How to Waterproof Interior Wall with Moisture
Moisture on walls is a much more serious problem than it seems at first, as it can harm not only the building structure, but also people's health.
Once the pathological manifestation is detected, it must be resolved immediately. But do you know How to waterproof interior wall with moisture?
When fungi, mold, mold, and living organisms are already present on the wet wall, it is a sign that the problem is critical.
As harmless as they seem, these signs can cause respiratory problems and allergies, affecting residents' well-being.
Most of the causes of this problem are linked to infiltrations external, faults of Baldrame waterproofing or internal leaks, such as broken or punctured pipes.
If steps are taken quickly, depending on water absorption level, the frame can be easily reversed.
Do you want to understand better? Keep following this content.
Before we talk properly about how waterproof internal wall with moisture, it is very important that you understand the difference between positive and negative water pressure, in order to be able to choose the right waterproofing agent.
We did another article in which we explained in great detail the concept of positive and negative pressure waterproofing, but here I will briefly explain it to you.
Positive pressure is when water exerts pressure on waterproofing against a surface, as happens in swimming pools and water tanks.
Negative water pressure is when it penetrates inside the structure and exerts a force behind the waterproofing agent, in the sense of pushing it out of the surface and causing it to move.
These two concepts are extremely valuable when choosing the correct waterproofing agent for each phase of the work, even when we are talking about waterproofing an interior wall with moisture.
For this type of pathological manifestation, whether it is caused by a baldrame waterproofing failure or infiltration of the façade, when water is inside the structure and appears on the inner wall, it is exerting negative pressure against the coating, which is why bubbles appear in the paint of the wall where it has infiltrated.
Knowing this information, we can proceed with the explanation of how to correct internal wall infiltration problems, since the waterproofing agent to be chosen will have to be specific for negative water pressure.
Those looking to know how to waterproof internal wall with humidity you need to look carefully at the options on the market.
There are several waterproofing agents for walls capable of activating protection against the appearance of fungi, moisture and mold, even blocking the appearance of the famous stains caused by rain.
Below, we will show you how to work with different types of walls, in addition to the internal ones, effectively blocking wet areas.
Internal walls are true victims of humidity, especially those that are closer to outdoor areas.
Those who use any type of coating may find it more difficult to adjust the effect, since we are talking about an indoor environment. Still, you need to know what to use.
Here, we can separate into two groups, walls that have yet to be built and do not have the problem, and walls that already have the demonstration taking place.
For walls that have not yet been raised, care must be taken during its construction, waterproofing the baldrame in the correct way, using specific materials for this application and a specialized workforce.
On walls that already have the problem installed, it is necessary to check in which region it is manifested. If it is in the plinth, most likely, there was a waterproofing fault in the baldrame, if it is in the middle or at the top of the wall it may be an infiltration that is coming from the façade or even from a slab or roof.
Both situations require specific waterproofing agents for negative water pressures, which will withstand the force of the water and will not come off the surface.
To waterproof the plastering external, it is necessary to eliminate all types of dust or dirt residues from the surface on which the product will be applied.
When choosing what to apply, it is important to use waterproofing agents that withstand possible cracks or Trincas from the wall.
Between coats, wait about six hours. After the right time, apply acrylic or latex paint. Respecting the weather, you will have to wait about five days in total.
We know that outdoor areas are prone to weather changes, such as rain, sunlight, and humidity.
On this type of surface, it is important to always protect it with materials that withstand these elements, such as water-repellent silicones, without changing the color or brightness of the surface.
It is also important to review expansion joints and window seals. When necessary, replace or apply sealants specific to those locations.
Walls and retaining walls they are not the same as border or enclosing walls. Border walls are common in several Brazilian regions and are a potential problem.
This is because they can channel infiltrations due to soil and moisture, in addition to offering the danger of collapse if built without planning.
Despite citing the practical options on the market to resolve difficulties with internal wall infiltration, it is important to know in detail what to do to control moisture damage.
Keep following up for tips for repairing the affected surface and waterproofing.
Check to see if the affected location of the wall is at the bottom, middle, or top of the wall.
If it is on the top or in the middle, check the waterproofing of the façade to see if there are infiltrations coming from the outside or problems with seeping into the slab or roof.
If the moisture problem is at the bottom of the wall, I have separated the following steps for you to follow and solve this problem once and for all.
There is no other way, at least definitive, other than removing the current coating, reaching the brickwork, regulating it and applying a negative pressure waterproofing agent, and then re-placing the coating.
That way, the water will be trapped inside the structure, without damaging the coating or creating stains and molds again.
If you have questions about how to carry out this process, please contact Blok, which we can guide you in more detail, so that you do it correctly.
Remember, always seek assistance from professionals with experience in the area.
As we have seen above, waterproofing agents are the best solutions for this type of process.
Once everything is prepared, apply the product according to the type of wall, always opting for materials with certified quality.
Apply the product to the surface and respect the drying time. Apply a new coat, always following the instructions on the package.
Once this stage has been completed, it is time to apply the coating, finishing and finishing. The application of the coating aims to make the wall smooth and level so that the paint has a good finish, offering a pleasant look.
In addition to wall waterproofing, Blok offers other products to ensure greater protection against moisture, such as acrylic waterproofing agents. To prevent infiltration, this type of waterproofing works like a structured resin to ensure maximum quality and efficiency.
For walls subject to negative pressure, Block STP offers the best performance. On the other hand, those who seek to take care of the possibility of infiltration of the facades, the ideal is BlokSeal CC.
Take the opportunity to discover the line of acrylic waterproofing agents of Blok and stay on top of the usefulness and performance level of each specific product.
What I will pass on to you here is just care and attention with your construction in the coming years.
All negative pressure waterproofing ends up solving one problem and hiding another.
I say this because the waterproofing agent will hold the water inside the structures and, over the years, it will begin to damage the entire structure behind the waterproofing.
That is why it is very important that the construction structure be evaluated from time to time so that there are no risks for residents and that preventive interventions can be carried out.
Whenever possible, follow good construction and waterproofing practices, so that negative pressure waterproofing is done only in places where there is no other way, instead of ending up being used correctively during construction.
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