proportion of water, cement and fine and coarse-grained aggregates, the capacity of concrete to resist mechanical compression, deformability and aggressive agents is significantly high, due to the reduction of porosity and permeability.

These factors make buildings or artifacts that use high-performance concrete stronger, more durable, and less susceptible to chlorides, carbon dioxide, salt marsh, and sulfates.

In addition to allowing the optimization of the work, an objective desired by all engineers and construction professionals.

What are the main applications of High Performance Concrete?

The characteristics of high-performance concrete explain the considerable increase in its use in Brazil and in the world, becoming routine in various buildings, artifacts, modern buildings, and structures subject to high pressures.

Although it seems to be a resource for specific applications, the use of high-performance concrete is versatile, allowing its use in numerous situations whose strength, durability, optimization and efficient load distribution are the main objectives.

Some of the main applications are:

  • floors and basements of buildings;
  • industrial floors or areas exposed to high salinity environments;
  • emergency works;
  • structures subject to high stress and loads;
  • structures exposed to aggressive agents;
  • precast structures;
  • artifacts for coatings.

Many examples of remarkable buildings, both in Brazil and abroad, used high-performance concrete in the projects, such as the Petronas Towers building and the São Paulo Museum of Art and several other famous buildings.

What are the main materials used in the composition of High Performance Concrete?

Obtaining the expected results of high-performance concrete is only possible using specific ingredients, added to the proportion of water, cement, and small and coarse-grained aggregates.

In addition to these typical materials, the following items are used.

High strength cements

To achieve significant resistance, i.e. close to or greater than 100MPa, it is essential to use the Correct cement, to compose the mixture and provide perfect bonds in the microstructure, avoiding variations in the proportion of ingredients and reducing porosity.

Active silica

Active silica is another component used as a mineral addition to high-performance concrete. Because it is extremely thin, it has the purpose of filling the empty spaces in the microstructure, increasing compactness and durability.


Superplasticizing products are developed with high technology and are considered a major evolution for civil construction. It is one of the main components, due to the plasticizing, water reducing capacity (cement water factor) and concrete density. It also contributes to Avoid retractions, increasing resistance to temperature variations.

What are the reasons for using high-performance concrete?

The benefits of using high-performance concrete go beyond providing high structural strength, but it is also an economic alternative for construction, since it is possible to size smaller structures without compromising efficiency, reducing the area of shapes and reinforcements.

In addition, concrete high-performance has the following attractions:

  • high durability;
  • increasing the availability of useful areas in the project;
  • high resistance to chemical elements;
  • low porosity, what Increases waterproofness;
  • lower deformation;
  • reduction of efflorescence
  • high water reduction of the concrete;
  • resistance to carbonation, which protects the frame steel;
  • structural weight reduction;
  • Decrease in the volume of concrete used in the work;
  • reduction in the use of forms.

The economic and technical advantages are sufficient reasons for the strategic use of concrete in projects, especially since it contributes to a sustainable project.

However, the application requires accurate dosing and strict quality control of the components to ensure safety and efficiency.

Why is using quality products essential?

Concrete is the base for structures and foundations that hold a building standing. For this reason, it deserves all the attention.

It is an extremely important part of the project that requires impeccable technological control and cohesion.

In this context, it is essential to have quality products to have a high-performance, resistant, durable concrete that will provide satisfactory results, in addition to all the technical advantages for your work.

Safety and quality are paramount for civil construction, and the fact is that using inappropriate or low-quality products can compromise the stability of structures over time, putting everything at risk.

Investing in recognized and efficient products is ideal to avoid this situation, and quality must be the main driver of the acquisition of components for high-performance concrete, especially because of the great economic and professional responsibility involved.

In order to meet the need for high-performance concrete in civil construction, Blok developed the BlokGraute Pro+, which is a superplasticizing additive with very high performance, suitable for providing efficiency and contributing to expressive results in the work.

The chemical characteristics of BlokGraute Pro+ provide conditions for improving high-performance concrete and ensuring better density. This increases strength and durability, contributing to reduce cracks, retractions and provide a perfect finish.

These are essential benefits for the success of the project and to provide all the peace of mind of knowing that you are going to use a product recognized for its quality and efficiency.

As you have noticed, high-performance concrete is a viable alternative for having structures resistant to time and to any chemical and mechanical action. It's a way to optimize buildings and execute a consistent project.

If you liked the post and want to keep up to date with relevant issues about civil construction, read the article on superplasticizer additive and see more important information that will help improve your knowledge and professional performance!


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