How to Waterproof Concrete Floor?

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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How to Waterproof Concrete Floor?

The objective of every project is to have resistant, durable, safe buildings with a high standard of aesthetics and functionality, serving an increasingly demanding public attentive to modernity, avoiding rework with high costs, maintenance and setbacks.

This issue involves every stage of a work and, when it comes to coating, the waterproofing of the concrete floor deserves special attention, as it is a preventive and extremely important work for the project.

Any investment to preserve a structure is valid, so know How to waterproof concrete floor is indispensable. If you have questions about the subject, check out this post tips and relevant information to succeed in your project or renovation!

water repellent for porous floors
BlokSeal Floors
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What is the importance of waterproofing concrete floors?

The problems caused by humidity, infiltration, and exposure to weather are serious and lead to setbacks and losses that can compromise the concrete floor. The risk is imminent and may go beyond damaging the finish.

As time went on, concrete floors without the proper surface protection layer, they are vulnerable to chemical and physical reactions, which allow the appearance of pathological manifestations such as efflorescence and Trincas, as well as inconvenience for daily use and surface cleaning.

To avoid harm, rework and even financial losses, the ideal is to invest in concrete floor waterproofing, to keep you safe from any negative influence that could harm you.

What are the benefits of waterproofing concrete floors?

Regardless of the type of use, protecting the concrete floor surface is a solution that provides incredible benefits, both to favor proper use and for aesthetic and conservation issues, in the short and long term.

See the benefits of waterproofing concrete floors!

Reduces dirt accumulation

With a waterproofed surface, dirt accumulation is less, helping to maintain hygiene and avoid constant floor cleaning. The reduction of dirt accumulation and the reduction in the frequency of cleaning will also provide less wear and aggression on the floor in the long term, making it look new for much longer.

Facilitates cleaning

Waterproofed floors are easier to clean, optimizing staff time to keep the environment clean. It helps to save products, to be efficient in services and to maintain an impeccable appearance.

Preserves the structure

The main benefit that waterproofing provides is to preserve the structure against the actions of water, chemicals, and friction. It is the perfect solution to have durability and ensure that the floor is safe, free from serious moisture damage, which silently and gradually causes significant problems.

How to choose the ideal type of waterproofing agent?

There are many product options for waterproof concrete floor, however, the ideal choice must be professional and take into account aspects of the location, desired finish, type of floor and use, in addition to a quality product.

To be efficient in waterproofing, consider the following factors when choosing the product:


There will be no use waterproofing the floor if the desired finish is not met by the product. For this reason, it is very important, before applying a product, to know the type of finish you want to have on the floor. To this end, we have an article that can help a lot in this first step, where we explain the difference between water-repellent silicones and varnishes.

Type of floor

Analyzing the type of floor in the area you want to waterproof is important to identify the product that will be most efficient. Be a floor athermal cement, polished concrete, hydraulic tile or others, knowing for sure the type will influence the choice.


The traffic that is subject to the floor is also a relevant factor. The intensity of the traffic of people, vehicles or machines will determine the type of product that will withstand the activities and will offer resistance and quality.

Load on the floor

The distribution of loads on the floor also needs to be considered, as it can damage the waterproofing if it is not suitable for the situation. Constant mechanical pressure, vibrations, or impacts need to be analyzed to choose waterproofing agents.

Exposure type

The type of exposure is a relevant factor in defining the ideal product. It is necessary to consider whether the floor is in an indoor or outdoor area, in industrial or residential areas, to define whether it is better to use waterproofing agents.

Changes that may occur

Especially in industrial and commercial environments, changes to environments are common and must be considered to correct waterproofing and ensure proper floor protection.

Performing a technical analysis and considering all exposure factors, influences, and floor use is essential to choose the best form of waterproofing, in addition to having quality products. These are factors that guarantee efficiency and satisfaction.

Why is considering the type of work fundamental?

Every project has its peculiarities. As a result, construction professionals need to analyze each work independently, according to the objective and intentions.

A residential building has lower mechanical requirements than an industrial or commercial project. In all processes, it is necessary to consider the type and stage of the project to determine the waterproofing product suitable, which offers resistance and durability according to needs.

Do they exist various products for waterproofing for all types of floors, providing many possibilities to have fully protected surfaces. The main options for waterproofing concrete floors are:

BlokSeal Floors

O BlokSeal Floors It's a silicone ideal water repellent for porous floors and has incredible characteristics to repel water and high resistance to abrasion. It has the ability to penetrate the pores of the floor and increase and prevent moisture damage, protecting the surface without altering its structure, facilitating cleaning and maintenance.

Ready to use, it is a product that yields a lot and is easy to apply, just have a clean surface and apply it directly to the floor, spreading the product evenly in a single coat. It is not flammable and the cure time is 24 hours.

With its high quality and unique features, BlokSeal PISos is ideal for all types of floors of porous concrete, offering durability and resistance for safe structures and complete peace of mind, in addition to reducing maintenance and cleaning costs.

Therefore, to be efficient in your work or renovation, it is essential to have quality products for waterproof concrete floor and guarantee a structure preserved and free from any risk, providing extremely important benefits for any project.

Did you like the post? If you want to discover quality products, developed with high technology to provide resistance and efficiency for any type of project, go to Contact us and learn everything to be successful in waterproofing!


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