How to Waterproof Balcony?

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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How to Waterproof Balcony?

The balcony is a prominent space in the house or apartment, providing contact with the outdoors that transmits a cozy and comfortable feeling. It is a differential for any construction.

Because it is exposed to the weather, the balcony is directly influenced by the sun and rain, requiring care to preserve its structure from the action of weathering, which causes inconvenience and damage over the years.

Preventive work is essential to avoid future problems, but do you know How to waterproof balcony?

If you have questions, this post will help! Check out relevant information to keep your home or business from the setbacks of humidity!

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What is the importance of waterproofing from the balcony?

Even with a small area, the balcony deserves attention and care to avoid harmful effects of exposure to the weather.

Usually, these problems happen slowly and imperceptibly, although it does not mean that they should be disregarded.

Upon contact with a permeable surface, water causes seepage and damages the structure. These damages compromise and lead to wear and tear, ruptures, and the exposure of concrete, posing risks to every building, including to the safety of people.

For this reason, the work of waterproofing the balcony is extremely important to protect the building, preventing the problems generated by the action of water and the sun from causing inconvenience and risks to structural and architectural issues.

How is the balcony waterproofing process?

To be successful and efficient in waterproofing For the balcony it is essential to have quality products and qualified technical support to indicate the solution according to the particularities of your home or building.

Generally speaking, waterproof the balcony it is a simple task, but one that requires following the procedure strictly to succeed and ensure that the structure is truly protected. To help, see a practical step by step!

Prepare the surface

Preparing the surface is the first step in waterproofing the balcony. Remove the current coating, yes, it will need to be removed, there's no use trying to apply a product over the floor. This will make it easier to correct imperfections and possible spots that may compromise the waterproofing layer. After the process, everything will be settled again.

Apply the waterproofing product

After identifying the correct product for your situation and providing the necessary tools, apply the waterproofing agent and spread it in thin layers, always according to the product manufacturer's instructions. For a good finish, pay attention to the corners and joints and wait for it to dry completely before applying a new coat.

Take the test to prove the efficiency of the procedure

Once the waterproofing layer is completely dry and the finish is done, it is essential to do the trial to certify that the procedure was successful.

To do this, pour water on the balcony and evaluate the behavior. Don't forget to design drainage systems for even more durability in the system.

The type of use and occupancy of the balcony is relevant to determine What is the most suitable waterproofing product for the situation, which offers resistance to withstand daily conditions in line with efficiency and durability.

Like slabs, balconies are busy spaces and, due to this factor, it is best to use flexible waterproofing agents, since they have characteristics to be more effective in combating humidity in exposed areas and with dimensional variations due to the temperature gradient.

In addition to their ease of application, dispensing with heat and mechanical protection, they are highly resistant to positive pressures due to their high flexibility, all to have the peace of mind of using the space without worrying about damaging the waterproofing.

Preventive action is the best way to avoid losses and setbacks. Now that you've seen how to waterproof the balcony, don't waste time and ensure that the heritage is protected from natural actions.

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