Step by Step for Wall Plastering

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Step by Step for Wall Plastering

How to Plaster Wall: Learn the Step by Step

Surely, you have heard that, for the finishing and good finishing of the wall, plastering is an indispensable step, right? But have you ever stopped to think that knowing how Plaster the wall Is it so important when we do a project or renovate a house?

Plastering is nothing more than a thin layer of mortar that prepares the wall surface to receive paint or any other coating.

An unplastered wall becomes rough, giving an unfinished appearance, since plastering is the process of finishing the construction of any wall.

In addition to the aesthetic issue, not plastering causes the wall to be in direct contact with the bricks or the plaster, which would leave it more susceptible to damage, such as water absorption and, consequently, a more accelerated degradation.

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For it to be applied correctly, it is advisable to use quality materials, appropriate tools and appropriate techniques, in addition to respecting the minimum deadlines to begin its execution.

But more than that, the steps prior to applying the plaster must be carried out, following expert guidance. In our blog, you can find a subject that tells you everything about how to do Chapisco and, here, you will learn how to plaster the wall the right way! If you are curious to know more, continue reading this article that we prepared for you!

What is Plastering?

First of all, let's understand what plastering itself is. It is a smooth surface that covers the walls so that they are regular, flat and smooth, ready to receive paint, tiles, inserts, textures, wallpapers and other coatings. It is made with a mortar composed of cement, fine sand and additive.

But let's clarify the different Stages that must be carried out before starting to carry out the plastering. Shortly after climbing the bricks, the chapisco must be made, which is the base and is usually between 3 mm and 5 mm thick. The chapisco has the function of leaving the surface rough to increase the adhesion between the masonry and the next layer, which is the plastering. The plastering is the base for plastering and has the function of sealing, regulating and protecting the wall against harmful agents. Finally, the plaster serves to give the final finish to the wall.

Types of Plastering Finishes

In civil construction, a frequent question when finishing brickwork is “what is the best plastering option?”. That's what we're going to discuss a little bit in this topic!

When we talk about plastering, we think of two ways of Finishing: cement mortar or plaster. But there is still putty, which can be used in the wall finishing process to make it even smoother and more regular. But how do you know which one to choose? You need to think about everything before deciding to put it in the balance and choose what is best to achieve your goal! Therefore, we are going to give you some tips to help you.

Traditional plastering, which involves the chapisco, plastering, and plastering steps, is the most common procedure used by construction technicians. Because it is composed of cement, sand and additives, the mortar is resistant and offers durability for construction. In addition, the uniform layer can help protect against infiltration, in the thermoacoustic comfort of environments and allows for various types of coatings. It is also possible to use chemical additives to make your work even easier, such as BlokMassa ST. On the other hand, its drawbacks are high cost due to the greater use of construction material and labor; it requires more time because it is laborious and there is the possibility of cracking.

If you want to save time and money, plaster is there for you. It can be applied directly to the bricks when the structure is tidy. The cost of the work is much lower because there is not as much material consumption or many steps. In addition, the plaster provides a good finish on the walls, leaving them smooth and without irregularities. On the other hand, plaster it has a limitation inherent to its material, which is its sensitivity to water, which could hinder its use in outdoor or humid areas, in addition to its lower resistance than cement mortars.

Corroded putty is often used in the process of finishing the masonry coating to make the wall even more even, but it is not a cheap option.

Plastering Traces

Before anything else, you need to understand how to prepare the plaster before starting the application. Therefore, we will explain the role of trait for plastering in the wall finishing process. Shall we go, there?

Well, the plastering feature is a mortar dosed on site made of a base mixture of cement, sand, with or without additives. But instead of preparing on site, there are options that are already purchased ready, simply adding water.

For the correct preparation of the line for plastering, it is essential to pay attention to the quality of the materials to be used as well as their exact dosage, in order to avoid future cracks, infiltrations and imperfections. Cracks and cracks are very common pathologies in plastering, which can be caused by the excessive use of cement or the lack of healing.

As we have said, the plaster can be prepared on site, by the professional himself, but remember that it is important to certify that the person responsible for the work has sufficient experience and knowledge to correct the line, since there are no very clear rules regarding the correct dosage. An error in the trace may cause, in addition to cracks and cracks, many other problems, such as crumbling, displacement of coating layers, and poor adhesion to surfaces.

There is also the possibility of buying tracings for ready plastering, which are mixtures pre-dosed by the industry, which, when added with water, form the mortar used to plaster the wall.

The dosage of the trace for plastering is carried out in relation to the volumes of its components, such as cement, sand, water and additives. Generally, the volumetric ratio is 1:3 for binder and 1:4 for agglomerate. However, this proportion may vary depending on the specificities of the surface to be applied. Understood?

Plaster Thicknesses

Another point you should pay attention to if you are going to plaster a wall is its thickness (depth), which must be at least 5 mm and a maximum of 2 cm. This variation is due to the characteristics of the surface, whether it is external or internal plastering, for example.

There are many details that you need to pay attention to to achieve the expected result and not have surprises, right? Therefore, to correct the thickness of the plaster, the masonry must have been executed with quality in relation to plumb, alignment, square and brick quality. The steps, from the beginning of the wall survey, are completely linked, so start right from the planning so as not to have problems finishing, okay?

Plaster Curing Time

It's no use carrying out all the steps correctly if you don't respect the minimum deadlines for applying the next layer. So let's understand what the norms tell us about this. After plastering, you must wait at least 7 days or even longer and, after applying the plaster, its curing time is 28 days to carry out the decorative finish. Therefore, how about following these recommendations to the letter so as not to have surprising problems with the result?

Plastering Additives

You read that the composition of the plaster may contain additives, right? But what would they be? There are several additives, but we will introduce you to the product that has had the best results in the works! Many professionals have sought us out in search of BlokMassa ST, a waterproofing and plasticizer for plastering!

It acts in three ways: it waterproofs, improves quality, and works easier. With BlokMassa ST, you considerably increase the performance of your work, producing plasters with fewer cracks and more resistant due to the internal structure of the mortars.

We also have the Blok Liga, a plasticizing additive for mortar, very suitable for increasing plasticity and ease of working with cement-based mortars (hydraulic cure), without the use of hydrated lime or clay.

Therefore, count on Blok for excellent construction performance and surprising results!

What are the recommendations of the NBR's?

If you follow our Blog, you know that we like to quote the technical standards, because it is essential to always consult them before any procedure and follow their recommendations. So let's understand a little bit of what they say about plastering.

First, NBR 13,749 states that plasters can be executed with the following types of surface finish: cast, suede, scraped, plastered, washed or treated with chemicals and imitation travertine.

This standard also addresses some conditions that plasters must satisfy, such as: being compatible with the decorative finish, having mechanical resistance, having properties water repellent it is waterproofing and resists the action of normal temperature and humidity variations. They must also have a uniform texture without imperfections (cavities, cracks, stains, efflorescence).

We talked above about the thickness of the plaster, but did you know that there is a standard to specify it? On internal walls, it must be between 5 and 20 mm, on external walls between 20 and 30 mm, and on internal or external ceilings, greater than or equal to 20 mm. In addition, NBR 13,749 determines plumb, level, flatness, and adhesion rules. If you want to know more details, take a look at the standard!

In NBR 7,200, you can find out about the plastering procedure, which we will talk about later. Read on to find out!

Plastering Pathologies

If you don't plaster the wall properly, the consequences are serious and can cause you problems as well as aesthetic ones. Therefore, always seek recommendations from professionals and technical standards so as not to make mistakes. You've read some of our guidelines, but we'll also list all the steps needed to plaster a wall. But still, here are some very common pathologies that appear on the plastering when there are failures in the process:

Do you want to know more about them? Just click on the link to access our articles. There, you will find out, in detail, why they occur, how to prevent and solve the onset of these pathologies so present in the world of civil construction!

Step by Step on How to Plaster the Wall

Finally, it's time to learn how to get your hands dirty!

  1. Preparation: determine which walls will receive the plaster layer, to avoid mortar waste. Thus, you will be able to more accurately calculate the amount of mortar that will be used. In addition, you need to choose suitable equipment and good quality materials in order to improve the result, increase productivity and ensure wall homogeneity. Remember to respect the minimum deadlines for chapisco and plastering before starting plastering.
  2. Perform the plastering masters: the masters are responsible for defining the thickness of the plaster and guiding the rusting, so you will know the amount of mass to be applied to each area of the wall. It is recommended to use a plumb and an aluminum ruler.
  3. Rotate the plastering mortar trace: we already talked about how to determine the trait before. Once defined, it's time to mix the materials in the concrete mixer to make the mortar ready for application.
  4. Apply the grout: following the thickness of the strips, the mortar must be applied with the aid of a spoon and a bricklayer.
  5. Wait for the grout point for finishing (“pull”): to proceed to the next step, you need to wait for the mortar to “pull”, that is, to lose water so that it can saffle the dough. The time ranges from 45 to 60 minutes, but may vary depending on the conditions to which the wall is subjected. If you do not wait for the dough to rest, cracks may occur due to retrenchment of cement.
  6. Sarrafear: the ruffling has the role of making the wall homogeneous and is done with the aluminum ruler, from top to bottom, following the guidelines for a good finish.
  7. Play: making circular movements, the performance must be done to remove the excess that the ruler was unable to remove. This is the stage of finishing and finishing the dough, which needs to be carried out until the plastering is very smooth, regular and homogeneous.

Today, we made a summary about plastering and how to carry out the process correctly. However, you should always count on the help and guidance of professionals in the field. With that in mind, Blok developed products for use in plasters, the BlokMassa ST And the Blok Liga. Count on Blok for any challenge!


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