Oil Repellent: Complete guide on the subject!

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Oil Repellent: Complete guide on the subject!

Have you ever heard of oil repellent? If you've never heard of this term, it's time to learn more about it. Oil repellents are products used to guarantee more preserved, beautiful and easy to clean surfaces, even if any type of oil falls on them! If you didn't know that this type of product existed, this article is here to let you know everything about oil repellents.

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You may have come across situations where floors are stained by oil. It's very common in garages, because cars with a problem can drip oil and that's where stains that are so difficult to remove occur, isn't it?

Sometimes, the floor is so porous that it absorbs oil very easily in a matter of minutes, making it very difficult to remove or even impossible. But, be happy, because there is already a solution to solve this problem. Do you know which one it is? Oil repellents, our topic today.

Thinking about this solution that not everyone knows but which, of course, most must have experienced situations like the one I described above, we made this article to learn everything about oil repellents and understand how they can help you keep your buildings preserved for much longer and facilitate everyday cleaning.

Then, continue reading this article to get access to the topics that we will talk about here: what are oil repellents for, what are the differences compared to water repellents, how they should be applied, where you can use them and how to choose the best product. Are you going to miss this opportunity? Come with me.

What is the oil repellent used for?

You may already be wondering what the oil repellent is for because of its name, which already says a large part about the product. But let's clarify. The oleofugant is a product that repels oil, that is, in theory, it does not allow the substrate to absorb any type of oily material that falls on it. However, it should be noted that if the oil remains on the surface for long periods, it will probably absorb it. This is a very important point, since being oil repellent does not mean that the oil will never be absorbed by the surface.

But what is the purpose of the oil repellent, then? Well, we have to understand that when an oily liquid falls on a floor that received the oil repellent, the cleaning must be done immediately afterwards, because as soon as it is verified, its removal will be very simple since there was no time for the floor to absorb the oil. However, if days pass, the oily liquid will probably penetrate the material, at least a part of it. This is because the oil repellent does not create a film on the substrate, making it easier for gas exchange between materials to continue to occur, but it has this limitation regarding oil repellency.

Since the oil repellent repels oil, even if it's for not very long periods, it's a great benefit, isn't it? This is because only by protecting the surface from the immediate penetration of oils or absorbing less liquid, we can say that the oil repellent is a great ally in cleaning and maintaining these materials, since it prevents the appearance of stains and degradation, ensuring better conservation.

What is the difference between water repellent and oil repellent?

Another very interesting feature is that all oil repellents are also water repellents. That is, if you need an oil repellents, you will definitely buy a product that is also a water repellent. Then you will have a surface that repels both water and oil. Quite an advantage, isn't it?

Transforming a porous surface into one protected against water and oil is an enormous benefit both to guarantee good long-term conservation and to facilitate everyday cleaning. Water and oil are substances that are easily penetrated through porous surfaces and can cause infiltrations and stains, which cause damage to materials, often irreversible.

Therefore, if you have a porous surface, think about applying an oil repellent to it, I guarantee you will not regret it. The oil repellent also do not alter the original characteristics of the material.

Speaking of water repellent, I will introduce you to the best water repellent on the market: BlokSeal. BlokSeal, when applied to porous surfaces, creates an invisible layer that prevents the passage of water into the material, preventing the onset of any pathological manifestations that infiltrations may cause. It also does not create a film and does not alter the original characteristics of the substrate. To learn more about this product, contact the team at Blok and take a walk around our site!

Where to use the oil repellent?

Let's now understand where you can use oil repellents. Well, as I have said several times throughout this article, it is best to use it on porous surfaces. Obviously because they are subject to the penetration of water and oil and are more exposed to the consequences they may cause, such as the appearance of stains, infiltrations and the occurrence of other pathological manifestations.

Therefore, it is recommended to use oil repellents on porous floors, such as natural stones (marbles, granites, São Tomé, Miracema, Ferro, among many others), hydraulic tiles, tiles, cement floors or polished concrete. Basically, when we talk about porous floors, we are referring to these types. It is still very common to apply oil repellents to kitchen countertops, as this is where there is a great possibility of contact with oil.

Thus, applying oil repellents both to floors and to countertops that may come into contact with oil guarantees better surface conservation. But remember, as soon as you detect an oily liquid in contact with the surface, clean it as soon as possible so that there is no time to absorb it, okay?

How to apply the oil repellent?

To apply the oil repellent to the surface, it's very simple. It needs to be clean and dry. Therefore, before starting the application procedure, do a good cleaning on the surface and wait for it to dry completely. When we talk about floors, it is interesting to use high-pressure machines to remove the toughest dirt, ensuring better cleaning. Once cleaned and dried, you can start thinking about the application.

The application must be done according to the manufacturer's guidelines. Therefore, it is important to consult the product data sheet before carrying out your application. It is also essential to hire a professional team to perform the service to ensure an excellent result. And finally, the use of PPE's and correct materials for the application is essential. Therefore, before starting the service, select the appropriate materials, hire experienced professionals and choose the right product. After preparing the surface that will receive the product, it is possible to apply it and expect a satisfactory result.

How to choose the best oil remover?

Choosing the oil repellent is one of the fundamental steps to guarantee a good result from the application of the product. Therefore, select manufacturers that have experience in the field and provide credibility to their products. It is also important to check how the service is and whether necessary guidelines are given so that the application is carried out in order to avoid future problems.

Therefore, ask for recommendations, do a good search for manufacturers and search for quotes for the product you need. This contributes to a better final result.


Now that you know everything about oil repellents and how their use can add a lot to your construction, you can choose the best product on the market for this purpose. Therefore, research the manufacturers and make sure that you are going to buy a quality product and, thus, have all the benefits that oleofugants offer. You have seen that oil repellents repel both oil and water and are therefore great options to guarantee more preserved, beautiful and functional surfaces. Stay tuned for the news that Blok is constantly preparing to give more quality to the works! I hope this article helped you. Until next time!


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