Everything you need to know about Iron Stone! Understand now.

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Everything you need to know about Iron Stone! Understand now.

If you have arrived here it is because you are looking for stones to use in your construction, was I right? If you are building or renovating and are thinking of using iron stone to surfacing of your business, this article is for you!

Here, I will introduce you to everything about iron stone and how you can benefit from all the advantages it can offer for your work. Because it is unique and striking, iron stone has been widely used in civil construction, since in addition to providing a different aesthetic effect, it also has several advantages, which we will understand later.

You must have seen buildings with stone and iron and noticed that it gives a very interesting effect, right? At the same time that it has a dark color, it gives elegance to any environment. Speaking of environment, it is possible to use this type of stone in various forms and in various types of environments, from facades to internal areas, such as bathrooms or living rooms. In addition to having a unique and striking stone, using iron stone provides several other benefits.

Therefore, continue reading this article to understand what iron stone consists of, what are its advantages and disadvantages, what are its most common formats available in the market, where they can be used in a construction, their price and how the stone should be cleaned and maintained. Then, continue with me to access this complete guide to iron stone that I prepared especially for you.

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What is iron stone?

First of all, we have to understand what it consists of Iron rock. Basically, we can define iron rock as a volcanic rock that undergoes oxidation, giving its own characteristics, such as color, texture and shapes.

It has a dark hue, ranging from brown, rust and even black, which makes it unique. The tone of the stone is precisely what makes it one of the most sought after by those who want a modern, elegant and, at the same time, rustic project.

Also known as Topázio or Pedra Pericó, iron is of Brazilian origin, which greatly diminishes its value. However, its great success in construction is mainly due to the aesthetic appeal it provides, with its unique characteristics.

Because of this, we can see iron stone in various types of environments and in various forms, both in external and internal areas, always valuing the areas where they are applied.

Let's now understand the advantages and disadvantages that iron stone can offer for your work. From there, it will be possible for you to assess whether it is worth the investment, right?

What are its advantages? And drawbacks?

There are several pluses to use stone and iron in buildings. The main one is, without a doubt, regarding the aesthetic issue that the stone offers. Because it has a unique color, it is ideal for those who want to give personality to the architectural project. While giving a rustic touch, it offers modernity and elegance to the decor.

In addition to the aesthetic factor, iron stone has characteristics specific to natural stones, such as high strength and hardness, being very resistant both to physical impacts and corrosive elements and to the action of nature, such as wind, rain and heat. However, despite its high resistance, iron stone must be treated with a specific product to protect it against the harmful effects that water may cause. Let's talk about that later.

Another advantage is in relation to the price, which is quite affordable when compared to other types of coatings. It also does not require major maintenance.

As for the drawbacks, we can talk about its dark shade, and you must be very careful when combining it with the decoration project of your building since it can overwhelm the environments. However, if you know how to use it, it is possible to create incredible environments.

Another disadvantage that is often not given due importance is in relation to the possible appearance of stains resulting from water in contact with the iron stone. Because it contains a large amount of iron ore, which gives the stone its color, when in direct contact with water, it is taken with it, and a reddish broth may come out that stains the surrounding coatings. This can cause a great inconvenience. But rest assured, because there is a solution. To avoid this, it is essential to carry out good waterproofing on the stone. You will understand about this later on.

What are the available iron stone shapes?

It is possible to find some types of iron stone shapes available in the market and that is what we are going to talk about in this topic. Thus, its sale may take place through plates or pieces of loose stones. Therefore, iron stone can be found in three types:

Mosaic: they are smaller pieces, in various shapes, suitable for forming drawings or labyrinths on walls. They can be sold in plates, making them easy to apply, or as separate plates, having to be placed piece by piece.

Fillets: one of the most used options because they provide rusticity to environments, are small strips with varying width, length and thickness, which may be more or less irregular.

Sawn stones: they are pieces in rectangular or square shapes, with slight variations in thickness from one stone to another.

Because there are these three different types of stone and iron shapes, you need to evaluate which one best fits your architectural project. With combined lighting, it is possible to give fantastic effects to the environments.

Where to use iron stone?

As we have said, iron stone can be used in many types of environments, providing elegance and rusticity to all of them. However, where we see this type of stone the most is in facades, entrance hall walls, balconies, gourmet spaces, bathrooms, and panels in living rooms.

It is worth using the creativity of architects and decorators to guarantee more style for the decoration of the environments. It is possible to innovate and create beautiful projects with stone. See some models on the internet to get an idea of how to enjoy all the benefits that iron stone can offer.

What is the price of iron stone?

The price of iron stone is not the highest, around 80 to 150 reais per square meter. However, this amount varies depending on the type of format chosen. Generally, iron stone projects do not require large quantities because, because it is very striking, the little that is used of the stone is already sufficient to give the desired effect. So it's not very expensive. And it also offers great advantages. Think carefully and evaluate if it is the ideal stone to use in your construction.

What to iron with iron stone?

Cleaning the iron stone is quite simple. Just use a broom with soap and water to clean the stone or even a high-pressure machine to remove the toughest dirt. There are still those who recommend using specific products to clean stones, but it is important to talk to the manufacturer beforehand to make sure that there is no risk of damaging the stone.

How to waterproof iron stone?

As mentioned before, iron stone does not require major maintenance after it has been applied. However, good waterproofing is essential to prevent the onset of pathological manifestations resulting from infiltration and also to prevent the flow of iron ore along with water, which can damage other materials near the site. In addition, waterproofing the stone makes it easier to clean as it prevents dirt from accumulating.

To count on the benefits of iron stone waterproofing, you need to know BlokSeal, a water-repellent product that, when applied, does not alter the characteristics of the material, creating an invisible layer that prevents water from passing through, preventing infiltration and hindering the accumulation of dirt. It is essential to use it to ensure more beauty and durability for iron stone.


Did you like to learn about iron stone? It is a very interesting option to use as a coating since it provides elegance and modernity to any architectural project. If you decide to use this stone in your construction, talk to the team from Blok to learn more about the BlokSeal and other solutions we have for your work! Until next time.


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