Mastic: what it is, how to apply it and which are the best on the market

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Mastic: what it is, how to apply it and which are the best on the market

Who already works with concrete artifacts and meets the varied and specialized demands of the construction sector, sooner or later, you will be faced with mastic. Have you heard about this product?

Mastic was originally extracted from the bark of Mediterranean trees and, as a resin, is used to manufacture varnish and chewing gum. In the construction segment, on the other hand, mastic is a product widely used for sealing, since it adheres to almost all types of surfaces: wood, aluminum, marble, steel and cement are some of them.

This type of product is commonly used for sealing concrete for connecting windows and sealing foundations. But its attributes allow other applications, as we will see in this material.

Then, read on. In today's article, discover more about what mastic is, how to apply it, and which mastics are among the best on the market. Follow up below and ask your main questions about the topic.

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After all, what is mastic?

It is a heavy-duty compound that can remain adhesive and flexible over time. It typically refers to a waterproof, airtight compound that is applied to elements such as exterior walls and roof surfaces or that is used to provide a robust and durable air seal for air duct distribution systems.

Thus, mastic is a powerful bonding agent used in many commercial and industrial environments, but it is also popular for laying tiles and sealing windows, walls, and ceilings in construction projects.

It is traditionally derived from the resin of the mastic tree, although it is also commonly manufactured synthetically. Depending on the application, it is usually available in the form of fine liquid, thick glue, or paste. Mastic can quickly and permanently bond many different materials, although in most cases it works best on hard, non-porous surfaces.

Therefore, mastic is commonly used in construction projects as an adhesive and sealant. It's a popular choice where one surface needs to be bonded to another in a durable bond or where the area needs to be protected.

The most common types of materials that mastic can adhere to include wood, aluminum, steel, marble, concrete, glass, and others.

When to use mastic in your projects?

In the construction industry, concrete has long been one of the preferences and has always remained among the main trends in the sector. Contractors build homes with concrete foundations. It is used for other equipment, such as floors with modern finishes. Mastic is used to fortify sidewalks, bridges, parking lots, curbs, and in so many other concrete structures.

However, while concrete makes our lives more practical and safer and projects more durable, reliable, and efficient, the material may require us to deal with the sealing challenge. That's where mastic can contribute significantly to the success of these projects.

Thus, among the examples and indications for the use of mastic, it is possible to highlight the following:

  • vertical and horizontal expansion joint;
  • Sealing frames;
  • Gutters, ruffles and drip pans;
  • Gluing ceilings, walls and floors;
  • Sealing joints for windows and doors;
  • Sealing the area around the bathtubs and other sanitary appliances.
  • Among others.

Thus, among the properties that make mastic so versatile and efficient, are those of resistance to water, temperature and ultraviolet rays. It is also able to resist corrosion, has elasticity and adhesion.

Based on these attributes, mastic becomes an ally in projects for the treatment of cracks and cracks, in addition to the recovery of facades and other concrete and mortar elements. This product is also used for corrective purposes of heating ducts and in air conditioning equipment.

Tips on how to apply mastic to your projects

If you detect in your company's projects that the application of mastic is recommended, know that this work, when done with quality products, tends to be quite simple.

The recommendation is to always perform a test to check adhesion and compatibility with the material.

First, it will be necessary to clean and dry the surface that will receive the product - especially removing oil, moisture and other apparent particles (such as dust). Also check the equipment for signs of efflorescence - and if so, before applying the mastic, treat the surface with a product specific to this problem, such as Blok Eflohard.

Once this step is over, you can use the applicator of your choice, carefully following the instructions of the product manufacturer, including with regard to the drying and curing time of the product. It will also be essential to respect the appropriate regulations - such as ABNT NBR 7,200.

It should be noted that, in general, due to its viscosity, mastic is better applied to thicker than thinner areas, such as large gaps and cracks.

The softness of the mastic accommodates the expansions and contractions of the concrete slabs, providing a permanent and firm seal. Thus, when properly applied, its seal prevents water and dirt from entering the structures of its clients.

What are the best mastics on the market

Originally, mastic was made from resin droplets from the mastic tree. This tree, scientifically known as pistacia lentiscus, grows most prolifically in the southern Mediterranean region, particularly in Greece and Turkey.

In most cases, the resin leaves the tree in the same way that the sap comes out of many pine trees. Harvesting it is easier if the entire tree is cut down, but killing the plant drastically limits supply and is not a sustainable solution. For this reason, filtration systems have been developed to capture resin as it is produced, which saves trees - but can make the final product very expensive, both in terms of the labor involved and due to natural supply limitations.

Given this, several modern manufacturers created their own mastic in laboratories. In most cases, this synthetic product has the same intense adhesive properties and is chemically almost identical, but it is much more accessible to the customer.

Therefore, to find the best mastics, it is important to evaluate issues such as their distinctive central properties - such as perfect adhesion to the surface, resistance to varying temperatures, ability to move, ease of application and handling time.

Polyurethane and silicone mastics can meet all of these requirements when manufactured to high quality standards and regulatory compliance.

This is done by the mastic line of Blok. These are totally safe products, made from the highest technology, specially created for professionals who work with the placement and application of ruffles, gutters, frames, glazing, and other demands.

Blok mastics are easy to apply and will provide excellent adhesion, waterproofness and weather resistance. Thus, your work will keep your client satisfied not only in the immediate moment after application, but also in the long term, given the durability and high quality of the service.

And then, it became clearer to you what mastic is, how to apply it and which are the best on the market? To learn more about the solutions developed by Blok, visit our Mastic catalog with the technical data sheet and other details about each product.


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