Nero Marquina: what you need to know about black marble!

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Nero Marquina: what you need to know about black marble!

Surely you have seen that black stone with well-marked white veins in architectural projects, as it is a unique and striking piece, isn't it? Do you know what rock that is? This stone that brings elegance to any environment is Nero Marquina marble and this is what we are going to dedicate ourselves to in this article.

Many people may think that black granite, which is very common and used in real estate, is considered black marble, but we will explain this difference and why marble has a much higher price.

Nero Marquina marble, or simply black, is a very high quality stone and because it is differentiated, it offers an incredible finish for any environment. Despite being a dark and striking stone, it is possible to combine it in various ways to compose the decoration of a building.

However, it is important to enlist the help of professionals to use marble so as not to weigh down the environment, since it is a dark stone. But there are countless projects with Nero marble and the beauty is undeniable.

If you like this stone and want to include it in the decoration, read this article to learn everything about Nero Marquina marble. If you already own this marble, let's talk about how it should be cleaned and I'll also give you a bonus on how to preserve its beauty for much longer. Are you ready? So let's go!

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What is the origin of Nero marble?

Nero marble has Spanish origin and is a marble imported, extracted from deposits in the Marquina region, in northern Spain. It is one of the most important marbles in Spain.

Nero Marquina marble has fine and compact grains, which make it have a completely black background. It is a very exotic stone and has a high value when compared to other types of marbles. However, the aesthetic appeal it offers is different.

Nero Marquina marble is considered a exotic marble, unlike ordinary marbles, so its price is higher. What differentiates an exotic marble from an ordinary one is its geological formation.

During its formation process, there are differences in mineral levels, climate changes, soil movements, or volcanic activity, which alter the composition of the stone, influencing the colors and shapes of the veins. Thus, they are practically exclusive, making it very difficult to have one stone like another.

What is the difference between Nero marble and black granite?

Many people think that when we talk about black marble we are referring to any type of granite black, but let's clarify that they are two different types of stones.

Nero Marquina marbles are natural stones originating in Spain and having a more uniform color, but they are more fragile stones compared to granites, which withstand a lot of traffic in the place where they are applied.

Although both stones are natural, it is important to understand that marbles and granites have differences that are reflected in the values of each piece. Thus, granites have a pigmented surface, that is, they do not have a single color. In addition, granites are more resistant when it comes to exposure to the sun, rain and human traffic, making them perfect for outdoor areas.

Nero marbles, on the other hand, are more uniform stones with white veins, with a very solid black background. They require more restrictions for the place where they will be applied and are also more delicate. On the other hand, the aesthetic finish is another!

Therefore, you need to evaluate what is most interesting to meet your needs. The most common granite is São Gabriel, which has a pleasant appearance and a much more affordable price than Nero marble. So think carefully before making your choice!

What are its advantages? And drawbacks?

As advantages and disadvantages What Nero marble offers refer more to the specific characteristics of all marble. Even so, we will understand more about each of its advantages and disadvantages to help you decide whether or not it is worth investing in this noble but expensive stone.

As for the advantages, in addition to the aesthetic issue, which cannot even be questioned, since it is a fact that Nero marbles give a more than special touch to any environment, it is possible to verify some other advantages.

One of them is the resistance of marbles and the other is the easy cleaning and maintenance of the pieces, which do not require specific products or laborious procedures.

Regarding the disadvantages, we can say that marbles are more porous stones, and stains may appear and also in relation to the price, and this is not an affordable option.

How much does a square meter of Nero marble cost?

As we have said many times in this article, Nero Marquina marble is not very affordable and is one of the most expensive marbles on the market. Its value changes according to the type, finish and place of application.

For example, when it comes to floors, the values are lower, since the pieces have a pre-determined format. On the other hand, to make custom-made countertops, the price tends to rise due to the loss of material during the making of the piece.

There may also be price changes due to the exchange rate, since the stone is imported. To give you an idea of the price, we can talk about 900 reais per square meter. Then, it is important to make quotes from reliable companies to analyze the quotes before ordering the part.

Where to use Nero marble?

Despite its dark color, Nero marble can be used in various ways, composing the decoration of different environments. It is possible to find it in places usually decorated with a predominance of light colors, such as in kitchens or bathrooms. As a countertop or kitchen table, it can be a good option, as it makes the environment sophisticated and, despite being black, does not weigh down because of the white veins.

In bathrooms, whether in the sink, box or even on the walls, it is also very common to use Nero marble to contrast with other furniture and white coverings, giving an elegant air.

Another area that gains with the use of Nero marble are the rooms, where it requires even more elegance, and this coating is perfect for upping the entire decoration.

So it's worth using creativity to define where Nero marble will look best in your construction! That's up to you!

How to clean and preserve Nero marble?

Cleaning Nero marble does not require great techniques. Just wipe a damp cloth over it to remove surface dirt. It is not recommended to use chemicals or abrasives that exist on the market.

However, there is a very interesting solution to protect your marble against infiltration and, consequently, stains and deterioration of the stone. Do you know which one? BlokSeal, an excellent water repellent that, once applied, creates an invisible layer that prevents water from passing through.

If you use this product on your stone, there is a great reduction in dirt accumulation and the prevention of stains on the material. Thus, the marble will be more protected, maintaining its natural beauty for much longer. Despite its dark color, Nero marble can degrade over time if it is not well maintained, hence the importance of protecting it against any effect that could wear it down.

Since you invested in such a noble stone, you need to guarantee its conservation for years, don't you?


Nero marble is a stone that has no doubts about its beauty. However, you need to consider the other points we mentioned here in this article to beat the hammer. If you don't have financial resources, perhaps other options as beautiful as they are more appropriate. If you decide to use this marble, I'm sure you won't regret it. But here's the tip to use BlokSeal, so that your beauty and sophistication last much longer! And, don't forget! Count on Blok for any challenge!


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