How to Waterproof Retaining Wall

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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How to Waterproof Retaining Wall

The retaining wall is an extremely important stage and has an essential function to avoid setbacks that can cause serious structural disorders to the work. For this reason, it should be the subject of your full attention during construction.

Every measure to conserve this structure must be considered by engineering, from planning to execution, and one phase of this construction that deserves mention is the waterproofing. Because of its power to prevent problems such as humidity, which hits the retaining wall silently and, over time, can be devastating.

Do you know how to waterproof retaining wall? It is a very important practice to guarantee the stability and perfect containment of slopes and slopes. Check out in this post how to make efficient materials for top quality waterproofing!

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What is the importance of waterproofing of the retaining wall?

One of the most important geotechnical works, the retaining wall plays a fundamental role for security, which is to guarantee the stability of a mass or slope, preventing landslides, collapses and, even, landslides.

In this sense, quality waterproofing is indispensable, as it helps to keep the structure protected for much longer. This will prevent the harm of wetness, which, in a subtle and gradual way, causes structural damage, compromising the wall's ability to withstand pressure, especially during rainy periods.

Care before waterproofing the retaining wall

It is not enough for the retaining wall to be built, to apply the waterproofing agent and to touch the ground. Following the correct construction process, prior to waterproofing the retaining wall, is a fundamental part for the complete protection of the structure.

Before starting to think about waterproofing the retaining wall, it is necessary to build and waterproof the baldrame on which the retaining wall will be built on top. To do this, I wrote an article about How to waterproof Baldrame, in it you will understand the step by step necessary to be successful in protecting this structure, and then we can proceed with the construction and waterproofing of the retaining wall.

Apart from the construction of the baldrame, planning prior to the construction of the wall is essential for the waterproofing to be done correctly. The best way to waterproof a retaining wall is to protect it from direct contact with the water that is in the ground.

Then, plan a space in a project so that you can work safely between the built wall and the land that will be leaning against. In this way, it is possible to protect the structure with a positive pressure waterproofing and extending the useful life of the building much longer.

In cases of rework, where it is not possible to access the side where the earth is leaning, the only possible alternative is to waterproof by negative pressure, that is, on the opposite side where the earth is placed. But remember, trapping water inside the structure will compromise its lifespan, which can lead to extremely serious structural pathological manifestations,

Another structural factor to be taken into account when choosing the best waterproofing agent is the movement capacity. The retaining wall is a rigid structure, however, which moves due to the load applied to it during the accommodation of the abutted ground.

This fact of the movement of the structure due to the load applied to it, makes it necessary to use a flexible waterproofing agent that will accompany the movement, and monitor any fissures or cracks that they appear in them.

How to choose the most efficient materials for waterproofing?

The choice of materials for waterproofing the retaining wall must take into account the technical need of the site and rely on quality products. Thus, you will have guaranteed efficiency in the process.

Make a detailed study of the characteristics of the terrain and the retaining wall that you want to waterproof and whether it will be in the part where there is contact with the ground and, therefore, is the most efficient, or in the opposite part where the earth will be placed.

At this time, the main factor must be the quality, both of the technical workmanship and of the products, since it is essential to prevent small savings from turning into serious and serious losses.

What type of waterproofing to apply?

There are two ways to waterproof a retaining wall, in the part where there is Positive pressure and in the part where the pressure is negative, that is, internal and external side, respectively. Identifying the most appropriate form for your situation will define the type of protection and the correct procedure for its execution.

For positive pressure

For negative pressure

Blok products are ideal for having all the quality and reinforcement in structural protection!

The Blok product line offers all the quality to overcome all challenges in your work, ensuring that there will be total efficiency in waterproofing. Developed with high technology, they are ideal to ensure that risks to the structure will be avoided, providing peace of mind.

Regardless of the phase and type of retaining wall waterproofing, Blok There are specific products for every need, acting on the pores of concrete, increasing resistance and preventing the action of any compound that could cause damage to the structure.

You can count on products of extreme quality, such as:

  • Blok ST: waterproofing for positive pressure, prevents leaks and strongly combats infiltration;
  • Block STP: waterproofing agent highly suitable for negative pressures on a retaining wall;
  • BlokFix: adhesive for chapisco, ideal for promoting the adhesion necessary for plastering done before waterproofing;
  • Blok EP 2: waterproofing resin for negative hydrostatic pressures, high strength and applicability;
  • Acrylic Waterproofers: complete line of resins waterproofing agents for your work, high-quality coating for negative and positive pressures.

Investing in quality in everything surrounding the retaining wall is the best alternative to demonstrate responsibility, since it is an extremely important project for the safety of people and the environment. Therefore, if you want peace of mind and the certainty of a job well done, always consider waterproofing.

Did you like the post? Now that you are well informed about how to waterproof a retaining wall, don't waste time! Access the Blok website and check out products that will help you a lot to succeed in the project!


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