How to apply plaster on the ceiling?

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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How to apply plaster on the ceiling?

How to apply plaster on the ceiling?

Very practical and elegant, plaster ceilings have entered the decorative world with force and are gaining space as a replacement for conventional masonry ceilings.

Plaster is a material that offers several benefits and its use to cover ceilings is a great ally for civil construction.

Because it is very versatile, plaster can be used to cover ceilings as well as plain plaster, tile lining or drywall lining. For this reason, we think it is relevant to write this article so that you can learn how to put plaster on the ceiling and thus have all the advantages it brings to the most varied environments!

Plaster ceilings are very popular and are preferred for decorating living rooms, bedrooms, offices and so many other types of environments.

You can see them everywhere, but do you know why plasterboard ceilings are preferred? When it comes to plaster, we have numerous advantages, such as low cost, easy and quick application, good thermal and acoustic insulation, in addition to its versatility, which is capable of creating diverse aesthetic effects.

So, do you want to know more about how to put plaster on the ceiling? Read on to check out the information we've compiled here, especially for you!

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Advantages and disadvantages of plasterboard ceiling

Before choosing to cover the ceiling with plaster, you need to understand more about this material and that's what we're going to talk about in this topic: the advantages and disadvantages when using plaster on the ceiling!

In addition to providing an elegant visual appearance, plaster ceilings hide imperfections, disguise beams and allow differentiated lighting as well as allowing air, water, electricity and air conditioning pipes to pass through, among other benefits.

So, to know if it's worth investing, it's essential to weigh your pros and cons, right? Shall we go, there?

The advantages that gypsum ceilings provide are:

  • The installation is very simple and fast;
  • The use of plaster ceilings gives symmetry and linearity to the environments, valuing the decoration;
  • It makes it possible to create armholes and other decorative effects;
  • The lighting design benefits because of the various forms of light combination;
  • The maintenance of the ceilings is quite simple and, if necessary, it is possible to cut out a part and splice it again without damaging the entire aesthetics of the ceiling;
  • Because they are thin, the ceilings do not take up space and promote the gain of useful space in the room;
  • They can be applied under tiles, slabs or any materials.

As for the disadvantages, we can mention:

  • Low water resistance, since the plaster does not withstand constant contact with water or moisture. To minimize this limitation of plaster, Blok Created the Blok Gesso, a product capable of making plaster surfaces hydrophobic when in contact with water or moisture, expanding its use in humid areas, such as bathrooms. To learn more about this product, click hereto.
  • Low strength, since plaster liners are more fragile and do not withstand much weight. Therefore, if you are going to install ceiling fans, for example, it is good to certify the maximum weight limit supported, okay?
  • Plaster liners may become yellowish or moldy over the years. However, this occurs due to the contact of the plaster with water/humidity and, for this, we have the solution. O Blok Gesso Act in that sense too! Do you see that there is no way not to use this product?

Now that you know the pros and cons of using plaster on the ceiling, you have the necessary information to assess whether to opt for this coating, right? But now, let's introduce you to what types of plasterboard ceilings exist and which can be used!

Types of plasterboard ceiling: smooth plaster, tile lining and drywall

When we talk about plaster ceilings, you must probably be thinking of drywall ceilings, which are the most common to enhance room decoration, but there are also plate ceilings, which, although they seem to be the same thing, have different characteristics.

In addition to plaster ceilings, we can also consider the use of smooth plaster as a ceiling coating, used as a finish for brickwork. Shall we understand more about them?

Smooth plaster is used to cover masonry walls and ceilings, giving an excellent finish and at a much lower cost than putty.

It is a great option for covering ceilings, easy and quick to apply. However, the finish is conventional and is generally finished with simple painting! Corsican pasta, also traditional, has been replaced by smooth plaster, since it offers advantages and even provides an even better finish.

We made an article explaining everything about the use of smooth plaster on walls and ceilings and we highly recommend reading! It's worth checking out!

Speaking of the most common plaster coatings, we have plate and drywall ceilings.

Plasterboard ceilings are the best known and are made with embedded gypsum boards. However, its application takes longer and generates more waste, making more dirt throughout the process.

One of their great advantages is their value, which is much cheaper than drywall sheets and are also heavier ceilings, but they still do not support much weight.

This type of lining gives a very smooth finish, but it is not suitable for environments with fluctuations in temperature and structure and may suffer from yellow and moldy spots over the years.

And finally, there are the famous drywall, which are the most used when giving decorative effects to environments. Drywall is the most expensive type of ceiling, but its cost-benefit may be worth it due to the facilities it offers! The drywall ceiling consists of plasterboard covered with cardboard paper and one of its great advantages is the quick installation since the installation of the ceiling is simple and does not generate much waste.

In addition, drywall does not suffer from the effects of expansion, presenting better temperature control and good acoustic insulation.

Therefore, given these characteristics of the drywall ceiling in addition to the aesthetic effect, we were able to understand why it is the most viewed ceiling out there. It is important to consider the benefits it offers over others when choosing the coating!

Let's now understand how the types of plaster coatings are applied to the ceilings?

Applying plaster to the ceiling:

To carry out the candidature of the plaster on the ceiling, it is necessary, first of all, to choose what coating will be! Once this is done, we recommend that you carefully select a team of trained professionals so that the installation can be done correctly! Here, we'll briefly explain how it's done, but do some research for more details! There are several very explanatory videos about this!

When we talk about coating with smooth plaster, the application is very simple, just apply the plaster mass on the plastering, giving a common finish to the brickwork. To learn how this process takes place, access our article that addresses this topic in more detail!

The installation of the gypsum ceiling on plates, on the other hand, takes place by attaching plates suspended by wires and glued to the seams with Cola chalk. Gypsum glue is ideal for gluing gypsum boards and we recommend the BlokGesso Cola, our product that provides the best result!

Drywall, which is the most common, offers a very simple and clean installation, generating very little waste, since it is carried out through a structure with galvanized steel profiles that support the gypsum boards with screw fastening. For finishing, gypsum glue can be used as well.

Today, we explained about the use of plaster for ceiling cladding and aimed to present the types, advantages and application of each of them! To keep up to date with other topics, visit our blog and always stay up to date with new information! A Blok is ready for any challenge.


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