Learn How to Waterproof Foundation

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Learn How to Waterproof Foundation

Learn how to waterproof foundation

The foundation, also known as the foundation, is an elementary structure for any work.

This part of the construction receives the load from the walls and the rest of the construction, so to maintain a preserved base and avoid future infiltration problems, it is necessary to know How to waterproof foundation.

In this article, we will explain how foundation waterproofing processes work and which steps you cannot ignore in this endeavor. Are you interested? Follow up below!

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Types of foundation

Before we talk about how to waterproof foundation, it is important that the types of foundations and the necessary surface preparation conditions.

The foundation structure can be made in several ways, such as a radier, running shoe, or foundation beam.

In this article we will talk about waterproofing, but in foundation beams. But the process of preparing and applying the waterproofing from one structure to another ends up varying very little.

If you choose to make a foundation beam in your work, it can be in two ways, buried or on the ground. If it is buried, at least one row of bricks is usually laid, which is known as leveling masonry.

How to prepare foundation for waterproofing

The process of waterproofing it does not consist only of choosing the product and applying it to the surface, but also of preparing it in the correct way so that the product can perform at its best possible.

Thus, the regularization of the foundation is a fundamental step in the waterproofing process, since the regularization mortar will make the surface uniform and without spots where it can be left without the waterproofing agent.

For the regularization to be done correctly, the surface must be Slap and towed, always in accordance with ABNT NBR 7200.

The time of Cement curing, both in chapisco and in plastering, must be respected so that waterproofing is carried out on a surface that is prepared to receive other materials on top of it.

Why is foundation waterproofing important?

A foundation waterproofing is the first to be done. It guarantees much of the stability, solidity and structural safety of a building. So, as soon as the surface is smoothed out, it's time to get down to business.

If the foundation is not waterproofed, both the foundation and the brickwork may be left unprotected with regard to infiltration and moisture problems.

This will cause moisture spots at the base of the walls to appear much more than usual, paving the way for compromising pathological manifestations.

Foundation waterproofing is a serious matter and needs to be done correctly. It is also worth mentioning that it is a buried element and, therefore, if maintenance or repair work is required, the work will be potentially difficult and, at times, unfeasible.

How to best waterproof foundation?

The waterproofing procedure is very delicate and requires professional treatment with special products. The first thing to do is to deform the structure, with all care so that there is no damage.

After that, wash everything to remove any dirt from the surface and Wait for the concrete to cure. Proceed with the chapisco stage as usual, always following the guidelines in the materials used. Finally, plaster the surface, leaving the finish performed, but without “burning”, as it may impair the anchoring of the waterproofing agent.

With the regularization cured, it's time to apply the waterproofing mortar. It must be added with waterproofing quality to help with the moisture barrier.

Apply the waterproofing agent as indicated by the manufacturer and pay attention to the indicated cure time. By doing all these processes correctly, you will have a waterproofed foundation in the end and will protect the entire initial stage of your construction.

What are the most common errors in the process?

Some faults may arise during the application. We've listed the most common ones so you can be aware and don't repeat the same mistake.

Unpreparation of the surface

If the surface is not well prepared, the product will not act properly. Keep the place clean and free of any impurities such as dust, mold release agents, dirt, and armor tips.

Applying the waterproofing agent to the uneven surface is also another factor that could make foundation's waterproofing fail.

Low product quality

Avoid buying low-quality materials. Many times, you may prefer to pay cheaper, but you'll only pay more in the end if the process doesn't work. If you want to avoid spending on structural repairs, be ready to invest a little more.

Respect for quantities

Do not use less waterproofing than indicated on the product label. The information in the material is tested and proven, so it must be respected.

If you don't follow the instructions to the letter, you may have future problems.

Beware of the times

As well as information about ideal quantities, Healing time it also needs to be respected.

It is very common to rush to erect walls ahead of time, but control is needed.

The application of waterproofing agents require the correct healing time between coats and also after the application is finished.

Now that you've seen our tips on How to waterproof foundation, how about Check out our article about the importance of negative and positive pressure waterproofing? We explain how choosing the right product can make all the difference and avoid irreparable problems and will help you choose the best waterproofing agent for your construction phase.

Summarizing the information and the next steps

In this article I talked about the types of foundations, the importance of preparing the substrate, the curing time at each stage, both the preparation and the application of the waterproofing agent, and also the importance of choosing the correct material for the waterproofing.

If you made it this far and were left with any questions, feel free to enter contact with Blok, we're here, for any challenge.


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