How to Waterproof Roof Slab? Check it out! [Complete Guide 2024]

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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How to Waterproof Roof Slab? Check it out! [Complete Guide 2024]

The roof slab is an essential part of any construction. Care for it must go beyond aesthetic aspects, since its surface is directly exposed to climatic factors and, therefore, is susceptible to structural damage.

In addition to the need to execute the roof slab correctly, it is essential to preserve its structure, using methods of waterproofing efficient and quality, avoiding the action of moisture and time.

Therefore, knowing how to waterproof roof slabs and the importance of this action is fundamental for every construction professional.

If you want to know more about it, you're in the right place! Check out relevant information in this article to improve your knowledge!

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What is the importance of carrying out the waterproofing from the roof slab?

The perfect structural condition and the conservation of a roof slab are factors that certainly contribute greatly to the safety of a construction, especially in a tropical country, where rainy periods can be long and intense.

In this scenario, waterproof The roof slab is extremely important and must be a priority to eliminate any possibility of future moisture-based problems, such as infiltrations, cracks, the appearance of molds, corrosion of the reinforcements, and even exposure of the structure.

What are the advantages of adopting this practice?

The protection of the roof slab by a waterproofing layer provides important benefits, preserving the surface against damage that can cause unpleasant situations, in addition to great losses if the work has to be redone.

It's an intelligent way to protect yourself and avoid future losses and rework.

Next, learn more about the main benefits of roof slab waterproofing!

Replaces ordinary roofs

A waterproofed roof slab with suitable, quality products provides the safety and reliability to replace the conventional roof.

This possibility allows you to use creativity and adopt a modern, innovative architecture at a reduced cost.

In addition, roofless slabs are lighter structures, which makes leaner and more economical construction possible.

It allows the use of the area for leisure and socializing

Especially in urban areas, the optimization of spaces is very welcome and a common practice in current buildings.

With the versatility of waterproofing agents, which offer resistance for the most varied types of use, it is possible to use the roof slabs as leisure and living areas, without compromising safety.

Prevents the risk of leaks

Do you know that moment of rain, when we are surprised by leaks inside the house? It is an unpleasant situation that can be avoided completely by the simple act of waterproofing the roof slab.

In other words, it is a preventive investment that provides peace of mind in situations that may pose risks.

How to do the waterproofing of the roof slab?

The initial step for waterproofing the roof slab is to have professional support to prepare a specific project. This is the guarantee that all aspects will be considered so that the service has quality and efficiency.

With a clinical eye, it is necessary to analyze the following issues:

  • the leveling of the roof slab;
  • the storm drainage system;
  • a possible flow of people and vehicles;
  • the ways of using the roof slab;
  • O type of waterproofing suitable.

Knowing the characteristics of its structure is essential to identify the ideal product, which, using specialized tools, will be applied in layers to the roof slab surface. After drying time, one more layer can be added to provide mechanical strength and complete protection.

Some methods of waterproofing require a more complex application, using high temperature for sealing. Regardless of the type and products used, the procedure must always be carried out on the surface smoothing mortar.

Expansion joints also need to be treated, using sealants specific to that application. If possible, everything must be covered with a layer of mechanical protection, especially at the junction of the waterproofing with the wall.

What are the waterproofing regulations?

All projects by waterproofing basically they need to follow four main steps.

Preparation of the application substrate, waterproofing project, selection of materials and execution of the application.

For each of these steps, there are standards designed to guide best practices and product performance.

Preparing the substrate is the initial phase of the waterproofing process. This step is essential to be done correctly, so that all subsequent steps can perform as desired.

The NBR 7200 will guide precisely this phase, on how to prepare the surface in the correct way and the necessary steps so that the products applied on it are on a solid, clean and stable base.

Once the substrate has been prepared, the design and the selection of the materials to be used are the next steps. For these two phases, NBR 9575 will provide guidance on the waterproofing project, project preparation, and technical responsibilities. In addition, it also classifies each of the types of waterproofing materials available for use.

Once the previous steps have been done, then it's time for execution. For the execution of waterproofing, consult NBR 9574, which regulates the requirements, types of waterproofing, types of waterproofing agents and also specific waterproofing conditions.

The rules exist to be used in all works. Therefore, be sure to consult them frequently and avoid failures during the process that could cause enormous losses and risks.

What are the types of waterproofing?

There are many types of products for waterproofing roof slabs, which are indicated according to the characteristics of the site. The most common are based on elastomeric acrylic resins, offering high efficiency and ease of application. There are also acrylic and asphalt blankets.

To get it right at the time of choose the most efficient product for the roof slab, it is essential to consider the type of waterproofing. Any error in this interpretation could compromise the efficiency of the system.

The main procedures are:

  • Rigid waterproofing: made with additives mixed in traditional mortar, but is not suitable for roof slabs with intense movement and thermal variations;
  • Flexible waterproofing: made of materials with high elasticity and resistance to expansions caused by temperature variations;
  • Semi-flexible waterproofing: it offers more flexibility compared to the rigid one, but is not suitable for places where expansions or dimensional movements occur.

See the details of each type of waterproofing agent, below!

Polymer mortar

With high resistance to sun exposure, the polymer mortar it is applied in thin layers to the roof slab, and there is no need to add heat to the process.

The advantage of the product is its easy applicability and resistance to temporary water accumulation, in addition to its high resistance to ultraviolet rays.

Asphalt blanket

A Asphalt blanket consists of a mixture of asphalt and other materials, being, for many years, the most sought after option on the market. However, due to the low resistance to the sun, the mechanical actions and the more complicated installation process - since it requires heat for adhesion and sealing -, space was lost for cold procedures.

Acrylic membrane

The acrylic membrane has a high adhesive capacity due to its thermoplastic polymer composition. Its application is cold, superimposing several layers on the surface of the roof slab.

Its advantage is its flexibility, although it is not suitable for surfaces with inefficient water drainage, as there may be interaction between the acrylic membrane and the accumulated water.

Therefore, it is worth commenting that this type of material is not suitable for waterproofing reservoirs such as water tanks or swimming pools.

What precautions are needed when waterproofing the roof slab?

Some factors deserve attention from professionals involved in the roof slab waterproofing process.

After all, success depends on the correct assessment, planning, first-class products, and qualified team.

Thus, try to be aware of the issues related to the factors shown below.

Innovations in the area

Innovations are constantly emerging in the area, because, with technological advances, engineering also provides new information to contribute and facilitate work. For this reason, it is important to be aware of everything that happens.

More efficient techniques

The quest for excellence in engineering services involves the development of more efficient, cost-effective techniques that provide the highest possible quality. It is essential to monitor this progress to adapt to the best techniques for carrying out the work.

Roof slab waterproofing care does not end after the procedure is completed. Especially in the early days, it's crucial to ensure that vibrations, movements, and temperature variations are not causing problems.

Each type of waterproofing requires periodic care and maintenance, so it is necessary to analyze and strictly follow the manufacturer's guidelines to ensure good results. To ensure that the site is properly waterproofed, do the tightness test.

As you noticed, the waterproofing of the roof slab is very important to preserve the structure, avoiding setbacks and losses. However, it must be carried out in a planned and professional manner, in accordance with the characteristics of the building and within Brazilian standards.

A Blok It is a company with great experience, which offers certain and quality products, developed with high technology to provide maximum resistance and applicability - all the requirements to succeed in your work, in addition to the technical support at your side whenever you need it.

Now that you know How to waterproof roof slab, don't forget to plan properly to conserve the construction and be sure that no action will take away your peace of mind.

Did you like to know more about roof slab waterproofing? Also discover the products acrylic waterproofing agents and flexible polymer mortar, which are incredible to guarantee a quality service!


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