How to detect infiltration in your construction and solve this problem?

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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How to detect infiltration in your construction and solve this problem?

Knowing how to detect infiltration requires much more preparation than you might think. After all, it's not often that we can see that a surface has such a problem - and the longer we take to notice it, the more serious it can become.

More than knowing how to detect the infiltration, it is necessary to know how to solve it. Therefore, in this article, we will share tips for you to develop an attentive and prepared eye to identify this condition and cure it!

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What is the importance of detecting infiltrations?

Infiltration into buildings can be a real nightmare for any inexperienced person, because if it is not diagnosed correctly, it may return some time later.

Among the practical consequences are fissures and drips, the rotting of the paint and the plastering of the internal slab, and the accumulation of mold on the ceiling.

In addition to even more serious consequences, such as corrosion of the reinforcements of the structures of concrete, concrete expansion and displacement of cladding on facades. All of this damages the lives of those who move around the building, in addition to devaluing the property.

How to detect an infiltration?

Infiltrations can appear in various types of structures, however, we will focus our approach on the most common areas. Check it out!

Infiltration into the slab

It's not that hard to see when a roof is leaking - the most difficult thing is to identify the precise location of the crack or the reason.

A slab vulnerable to the passage of water usually has dark spots. In addition, mold may also appear to indicate that it is more than time to solve the problem.

Another sign is the dislocation of ink or broken mass, although this is not one of the first signs. When the ink starts to come off, it's because the problem has reached a serious stage. In the same way, the leaks also indicate an advanced level, since the structure may probably be compromised.

Infiltration into walls

A seeping into the walls it's remarkable from one day to the next. It usually appears as a small stain, which can appear regardless of whether the wall is exposed to rain or has water connections nearby.

Another way to identify this problem is to notice the presence of bubbles in the paint. In the vast majority of cases, they indicate that rainwater seeps into the external walls, or also, from rising moisture from the foundation, which may have been caused by a failure in the waterproofing of Baldrame.

Grayish or black spots as well Indicate humidity. A new paint will disguise the flaw for a limited time. If they appear on top, it may be an indication of seeping into the slab.

Infiltration into walls cannot be neglected, since, in addition to the mold that appears on the surface being harmful to health, a wall that is not waterproofed after infiltration may deteriorate.

Infiltration into floors and floors

There are a number of factors that can harm floors and floors. Soil moisture can cause several problems, with backflow in drains and pipe leaks being the worst.

The most common symptoms of seeping into floors appear on lower floors, such as in underground parking lots and open areas in condominiums. In these cases, the problem lies in the slab.

Heavy heavy vehicle traffic puts the waterproofing system of garage slabs and parking lot floors in check. To protect the structure from seeping, the surface must be waterproofed as soon as possible.

There is also a type of infiltration known as capillarity. It appears in the form of stained or loose baseboards, and is more common in single-storey houses or apartments.

How to fix this issue?

Once you've noticed the signs of infiltration and detected its origin, it's time to invest in your solution. If the source of the leak is not corrected, the problem will return - regardless of the good waterproofing.

It should be noted that the application of a waterproofing agent is the best way to resolve infiltrations in the slab. If the building is very old and defective, it will be necessary to have a structural repair. In this case, it is recommended to redo the slab by applying the waterproofing agent.

If the problem is in a small area, applying the right product is sufficient. However, the action will depend on the faulty waterproofing system: some accept occasional repairs, but only a trained professional will be able to diagnose the problem.

In houses with a roof, ceiling seep it is the result of some poorly fitted tile. If all are well positioned, the problem may be with the pipes or the water tank and must be solved with a good seal.

For problematic walls, the best way to stop the infiltration is to apply specific products - such as silicones and plastic or polyurethane-based adhesives. They are ideal for covering up apparent cracks and cracks.

In the case of those walls that seep from the outside to the inside, it will be necessary to scrape off the mold and moisture before applying the products for waterproofing.

On floors, treatment is more complicated. The floor and subfloor must be removed so that the waterproofing system can be repaired.

How to prevent them from occurring?

As we have seen, prevention is still the best solution. After all, if infiltrations can be prevented before any sign of their appearance, why not act on that front?

During construction, check the project for the main causes of seeps. Once you've identified the agents, take action as soon as possible.

O use of waterproofing agents it is essential in preventive combat, and the market offers several solutions for each environment. In the construction stages, be sure to use your own product on the structural foundations, to prevent infiltration from rising to the walls or floors.

Make it a point to work with competent professionals, as their preparation and experience can ensure that the job does not present future problems. Using appropriate procedures and materials is also a simple form of prevention, which can solve most problems.

Use good silicones on the outside of the windows and be careful when installing furniture on the walls. Oversights in this process may result in punctures in a pipe, causing problems.

Are you ready to maintain the excellence of your work, preventing any leak? We hope this article has helped you learn not only how to detect infiltration, but also how to act in a corrective and preventive manner.

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