How to Waterproof Apartment Bathroom?

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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How to Waterproof Apartment Bathroom?

It is necessary to know how to waterproof an apartment bathroom correctly to avoid further inconvenience.

There are several methods and products for carrying out this procedure and each one must be used according to the surface and space.

Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to make a waterproofing project to identify all wet areas of the building.

Infiltration is the most common structural problems in apartments. They can damage the walls and slabs of the property itself and also the building on the lower floor, causing a lot of headaches for the owners.

Generally, moisture stains are warning signs, but there are infiltrations that occur in a hidden way in the records and Trincas of the pipes. For this reason, the periodic survey of waterproofing it's essential.

In addition, the application of quality products guarantees the structure's useful life and economy, considering that maintenance with construction and painting will become less frequent.

In this article, we will teach you how to make a waterproofing efficient in apartment bathrooms, give tips on good techniques and suggest quality products. Follow up!

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Avoid seeping into apartment bathrooms

To avoid infiltration, it is important that the resident and the condominium carry out constant maintenance and surveys to identify possible problems, such as breakage or loosening of the grouts. Old buildings deserve even more attention.

A point considered critical in bathrooms is the box. In this place, it is important that the grout Be from flexible type, so that it doesn't crack or damage. In addition, it is necessary to periodically check for drips, moisture stains, loose grout around the drains and the installation of the shower.

Understand How to waterproof apartment bathroom

There are several ways and methods for waterproofing wetlands, also known as wet areas.

For these places, such as kitchens, balconies, service areas and, especially, bathrooms, polymer mortar is a solution. It avoids problems of infiltration, bubble formation and compromise of rooms on the lower floors.

Another option for floor waterproofing From the bathroom it's the Asphalt blanket, which can be used to resolve the gap between the dry area and the bathroom.

Any and all applications must be performed by a specialist to avoid accidents.

Pay attention to the waterproofing of the bathroom stall

The bathroom box deserves special attention. Polymeric mortars are the most commonly used to seal boxes and drains.

The application begins with cleaning the surface, leaving it free of any residue, according to NBR 7200. The waterproofing agent must be applied as indicated by the product manufacturer.

Before applying the waterproofing agent, it is necessary to smooth the surface, with the drops to the drains, in addition to rounding off all the corners that make an angle of 90 degrees. The issue of rounding is very important so that cracks do not appear at the meeting between the wall and the floor.

The bathroom box is a structure that will undergo dimensional movement, due to the temperature gradient, before and after bathing. Therefore, it is also important that a flexible waterproofing on site, so that you can follow the movement of the structure.

Drains are other critical points in bathroom waterproofing, so the product must be flexible to prevent cracking. The application must be done with two or three coats, depending on the manufacturer's guidance and waiting for the number of hours indicated between them.

Bathroom walls also need to be waterproofed to prevent infiltration from one room to another in the apartment.

Is it necessary to waterproof the bathroom?

Many believe that only the floor and grouting are sufficient so that there is no seep into the bathrooms, but this is something wrong and yes, the bathroom needs to be waterproofed.

The system of waterproofing it needs to be treated with specific products at each stage of construction, including bathrooms.

Floors and grouting are just coatings, which do not play the role of waterproofing agents.

So, if there is any type of leak in the bathroom in your apartment, remove the coating and the previous waterproofing, re-adjust the surfaces, reapply the waterproofing agents and re-apply the coatings.

What is the best waterproofer for a bathroom?

The waterproofing of the bathroom can be divided into two areas, floors and walls.

In the floor area, it is recommended that flexible waterproofing be used, so that it can accompany the movement of the structure, without the possibility of flaws in the waterproofing.

On the walls of the bathroom, you can use waterproofing agents rigid or semi-flexible, mainly due to the fact that these waterproofing agents support the weight of ceramic tiles on them, without an adhesive flaw between the substrate and the waterproofing agent.

Be careful with the rules

To carry out this procedure, it is essential to follow the Standard NBR 9575, which contains requirements and recommendations regarding the selection of waterproofing projects.

Minimum building protection requirements must be met with the passage of fluids, as well as the requirements for health, safety, and comfort of the resident.

In addition, it must be ensured that watertightness of the constructive elements, that is, the ability to prevent the emergence of moisture from protected structures.

Knowing how to waterproof an apartment bathroom following the rules is essential to ensure residents' comfort, hygiene and health.

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