How to waterproof concrete pool?

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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How to waterproof concrete pool?

To build swimming pools, the most common form used in civil construction is classic brickwork. However, it is possible to build a pool from reinforced concrete. Today, in this article, we are going to provide important information about concrete pools and, especially, how they should be waterproofed.

The waterproofing process is one of the main steps when it comes to the construction of concrete pools. This is because pools are wet areas, that is, they have direct contact with water, exerting positive pressure on all sides.

A lack or failure of waterproofing concrete pools can cause various inconveniences and losses in addition to the much higher cost to repair when compared to the preventive cost of waterproofing.

For this reason, waterproofing both the internal and external sides of the pools is totally indispensable to prevent the loss of water from the pool to the surrounding terrain, in addition to extending the useful life of the structure.

Thinking about the importance of waterproofing pools, we prepared this article to help you learn more about concrete pools, which are also widely used. So, read on to understand everything about them and how to do the waterproofing the right way and not have problems and expenses in the future. Shall we go?

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Why waterproof concrete pools?

If you already work in civil construction, you should know that swimming pool waterproofing it's fundamental. Even so, we will highlight some important points to convince you, once and for all, that the waterproofing of these areas cannot go undefeated at all.

And there's no use using a good product if you don't do the procedure in the recommended way, right? So, read this article to the end so you don't make a mistake!

First of all, the pools of concrete must be waterproofed both on their outer surface to preserve their structure, avoiding their contact with the moisture of the surrounding terrain and on their inner side to prevent the loss of water from the pool to the surrounding terrain. Notice that it's not that simple.

A waterproofing failure at any of these points could cause major inconvenience.

But, what types of upsets can they appear? If waterproofing is not done correctly, problems such as loose coating, the appearance of stains, contamination of the pool, water leaking around the pool (especially when connected to the structure of other places, such as garages and rooms) and serious structural problems can occur as water seeps into the structure, which may even compromise the pool itself.

Problems are often not simple and cheap to solve. For this reason, I am insisting on saying that good and efficient waterproofing in your concrete pool is essential.

What are the differences between reinforced concrete pools and brickwork pools?

Both concrete and masonry pools must be waterproofed, as in both cases the structure is subject to water action, either because of the pool water itself or because of the humidity of the surrounding terrain. Then you won't get away with it. But, we will explain everything so that there is no doubt about how to do the correct procedure.

Basically, the difference between reinforced concrete pools and brickwork is only in relation to the form of construction. Reinforced concrete pools, unlike brickwork pools, have an iron mesh on all their surfaces, both on the bottom and on the sides, which guarantees an extremely resistant pool. If properly constructed and waterproofed, it is a pool that lasts for many years without a single problem.

Masonry pools can be either ceramic or concrete and are built in the classic way that you are already familiar with. They are the most used forms today to build swimming pools.

What are the main characteristics of reinforced concrete pools?

Let's know, now, what are the traits, including advantages and disadvantages of using reinforced concrete pools. Basically, its characteristics that differ from other types of pools are as follows:

  • Construction method: masonry pools are built from beams and columns, while reinforced concrete pools have a concrete and iron structure, with an integral shape;
  • Cost: concrete pools cost more than other types of pools, but they also have other advantages;
  • Freedom of design: reinforced concrete gives freedom to build a pool of any shape, size and depth.
  • Resistance: it is a very resistant structure that, if executed correctly, provides very little maintenance and lasts for many years.

Concrete pools have interesting advantages. Therefore, it is important to evaluate to understand if it is the ideal construction form for your pool. Remember that there are other types of pools that also have characteristics that may be favorable to you, but it is worth analyzing which one best suits your needs.

What is the best product for waterproofing concrete pools?

Getting straight to the point, the best product for waterproofing concrete pools is Blok ST, a flexible waterproofing resin that works in areas with positive hydrostatic pressures. Ideal for sealing leaks and combating moisture, Blok ST it is perfect for waterproofing swimming pools. Among its characteristics, we can mention: excellent waterproofness, flexibility and adhesion to cement substrates; it does not alter the drinkability of the water and is resistant to high positive hydrostatic pressures, as is the case of swimming pools.

Swimming pools are structures that are subject to movement over time and, therefore, flexible waterproofing products must be used. Also, you need a product that is suitable for combating positive hydrostatic water pressures. Blok ST meets these conditions, so it is the perfect waterproofing agent to protect swimming pools.

How to do the waterproofing of concrete pools?

When we think of pool waterproofing, it's normal for people to think of protecting only the inside of the pool, preventing water from leaking into the surrounding terrain. However, as we have already said, it is essential to waterproof the outside of the pools also to prevent the structure from being affected by moisture coming from the abutting earth.

Therefore, for complete waterproofing, it must be done both inside the pool and outside. Then you will have a pool protected against moisture from all sides. Waterproofing just one of these surfaces is not enough, and for sure, at some point you will have to deal with seepage.

But if you've made it this far, I'm sure you're willing to completely waterproof your pool the right way, aren't you? Let's explain.

First of all, waterproofing must be done at the time of carrying out the work, before finishing the pool. It is also essential to hire a specialized team to perform the service.

Basically, the waterproofing process is divided into surface preparation according to NBR 7200, preparation of the product, application of the waterproofing agent, waiting for drying between coats and curing time. Always making use of PPE's, equipment for the applications, and all manufacturer's recommendations, in accordance with product data sheet.


You could understand the importance of doing good and complete waterproofing in concrete pools, wasn't it? Today, our objective was to provide all the necessary information so that you do not run the risk of failing to waterproof concrete pools, as a small error can cause gigantic inconvenience. Remember, therefore, to use Blok ST to ensure excellent waterproofing in your pools. Talk to the team at Blok to learn more about this product and many others that may also be solutions for your works!


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