Industrial Waterproofing: Understand How It Works

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Industrial Waterproofing: Understand How It Works

A waterproofing Industrial flooring, structures and roofs is a practice that provides incredible benefits, as it preserves surfaces from the action of time, wear and tear, and contamination. In addition, it enhances aesthetic issues and makes the environment more pleasant.

Regardless of the type of use, intensity of human or vehicle traffic in the industry, waterproofing is the best alternative to ensure that the company's assets are protected and any rework is prevented.

Therefore, waterproofing industrial environments is a great investment and brings significant advantages.

If you want to know more about it, you're in the right place! Check out, in this post, guidelines to be well informed and better understand how it works!

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What is industrial waterproofing?

Industrial waterproofing is a technique that consists of coating floors, structures and roofs with a layer of protection against weather, humidity, constant use, and even corrosion and the aggressiveness of chemical products.

It is an efficient and highly durable process that provides resistance, generally using so-called flexible products, which have characteristics that withstand pressures, impacts and are molded according to the surface.

Another positive factor for the company is that industrial waterproofing allows a personalized finish, improving the appearance, facilitating cleaning and maintenance, providing a more comfortable environment for employees and customers, increasing the sense of well-being.

What care is needed?

When defining the best option for industrial waterproofing, it is essential to consider important factors that have a direct influence on the quality and efficiency of the service. It is necessary to be aware and analyze the following issues:

  • business segment of the industry;
  • hiring qualified labor;
  • identification of appropriate and quality products;
  • technical guidelines for application;
  • analysis of each structure to be waterproofed independently.

What are the risks of using palliative solutions?

The success and efficiency of industrial waterproofing lies in a detailed technical analysis of the characteristics of each structure - whether on floors, walls, slabs, roofs or tanks - to define the appropriate methodology and acquire quality products.

When a palliative measure is adopted, the strength and durability of the entire process is totally compromised. This means that the risks consist of a high probability of rework to reinforce the waterproofing and a considerable increase in costs.

What are the applications of industrial waterproofing?

The versatility of industrial waterproofing applications is an attraction for managers, especially since it contributes to meeting legal requirements, preserving the environment and improving the company's assets. In an industry, there are several possibilities for waterproofing. Let's look at some examples below.

Floors and walls

A floor waterproofing it is one of the most sought after alternatives, due to the certainty of efficient protection for various types of use, internal or external. It is the guarantee of safe environments free from any influence and contamination.

Slabs and Roofs

The application of waterproofing of slabs and roofs offer resistance against infiltrations that silently and gradually damage and compromise structures. The slab and roof deserve special attention, since it is exposed to weathering.

Retaining walls

Due to the contact with natural slopes, the retaining wall is exposed to infiltration by negative or positive pressures. For this reason, it's a good idea to apply appropriate waterproofing and ensure structural stability, avoiding potential accidents.

Separator tanks and boxes

This application of industrial waterproofing goes beyond preserving structures, but also reducing environmental impacts. Waterproof chemical containment tanks and separation systems are a basic measure for the regularity of industries.

Having waterproofed structures is advantageous for any enterprise, regardless of the segment or activity, knowing that the lack of protection Allows infiltrations, the appearance of molds, compromises the finish and can contaminate the soil. All of this leads to inevitable repairs and, consequently, to expenses and losses.

Therefore, as you can see, investing in industrial waterproofing is essential and can be considered a preventive action that brings certain returns. However, it is essential to have quality products and qualified professionals. Thus, the results will be satisfactory.

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