Pink granite: how to use? Learn everything about this stone!

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Pink granite: how to use? Learn everything about this stone!

Have you ever seen pink granite? If this is news to you, in this article you will understand everything about this exotic stone, which adds a lot of elegance to the environments, configuring a very different decoration. Pink granite is nothing more than a granite that has a very striking shade, in the color pink, which may vary according to the pigmentation of the stone, and may be more homogeneous or more marked.

Here, you will learn about all the types of pink granite that exist on the market, their advantages and disadvantages, differences between granites and pink marbles, where it can be used in buildings and how cleaning and maintenance must be carried out to increase the useful life of the material.

Granites are natural stones very resistant and extremely durable used in a variety of ways. Pink granite is no different, as it has the same advantages as other granites, but it presents a very interesting difference when it comes to decorating environments, which is its shade. Pink granite stands out in the environment and, knowing how to include this stone in the decoration project, it is possible to create areas with unparalleled sophistication. Therefore, if you like pink granite, talk to your architect to understand how you can use it in your construction. It will certainly add a lot of value to the entire work!

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What is pink granite?

We can define the pink granite as a type of granite, with practically the same characteristics. Basically, like granites in general, pink granite is a type of magmatic rock, that is, formed as a result of the cooling and solidification of magma, however, its differential is the shade of the stone, which is pink with various types of variations. Let's talk about that later.

Granite is composed of minerals, including quartz, feldspar, which is responsible for the color of the stone, and mica, which gives it shine. The most common colors of granite are greyish and reddish, while others, such as pink and brown, are rarer, but just as or more beautiful.

Granites have been used since ancient times and remain very current in the decorative world. At the same time that it is possible to find granites in very old buildings, we see almost in every house today at least one countertop or floor made of granite. And with pink granite it is no different, as its use has been increasing and being incorporated in the most diverse ways to compose the decoration of environments.

What are the types of pink granites?

Among the types Of the pink granites that exist on the market, we can name the most common. Let's get to know each one of them to better understand their characteristics.

Raissa: presents a more rustic pattern, with dark elongated spots along the entire length of the stone. It combines with country spaces or beach houses. It is also used in kitchens.

Capri: it is a little more uniform, with a slightly finer grain and its color neither so light nor so dark.

Iracema: it has very fine grains and a softer color. Ideal for locations that require more discreet stones.

Porrino: with darker markings on some spots, it has a very vivid color and stands out a lot in any environment.

If you have already decided on pink granite, now you need to choose which type is most suitable for what you need. Then, evaluate each of the options I presented here to find the perfect combination for your building decoration.

What are its advantages? And drawbacks?

The advantages that pink granites provide are many. First, we can talk about the aesthetic effect they give to any environment, giving elegance and sophistication to any decoration project. Second, it is a very versatile stone, which can be used as a floor, wall, sinks, countertops, tables, stairs, in short, it is worth using creativity to include pink granite in architectural projects.

Other advantages that we can mention about pink granite are in relation to resistance and durability. Pink granite is one of the hardest and most resistant granites, withstanding abrasion, heat, water, and scratches. In addition, no major maintenance is necessary to keep it always beautiful. Its cleaning is also very simple.

The price of granites is another factor that is quite attractive, as it is much more affordable than other types of coatings, such as marbles. Considering all the advantages that granites provide for environments, their cost-benefit ratio is very interesting!

As for the drawbacks, we can say that granite is a cold material, ideal for hot places, but in colder regions, it can cool the environment even more. Also, because it is a heavier stone, it is necessary to have a firmer base.

And finally, pink granites are not very homogeneous stones, which can be a negative point for the combination of elements in the decoration of environments.

Differences between granites and pink marbles

Os granites and marbles they have some differences, despite the fact that they are natural stones. While the difference in appearance is clear, since marbles are much more homogeneous than granites, which have grainy pigmentation, there are other, more subtle differences between stones.

One of them is in relation to strength and porosity, since granite is much stronger and less porous than marbles, making it easier to maintain. Regarding the price, there is a significant difference between the stones since the marbles have much higher values.

Basically, these are the main differences between granites and pink marbles. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it's up to you to analyze to decide which one is the best option for your construction!

Where to use pink granite?

Pink granites can be used in a variety of ways shapes to compose the decoration of the rooms. However, it is necessary to know how to combine them with the project since it is a different piece that stands out a lot.

It is more common to see pink granite as a kitchen counter, giving an elegant effect to the entire area. We also see tables or even decorative pieces of pink granite, giving an even more special touch to the rooms

In bathrooms, pink granites are preferred to give more femininity and sophistication, and can be applied to walls, floors or sinks.

It's worth using creativity to decide where to apply pink granite, but the possibilities are endless! If you like this stone, check out ideas on the internet to show the beauty of pink granites in your home!

How should pink granite be cleaned and maintained?

The cleaning and maintenance of pink granites are very simple and this is one of their great advantages. However, to ensure even more conservation, you need to apply BlokSeal on your rocks.

BlokSeal is an excellent water repellent that, after being applied, creates an invisible layer that prevents water from passing through. This ensures that the granite is protected against the action of water, preventing stains and preventing the accumulation of dirt. Thus, the granite will be more protected, maintaining its natural beauty for much longer. Quite an advantage, isn't it?

Cleaning is also fairly easy. Wiping with a damp cloth is enough to remove the most superficial dirt. It is not recommended to pass abrasive chemicals over the stone. If you want to wash the granites, there is no problem, as long as you have used BlokSeal, because with it, stains or any degradation of the type will appear due to direct contact with water.


Now that you know everything about pink granite, you can decide if it is the best choice to compose the decoration of your project. As you can see in this article, pink granite provides several benefits for environments, but some variables must be considered.

So, research each of their types to decide which one is best for your needs, right? And when choosing the stone, contact the team at Blok to get to know BlokSeal!


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